I want to watch this again and again and again.
Also such a good episode. Just everything. Everything was so well-done and so perfect. Even when Harry turned into a paternalistic arsehole, the truth of the matter is that really, he’s right, and that Hannah sometimes hates herself for that part of her that needs to be Belle and that loves being her. And then there’s no real line between Hannah and Belle anymore and that’s when she’s most interesting; and she breaks down and Billie Piper is so very amazing. And she knows she’s cheated on Ben because this wasn’t just a client, this was her being turned on and wanting him, too. “Never cross the line. Never cross the line.” But she did and she knows.
And then when she comes to Ben and she basically cries right at him and he doesn’t even notice. There are actual tears in her eyes, she is crying out to him and she needs him but he doesn’t understand and he wouldn’t understand. I am going to be so disappointed in the narrative if they end up happily ever after because that is very clearly not the story they are telling us so far on screen. Hannah may desperately want it, but I just don’t think it would make her happy. As
goldy_dollar would put it: what I really ship is Belle/Her Own Awesome.
Also that whole scene with Jackie. Perfect. I laughed till I cried. What I also find really interesting is the juxtaposition of Hannah's family and Stephanie's family in this episode. We as viewers are all very used to Hannah's work and the way her friends (i.e. Bambi and Ben) handle it; and I think it was important to have Poppy's reaction to her profession in there specifically in the same episode that Hannah's sister comes to visit. Because that's what the stakes are: that's what her family is going to react like (or at least fears they will react like) if they ever find out, with disgust and insults and disappointment. That's why she can't ever tell anyone. It's why that point was so important to her in the first episode of the series, and why she didn't want to lose Ben as a friend. I have an inkling that they are building something up and going somewhere with this, and I'm really interested in seeing how it all plays out.
Also, I am going to need Belle’s red nail polish, stat.