Wearing: A pair of faded shorts...Thats it. I just had a bath and i feel hot, so thats why.
Hair: Wet, covers my eyes if the wind blows the right (or wrong) way.
Jewelry: im wearing rubber black bangle things on my right hand...does that count?
Eating: i had some chips earlier.
Drinking: I tried some of that new vanilla coca cola stuff. It was alright.
Thing last said: "Fuck yes" in response to coming up with 4 crazy chords which work together.
Last phone call: I can't remember...i don't phone people often.
Mood: a bit tired, but quite happy.
Last thing watched on TV: I watched some of RI:SE this morning on 4
Listening to: Radiohead "Wolf at the Door"
IM-ing: Not signed into MSN.
I need: To get f'ckn laid!!!
Ate today: chips
Did/doing today: Not much. Maybe add another concept to my Sociology coursework. Maybe do my History project. I don't mind though. Erm, maybe continue developing my music piece i made up earlier. Or and i did English today and tried vanilla coca cola.
Went to bed/woke up: about 2am, and i woke up at about 8.
Looking forward to: Kinesis at the Astoria on May 1st.
Worst part of the day: not being able to find NME and buying Kerrang instead.
Best part of the day: Maybe my chord sequence.
Current annoyance: My song writing block. But then my musical genius is more than making up for that :p
Current obsession: iced tea. the new radiohead album.