THE FINALE IS UP!! It begins here:
Chapter 48-Legacy ![](
**This timeline will spoil you completely if you haven't read Embark, Framed, or BYBR. It's meant to be a guide for people who've started reading a need to refresh their memory about something or to refresh my memory, lol.**
This timeline was started by
_alicesprings nbsp; and then continued by me (which in no way improves its accuracy, kthnx). This story covers 11 years so far, so even I lose my place. If something seems off, please comment.
Events specific to
the day after Justin leaves, a Saturday...
- Brian goes to the Mercedes dealership and pays cash for a silver S-class Mercedes, $77,175.00.
- Brian gets the salesman to blow him at a rest stop.
- Brian listens to Justin's first message from the city.
Events specific to
Beyond the Yellow Brick Road...
3 weeks after Justin leaves: (Spring 2005)
- Brian considers going to NY - Drunken conversation with Ted aka 'things I love about Justin'
- Justin calls
- Sock!talk
4 months after Justin leaves: (late Spring 2005)
- get new studio space, names it VEAL
- lives with Daphne’s friend, Maya
- meets (Josie) Harper
- milk crates for sitting (--> Eggo)
6 (approx.) months after Justin leaves:
- Brian reopens Babylon
11 months after Justin leaves: (Winter 2006)
- 7 months after he moves into new studio
- normally: first art show in 2 weeks, BUT robbed. Computer stolen.
2 days after robbery: (Winter 2006)
- New computer
3 days after robbery: (Winter 2006)
- Justin cancels show
5 days after robbery: (Winter 2006)
- Harper wants to come back (and does)
- Zeek brings her stuff over
- Justin meets Zeek
- Justin meets Alan Harper
- draws 'Security' sketch
- bonds with Zeek
- fucks Zeek + inspiration for 'Untitled' canvas
- meets Zeek’s brother at Mindset; propositions him whilst intoxicated
1 month after 'Security' sketch/About 1 year after Justin’s been gone: (Early Spring 2006)
- Justin's first show, together with Harper
- Card and basket from Brian
- Brian buys 'Untitled' canvas
- Justin meets David Cartwright, psychiatrist
Before Brian comes to NY, but after Justin's first show: (Spring 2006)
- Justin develops a 'relationship' with Daniel
- Justin paints mural for Daniel's office
- Justin accepts to move in Daniel's building, but only if Harper can come with him.
- Brian buys the Diner under the name DP INC. (Disco-Pharmacologist, Inc.) Promotes Debbie to manager, asks her to help
set up Zeal; the deal is private
1.5 years after Justin leaves (late Summer 2006)
- 4.5 years ago from starting point YBR
- Summertime
- Daniel and Jonathon meet in a straight bar (Mickey's), discuss Justin and Daniel's problems
- Justin moves in Daniel's building (his second floor), together with Josie (Harper)
- Brian goes to NY, for the first time after Justin leaves
- Brian meets with Gabe in Mama Zirrolli's, hires him for Zeal
- Brian visits gallery Frenquency, meets Margy
- Brian buys already sold painting for $2500, $2000 for painting, $500 for Margy’s trouble
- Brian meets Justin in coffeeshop
- hotel, sex
- Justin has to leave
19 months after Justin leaves (early fall 2006)
- Brian meets Zeek
- Zeek helps with electrical system in Babylon
2 months after Brian's trip (late Autumn 2006)
-Zeal is open for business
- Zeal already existed when Brian met Nate
Sunday, December 24, 2006:
- Second Christmas apart (Justin left before December 2005)
- Justin's present-bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue and note
- Justin's off to Key West with friends (Zeek and co??)
Monday, December 25, 2006:
- Phone message from Justin
Summer 2007:
- Harper and Justin meet Alan at old studio; Harper meets Sam
October 13, 2007
- Harper gets married; she's already pregnant
- Zeek makes surprise appearance.
- Alan is at the weddin
3 years after Justin leaves: (~Spring 2008)
- Brian meets Nate Rockford, head of Brown Athletics
May 2008:
- Amelia Jocelyn Harper-Collins is born.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
- Debbie comes to Brian's office to tell him that Chris Hobbs has been killed
- Brian goes to New York and sees Justin. They have dinner, Brian tells him the real reason for the visit, and they ride home together in the limo.
- Jennifer calls while Brian and Justin are riding back and tells Brian that Craig didn't remember Chris Hobbs's name.
Justin is asleep during this conversation.
- That night at Babylon, Zeek fucks Julie (the backroom spy) in Brian's office and it's caught on tape.
Thursday, November 13th, 2008:
- Daphne arrives to be with Justin
- Brian learns via Ruben that Zeek fucked a girl in his office. He has the tapes.
- Brian pays a visit to Craig to inform him that he's paying for Molly's education and to stay away from Jennifer, Molly,
and Justin.
- Brian throws away the bloody tux and scarf he wore to the prom in the trash behind Craig's store.
Friday, November 14, 2008
- Chris Hobb's funeral; Brian's limo is followed by "press"
- Lunch at Country Club with Brian, Justin, Jennifer, and Daphne
- Daphne and Jen take limo to go shopping; Brian & Justin walk home (convo about life)
- 17 msgs. on Brian's machine
- shower, fuck
Saturday, November 15, 2008
- Brian listens to msgs. They're from Cody. Reports this to Carl. Has talk with Justin about not being able to protect him.
- Justin returns to New York on a bus. He's filled with creative energy.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
- Justin returns to the studio, anxious to paint. Daniel asks Justin if Brian is his lover. Justin says yes.
- Later, Daniel finds out his mother has died. Justin says he'll look after the place while Daniel's away. (Daniel's mother=Emma Cartwright)
Monday, November 17, 2008
- Alan stops by the studio. He and Justin talk about Alan's childhod, and Justin realizes Alan isn't mentally ill, and is homeless by choice.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
- Justin's 26th birthday; (canon fact)
Saturday, January 7, 2009
-Chris's funeral was almost 2 months prior.
-Zeek in Babylon complaining to Ruben about Brian giving him a hard time.
-Gabe 'discusses' Zeek's behavior with him.
-Emmett is working at Zeal as a host.
-Brian has Zeek bring him a blond from the dance floor after dinner.
-We learn of Gabe and Debbie's relationship--what works and what doesn't.
5.5 years after Justin leaves: (mid-October 2010)
- Phone call to Brian
- Justin wants and can come home
- Unbeknownst to each other, Brian and Justin begin abstaining from sex so they can forgo condoms.
Monday, December 13, 2010
-Zeek installing Transition Privacy Doors on Brian's office at Kinnetik. They operate by remote, increasing or decreasing their transparency.
Saturday, February 5th, 2011:
- Justin has a farewell dinner in New York with Daniel, Jonathan, Harper, Sam and Amelia. They give him a Rolodix with art contacts.
- Harper tells Justin she thought she was pregnant, but it was a false alarm. She says she will continue to work in their studio.
- Justin and Daniel reminisce about the night they met, and Justin tells of a job offer to teach a workshop at PIFA.
Wednesday, February 9th, 2011:
- Justin returns to Pittsburgh for good!
- Fisting rehearsals
Thursday, February 10, 2011:
- Brian goes to work after sex
- Alan calls collect for Jusitn; tells him he didn't steal his computer
- Justin takes 'vette to grocery store and fixes dinner
Friday, February 11, 2011:
- Justin drinks $5K bottle of wine from cellar
- Justin is frustrated with fridge/dishwasher; fridge is emailing him
- Justin writes letter to fridge
-Fisting rehearsal
Saturday, February 12, 2011:
- Justin talks to bunch of friends on phone welcoming him back
- Justin goes to Babylon; meets Ruben
- Brian fucks Justin in his office at Babylon
Sunday, February 13th, 2011:
- Justin's fifth day home
- Justin shopping, uses The Car
Monday, February 14th, 2011:
- Valentine's Day
- Brian baits Justin into wine cellar; gives him 'vette
- Justin gives Brian head; becomes Valetine's Day tradition
Wednesday, February 16th, 2011:
- Date is confirmed by events later in story
- First Tuesday or Wednesday night of their marriage; author’s note: it’s actually that Wednesday
- 'Untitled' canvas fight (mural)
Thursday, February 17th, 2011:
- Leaving for honeymoon at The Rockford in New Hampshire, Nate Rockford’s home away from home
- First time raw
- Brian has a nightmare about Justin dying
Friday, February 18th, 2011
- Painting is broken during sex
- Justin meets Sarah Melody who's really Nate's wife
- Justin gets drunk; bad behavior
- Brian fucks Justin with his socks on
-Emmett, Ruben, Gabe and Zeek fly to Atlantic City for a weekend away. Gabe and Emmett are hoping to meet the men of their dreams.
- Sarah Melody extends an invitation to Brian at The Rockford, to have a drink with Nate, who will be visiting for the weekend.
- Gabe fucks Jeffery Pendergrass in Atlantic City
- B/J have dinner in The Tavern at The Rockford
- Justin leaves the table to return to their room and get stoned, after hearing Brian's account of finding Molly giving her boyfriend a blowjob. Meanwhile, Nate joins Brian for a drink
- Nate plays the piano for diners in The Tavern
- Justin lays on the piano while Nate plays, as part of an impromptu wedding reception
- B/J dance to Stand by Me, sung by Sarah
- Leo Brown dies in Chicago
- Sarah buys a leash for Nate... and uses it.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
- B/J have breakfast with Nate and Sarah
- B/J have dinner at a steakhouse. Afterwards they go to a gay bar called The Rabbit Hole, where the fuck in the backroom and exchange 'wedding vows'
- When they return to the Rockford, they fuck and Brian fists Justin
Sunday, February 20, 2011
- Brian and Justin leave New Hampshire and return home.
Monday, February 21, 2011
- Brian tells Cynthia that he and Justin got married.
- Brian has a working lunch with Ted, Rube, Gabe, then they work out at the gym. Brian is filled in on the Atlantic City trip, and then tells the guys about the honeymoon.
- Brian admits to Ted that he fisted Justin.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
- Brian flies to Chicago for Leo Brown's funeral
- He and Nate dine with Leo's attorney, Jay, at The Harvard Club.
- They discuss the Brown Athletic's plant possible relocation from Chicago to New Hampshire. Hold a press conference.
- Brian and Nate dine at Cutter, a cigar bar & restaurant where they reminisce a little. Kyle Rowland, Leo's 'personal' assistant, propositions Brian in the rest room and gets turned down.
- Nate tells Brian he fired Kyle and is replacing the copy machine.
Meanwhile in West Virginia...
- Justin receives three packages from Sarah and Nate: an Almond Ambiance toiletry gift basket from the Moments with Melody collection, a trio of garden gnomes in compromising positions for him, and the repaired painting for Brian. Justin hangs the painting on the blank wall over Brian's PC in his study.
- Justin takes a bubble bath, decides to have wine with breakfast, goes into the cellar.
Meanwhile on the way to West Virginia...
- Zeek has 3 slim-line ice machines in his van to store in Kinney's cellar (the machines reference back to Framed). He's expecting Cesaro, Kinney's pool boy/gardener/housekeeper to be coming down the stairs and his surprised to see Eggo.
- Zeek queens out after the encounter. Hopes that Justin will stay quiet and showed him how to use Kinney's robo-pliances to buy his silence.
- Goes to Zeal...he's late...yells at Gabe for not telling him about the Kinney-Eggo connection.
- Jennifer shows Rube, Zeek, Gabe and Emmett a house for sale. Rube wants to buy it. Zeek cruises Jenn, until Emmett points out that she's Eggo's mother.
- Brian returns from Chicago.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
- The fidge won't stop beeping. Justin calls Zeek out to the house to turn the fridge's computer back on. He tries, but can't.
- Gabe and Brian have a business breakfast meeting. He lets it slip that Zeek and Justin have a prior relationship.
- Brian goes home and finds Justin and Zeek together in the kitchen. Zeek leaves.
- Later, Brian confronts Justin in his studio. He's painting over the mural with primer. They discuss Zeek, and argue a little. Justin confronts Brian about information he found in Brian's desk; letters from Craig, and tuition payments for Molly. Brian has bought up properties surrounding Craig's store trying to put him out of business. Brian goes to his study and gets drunk.
- Later still, Justin and Brian talk about the bashing, and Brian confides that he went to the hospital at night after the bashing, that he feels guilty, and tells of his nightmares. He falls asleep. Justin has completely covered up the mural. Later, they fuck.+
Thursday, February 24, 2011
- Zeek resigns over the phone. Brian goes to Zeal and confronts Zeek. Zeek will stay.
- Brian gives Justin the deds to the businesses around Craig's. Tells him to decide what to do with them.
March 2011
- Justin starts working at PIFA.
- On his work days, he drives into the city in his own car, talking to Brian along the way. They meet at the loft for a lunch fuck. In the afternoons, Justin goes to Kinnetik for an "after-nooner".
- Brian notices white stuff in Justin's hair from the flaky office ceilings. He notices Justin isn't working in the home studio anymore, and wrongly assumes he's painting at PIFA.
- One day, when Justin isn't supposed to be in the city, Brian sees him there and follows him to St James Academy. He doesn't mention it to Justin.
- Brian shows Justin the Untitled paintings he bought over the years. One of them says I LOVE YOU
Justin doesn't say what it means.
- They go to bed, and Justin confides that he's lost his muse and can't paint.
- They talk about his studio in NYC and about Daniel. Justin says he's too happy and can't paint without conflict.
- They don't have sex at all for several days. Brian is horny.
Friday, March 18, 2011
- Brian gets a call from Ben. Michael's upset at the news Brian and Justin are fucking raw. Brian goes home and finds an upset Justin.
- Justin takes a valium. 'Dr Kinney' comes out to play. Justin gets fisted.
- Justin tells Brian the painting means; it's not about the words. Brian hangs it over their bed.
- Justin's libido returns with a vengeance. They fuck all weekend.
Monday, March 21, 2011
- Justin tells Brian to stay at the loft overnight. Brian's curious. And horny.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
- Brian returns to the house to find that Justin has redecorated the bedroom to match the painting. He loves it.
Monday, April 4, 2011
- Daniel finds a bloodied Alan outside his home on the sidewalk.
- Alan and Harper's unborn daughter Madeline both die in hospital. Harper doesn't know Alan's dead.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
- Zeek, Brian and Justin travel to, and arrive in NYC, not aware that Alan has died until they hear of his murder by the police on the radio.
- Brian meets Amelia at the hospital. The gang goes back to Daniel's. Justin and Harper talk, Brian and Zeek go to a bar and talk, all eat dinner together at Daniel's, and Stitch approaches Zeek looking for Justin.
- Plans are made, with Zeek at the helm, to go underground the next day and see Justin's work.
- Brian and Justin return to their hotel room at The Regency.
- Zeek goes to Lana's place for sex, Lana was Brian and Zeek's bartender earlier that day
- Jonathon comes home to find Father Dick (Father Richard Donnelly) asleep in his bed with his 'clergy-ware' on
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
- Nate decides not to go to Chicago, to stay in NH instead, gets a call from Brian and informs Sarah that she and he will be performing at Alan's funeral
- Zeek leaves Lana's, forgets his gun and has to go back
- Stitch, Zeek, Sam, Brian, and Justin meet to go into the tunnels to see Justin's art.
- Daniel stays with Harper and Amelia.
- Alan looks on from the afterlife.
- Leo has joined Chris, Alan, Ruth, Emma, and Jack Kinney in the AfterDeath.
- Justin sees Alan's life underground and Alan's hidden talent.
- Brian sees Alan's version of the Hobbs gravesite sketch.
- Amelia and Daniel color together. She draws a picture of Brian.
- Brian and Justin return to their hotel after the tunnels and make love.
- Nate and Sarah prepare to fly to NYC.
- Leo navigates the AfterDeath, primarily helping Ruth (Alan's mother) cope.
- Everyone returns and recovers from the tunnels in their own way and then gather at Daneil's to watch the footage.
- Cody joins the AfterDeath.
- Sarah and Nate arrive in NYC. Sarah meets Harper; they bond. Sarah banishes the men from Daniel's home.
- Brian, Justin, Daniel, Sam, and Nate go out to dinner so that Sarah and Harper can have time to themselves. Harper is re-energized and leaves Daniel later that night with Amelia.
- We learn Sam story--how he fell in love with Harper.
- In the restaurant, Daniel mentions the painting he saw in the tunnels, and Brian clams up. Justin notices this immediately and ends the evening.
- Brian and Justin are misfiring in the hotel, so much so that Justin pisses Brian off, so he leaves, gets drunk, and ends up at Daniel's. He makes an ass of himself and then has a dissociative break, confusing Alan's death and Justin's bashing.
- Justin talks to Daniel and Jonathon; all are concerned about Brian.
Thursday, April 8, 2011
- In the early morning, Justin has come into Daniel's bedroom thinking him asleep to collect the information off of his chair in order to have it replaced because Brian's boots had made very small scuff marks on it the night before. Daniel sees him and tells him it isn't necessary, that it can be cleaned; Justin refuses and replaces it anyway.
- Brian wakes up at Daniel's, on his living room floor with Amelia sitting on his chest, watching a movie. He overhears Daniel talking to Jonathon on the phone.
- Justin orchestrates Brian's departure from Daniel's; they go back to the hotel; Brian asks what he did the night before and Justin tells him, but he's vague and leaves out important details.
- Justin's relieved that Brian doesn't remember the specifics and is too emotionally overwhelmed by what's happened to Brian, what he's feeling, and Alan's death to talk about it and ends up breaking down in bed with Brian with no real explanation. Brian doesn't press him, just tries to comfort him and they end up making love while Justin reflects on his feelings about all of this.
- Jonathon and Daniel realize they must intervene before the funeral or everything will revert to the way it was.
- Jonathon convinces Daniel to call Justin and tell him to come to the church where everyone is preparing for the funeral under the guise that he needs to prepare his remarks to finalize the preparations, but Daniel has also purposely fucked up the chair delivery.
- Jon and Brian go to Daniel's to switch the chairs; Justin writes his 'speech' for Alan; Harper and Sarah lose Amelia in Macy's; Zeek goes with Stitch to figure out what's going on with the abundance of food and donations; and Jack is booted from the kitchen in the AfterDeath.
- Jon and Brian have a 'session' in a restaurant; Brian struggles to get through it, and eventually understands what has happened to Justin and his part in it.
- Justin is 'homeless' now, wandering, trying to find a place to belong. Eventually, ends up in the studio at Daniel's talking to Harper.
- Amelia gives Brime Kinney a taste of her bedside manner.
- Harper and Sam try to accept the reality that Amelia's already an adult.
- Daniel continues to struggle with Alan's death and now with Justin & Brian's problems, internalizing them.
- Chris and Cody are finally freed in the AfterDeath. No restraining anything anymore.
- Justin's becomes emotionally paralyzed trying to cope with Alan's upcoming death and Brian's psychological problems. He shuts Brian out so completely that Brian goes and asks Jon to help him. Jon and Justin have a long talk. Brian and Justin begin to reconnect. Richard and Jon battle stress in their relationship because Richard is still in the closet
--Harper confides in Richard regarding her concern for Justin. Richard confides in Jon regarding his concern for Daniel. Brian and Justin attempt--finally successfully--to begin to confide in one another about how they feel. Amelia confides in her toys.
--Brian and Justin continue to wade through the night; Justin reveals more things to Brian, peeling away the layers of all the years.
--Danny Cartwright (Daniel's father) is finally united with Tate and Madeline in the AfterDeath.
Friday, April 8, 2011--the day of Alan's funeral
-Brian and Justin continue to discuss Justin's reservations about attending (42)
-Danny Cartwright ventures further into the AfterDeath and finally meets Alan (42)
-Jonathon meets with Harper to help her prepare for the funeral (42)
-We learn of Daniel's involvement in Alan's recovery (42)
-Daniel says good-bye to Alan in his own way (42)
-Brian, Justin, Zeek, Gabe, Sam, Harper, Amelia, Richard, Nate and Sarah arrive at the church (42)
-Father Dick starts the ceremony. Danny & Alan are in attendance in spirit. (43)
-Funeral ends with Gabe and Daniel hooking up and Anderson Cooper approaching Brian and then Justin about doing an interview for CNN. (44)
-Justin, Harper, Sam, Stitch, and all the children paint a mural in honor of Alan using his ashes in the paint. (44)
Summer 2011--
Brian and Justin have returned home. Rube and Zeek announce they are leaving the country for awhile so Rube can compete in a tournament. Brian arranges for Harper, Sam, and Amelia to come stay with B/J for a month and to, along with Justin, help out in Rube's and Zeek's absences. Harper confides in Justin and Brian about what a hard time she's having in NYC. Zeek makes it obvious to Gabe that he still has feelings for Harper. (Chapter 46)
Brian has father/son problems with Gus that lead to an argument with Justin. A social event leads to Brian having to explain IWWINN® to Justin. (Chapter 47)
Framed Wednesday, February 9th, 2011:
- Justin comes home after being gone for 6 years
Thurday, February 10th, 2011:
- Brian wants Justin to stay
- The wedding, vows
- Justin comes to Kinnetik with the candied walnuts
- They go to the loft
Friday, February 10th, 2012:
- First wedding anniversary -- THE END
Gabe Zirolli:
- 28, gay
- meets Justin and Harper before meeting Brian, through Zeek
- encounters Alan in his restaurant
- eventually Zeal's (restaurant) manager
- introduces Brian to Zeek
Ruben Dressler:
- manages Babylon
-juggles, entertains
-head bartender
-yo-yo, hacky sack, Etch-a-Sketch, Erector Set, collector tops
Nate Rockford:
- meets Brian 3 years after Justin's leave, Spring 2008
- BA business associate
- straight, married, no children
Sarah Melody
-Nate's wife, an artist, works under the name 'Sarah Melody'
-real name Sarah Cooper/Rockford
-Brian and Justin broke one of her paintings in their room at The Rockford.
-paints, gnome figurines, personal cosmetic line: Moments with Melody
Zeek Zirrolli:
- Gabe's older brother,
- bi? ('will fuck anyone'), reminds Brian of Ben, ‘SECURITY’ t-shirts
- crumpled business cards, Brian gives him new business cards.
- Brian needs Zeek for electrical system, about 2 years after Babylon!boom (and Justin's leave)
- Brian uses Zeek more and more over the years. Getting high.
- Zeek's nickname for Gabe = Babycakes
- Zeek's nickname for Brian = Boss Man
- fucked Justin; also, Harper
- friend of Harper, met her 2 years ago from meeting Justin, 'saved' her from Alan
Josie Harper:
- Justin moves in her old studio space, after she moves
- comes back and lives together with Justin
- friend/fuck buddy of Zeek
- has younger brother Alan who is homeless and schizophrenic
Alan Harper:
- Josie's younger brother
- schizo, stole Justin's computer.
- Justin meets Alan, draws him and Harper. The sketch is part of Justin’s first show and sells that night.
- bonding with Zeek.
Brian Kinney: (canon)
- has 3 other untitled paintings of Justin’s
- got his first Mercedes in December of 2006, has had it upgraded every couple of years
- owns Zeal, a restaurant with a Thai emphasis
- owns Kinnetik
- owns Babylon
- kept the house which still has five empty rooms, a gas fireplace upstairs, a sauna
- kept the loft
- employs Gabe, Zeek, Ruben, Ted, Cynthia
- has the Brown Athletics account and a close, personal relationship with Nate Rockford, Operations Manager
- cuffs Justin to his own easel the night he gets home for good
- thinks Justin’s ass tastes like candied walnuts
Justin Taylor: (canon)
- moves to NYC late winter 2005
- lives with Maya, Daphne’s friend
- shares studio space with Josie Harper
- had to replace his stolen computer and cancel his first show
- piggybacks on Harper’s first show and sells the mural, the Security sketch, and one computer generated piece that night
- receives a gift basket from Brian that night-wine, cheese, fruit, and a note
- meets Dr. Daniel Cartwright at that show in front of the mural
- has a pair of very thin, very clingy gray pants that Brian is partial to
Daniel Cartwright:
- psychiatrist
- gay
- falls for artsy/troubled types
- masochistic tendencies
- outbid by Brian for painting in Frequency (ha!)
- did his residency with Jonathon
Jonathon Massey:
- Daniel's friend for 13 years
- gay
- also a psychiatrist
- did his residency with Daniel
Chris Hobbs: (canon)
- Went to high school with Justin
- Bashed Justin after their prom while Brian watched
- Was confronted by Justin and Cody Bell and made to apologize for the bashing at gunpoint
- Married to Meredith and has a baby named Ryan
- Died in a construction accident on Wednesday, November 12, 2008. Was survived by his wife Meredith and their 8 month old son, Ryan.
Cody Bell: (canon)
- Started the Pink Posse vigilante group
- Has been harassing Chris Hobbes and his widow, wants Justin to reform the Pink Posse
- His father refurbishes construction equipment
Molly Taylor: (canon)
- Justin's younger sister
- Brian is paying her college tuition
- Brian catches her outside a skating rink where she's blowing a guy. He intervenes.
- manager of Taylor Electronics
Julie Warner
- girl who sneaks into Babylon and gets caught. Fools around with Zeek in Brian's office, and it's caught on tape.
- Later, she tries to validate a "coupon" for a free meal at Zeal, written on the back of one of Zeek's business cards.
When Emmett refuses to honor the coupon, Julie calls Brian and complains about a "bad experience" at the restaurant.
- bartender at Zeal
- manager at The Rockford
Erica Morgan
- Assistant Manager at Zeal
- fired from The Apprentice for offering Trump sex for an exemption
Kenny O'Brien
- Bartender at The Tavern in The Rockford
Emma Cartwright
- Daniel's mother, deceased in 2008
Sandra Massey
- Jonathon's mother, deceased in 2009
- Brian's Xmas trick. (Deleted scene from Chapter 4)
Jeffrey Pendergrass (canon)
- trick that Gabe ends up fucking in Atlantic City and then feels disgusting afterward
Debbie Novotony (canon)
- Michael's mother
- Runs the Liberty Diner for Brian
- Told Brian about Chris Hobbs accident/death
Gus (canon)
- Brian's son with Lindsey Peterson
Leo Brown (canon)
- CEO of Brown Athletics
- deceased in February 2011
Kyle Rowland (canon-character, named by Plum)
- Leo's 'personal' assistant
- fired from
Nurse Tate
- the nurse who took care of Harper's and Alan's mother in the mental hospital
- NYC divorcee that Zeek sleeps with the night before going underground
Father Richard Donnelly, aka 'Father Dick'
- Priest Jonathon is sleeping with in spring 2011
- works at St. Agnes Cathedral in NYC
- unorthodox Catholic priest
Danny Cartwright
- Daniel's father, deceased, appears in the AfterDeath
- the police chief's assistant
Roger Eggard
- Personal chef Justin's hires in Chapter 46
Brian’s world:
- Babylon
- Zeal
- Kinnetik
- NYC gallery Frequency
- Mama Zirrolli’s to hire Gabe
- the house
- the loft
- a coffee shop where he sees Justin
- the hotel where he fucks Justin
- The Rockford-Nat'es resort where they go on their honeymoon, tacky decor, excellent service
- Mercedes dealership
- Cutter...cigar bar/restaurant in Chicago that Nate and Leo frequented
Justin’s world:
- Mindset, dance club
- Frequency, gallery selling his work
- Veal, his studio with Harper
- apartment with Maya
- a favorite, nameless coffee shop
- the hotel where he fucks Brian
- his new studio, shared with Harper, dowstairs from Daniel's apartment.
Brian/Justin's world:
- The Rockford, resort in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire where they honeymoon. Owned and run by Nate and Sarah Rockford who also live there.
- The Rabbit Hole, gay bar in Dixville Notch, NH where they dance and enjoy nuptial fellatio.