recpost 5/15/11

May 16, 2011 01:30



more maps than books by addandsubtract
pairing: Arthur/Eames
summary: for this prompt on inception_kink. hells yeah band shenanigans.
mmmmmmmm this is EXACTLY what I wanted. Arthur being bitchy! Ariadne and Yusuf being trolls! Super Soakers! Cobb being vaguely useless and codependent! Eames being my favorite! ALSO, THEY ARE IN A BANDOMY-TYPE BAND AND THE BAND IS CALLED INCEPTION AND ARIADNE IS THE BASSIST WHICH IS SUPER HOT. This is just slow and lovely and relaxed and the essence of tour, and you can totally tell that the author is a person who is-or-was in bandom because that's just what it feels like (is this on Warped? I don't think it actually says but it feels a bit like Warped), and I love it quite a lot.

Scott Pilgrim

Listen to Bands That Don't Even Exist Yet by Lexie @ AO3
pairing: STEPHEN STILLS-CENTRIC FUCK YEAH with Stephen Stills/Joseph, Stephen Stills/Julie, and peripheral Scott/Ramona
summary: Stephen Stills
23 years old

Status: Maybe gay??
Stephen is dating Julie, until he isn't anymore.
Oh my god, you guys. There was a lot of good shit at Yuletide this year, but I think this might be the best. From the second I saw Bex's Yuletide wishlist, I was like OH FUCK SOMEONE HAS TO WRITE THAT STEPHEN STILLS CHARACTER STUDY ONE WITH LOTS OF STEPHEN/JOSEPH OR I MAY CRY. and then someone DID, and it was REALLY REALLY AWESOME. Guys, all of Joseph's dialogue is tiny font. There are things in bold that are clearly the scene change text or things in boxes. THEY HAVE THE NAME/AGE/RATING STUFF. If that wasn't enough to convince you, the characterization is perfect and STEPHEN/JOSEPH STEPHEN/JOSEPH STEPHEN/JOSEPH and I seriously cannot rec this enough. PLEASE READ IT.

Shameless (US)

you ought to look up more often by romancandles
pairing: Ian/Mickey
summary: mickey’s life is a tragicomedy and every moment with mandy is another episode of the ian gallagher appreciation hour.
FEELINGS. Oh, my god, feelings. So this fic is actually the reason I decided to start watching Shameless in the first place? THANKS FOR THAT, because Shameless is fantastic. Incidentally, so is this fic! Sadly it is not porn. But it is almost BETTER, because it is about Mickey Milkovich and his hard life and how he is in love with the infuriatingly pretty Ian Gallagher, and also his little sister is amazing, and there are appearances by my secret future husband Lip Gallagher and please read it because I'm not doing it justice but it's oh so pretty. The only problems with this fic: a) it is not a jillion words long and b) it has ruined me for anything else this fandom will ever produce.

The Social Network

partition by hazyflights
pairing: Cameron/Tyler
summary: n/a
This is legit one of my favorite fics in TSN fandom. And not even because the person who wrote it is a person I love a whole lot. No, I love it because a) JFC IT'S CAMERON/TYLER WHY ISN'T ALL OF FANDOM MADE UP OF THIS PAIRING and b) oh, my god, words. prettypretty words. and the porn is lovely but the porn is barely the point because oh my god twins twins BROTHERFEELINGS ALL OVER MY FACE. There is a sentence in this fic that is 244, two hundred and fourty-four words long, and it might be my favorite sentence in the entire English language. May, I am sorry my promised podfic of this is taking forever and a half, I keep getting caught up in everything, but IT WILL HAPPEN. tl;dr please read this or I will frown at you through the internet.

M.A.D., Mutually Assured Destruction by antistar_e
pairing: Mark/Eduardo, "with appearances by everybody and their 6'5" crew-rowing brother"
summary: I got a note too. Someone knows what we did.
So remember how I said I'd just rec every TSN fic antistar_e writes? Even if I hadn't said that, I'd still be reccing this one. Because- oh. Oh, this one. I mean, you pretty much had me at twenty-seven thousand words of serial killer fic, but then I actually read it and oh. Mark. Eduardo. MarkandEduardo. I could sit here talking about this fic for paragraphs upon paragraphs and I wouldn't do it justice.

It's not a happy fic. There's character death, sometimes of characters I love very much, and there's terrible terrible things, and I'm not going to talk about the ending, but there are also moments like THIS:

At some point late at night, Dustin comes scratching at the door like a cat that's been left out in the cold, pretending to cry and warbling pathetically, "guys, I just want to sleep," which he keeps up until Raymond from next door sends Eduardo a text the says, is that moskowitz? tell him he sounds like a Venetian eunuch, which makes Eduardo laugh so hard he has to get up, pull pants on, and go to show Dustin, because it'd be a crime not to see his face.


Star Trek Reboot

Somewhere That's Green (or, Suddenly Christopher) by the_deep_magic
pairing: Chris/Zach
summary: [High school drama club AU.]  Karl just rolled his eyes.  “Look, Zach’s my best friend, but he needs to learn how to deal with not getting the lead for once.”
You guys, I am so glad this fandom refuses to die, because I love it SO MUCH. And the_deep_magic wrote probably the first Pinto fic I ever read (YES, IT WAS THE PON FARR ONE, BECAUSE OH MY GOD) and is still one of my number-one favorite writers in STXI fandom. And now this exists, and it is fic about high school drama club doing Little Shop of Horrors which is pretty much one of my favorite things in the history of ever, and there are boys being dorky and faily and all the high school cliches that I love, and it is packed with lovely little nods and in-jokes and Rachel Nichols is in it and THERE'S A MENTION OF SIMON'S BEST FRIEND NICK. Also? JJ. JJ ABRAMS THE DRAMA TEACHER. AND THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JOKES ABOUT HIS DIET COKE ADDICTION. I LOVE LIFE. Is it summer 2012 yet?


Remember This First by mekosuchinae
pairing: gen (brothersssssssssss)
summary: Loki remembers everything.
crying about loki dot my life dot com, as memlu says. THIS MOVIE PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE WITH FEELINGS. You guys, I have a serious serious thing for brothers, and brothers having feelings about each other, and maybe being kinda gay for each other, and I really love sibling narratives in general but I JUST LOVE BROTHERS A LOT OKAY. As anyone who has seen my fucking Shameless liveblogs knows. And so Thor filled me with brotherfeelings and my heart swooned and then Memlu wrote a lovely lovely mini-fic and I crave MORE. THORRRRR. LOKIIIIIIIII. ♥

recs: scott pilgrim, recs: the social network, recs: thor, recs: shameless, recs: star trek, recs: inception, !rec post

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