Mass Effect 3 Extended Ending (Spoiler Free)

Jun 26, 2012 20:15

Free DLC, you say? Why of course I played it! I like that Bioware stuck to their guns and did not rewrite the ending. The expansions and explanations were nice and I also appreciated that they integrated the extra bits so it wasn't all just stuffed onto the very end ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

prisoner__24601 June 27 2012, 00:35:05 UTC
Spoilers in this post for those who don't want to know ( ... )


plutospawn June 27 2012, 01:11:50 UTC
I never actually romanced Garrus, because I liked the idea of having once really good friend not trying to have a go at your pants. Seriously, there needs to be a fic out there about the inherent creepiness of every single crew member attempting to make passes at Shepard one after the other after the other (my first playthrough, I somehow landed the Kaidan date back to back with the Traynor, "wanna do me?" bit, back to back with the Allers "wanna do me?" bit ( ... )


kosiah June 27 2012, 05:09:13 UTC
Indoctrination. It's all a hallucination. I don't care. I can't hear yoooou. Nyah. Nyah ( ... )


prisoner__24601 June 27 2012, 09:51:47 UTC
Yeah the Synthesis ending was actually much creepier than I thought it would be. I can totally see how that would either be an indoctrination vision or just a really bad idea in the future.


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