(no subject)

Dec 15, 2008 11:47

I'm actually allowed to do it this time since I dropped Kei and the answer is no longer "I'M THINKING ABOUT IT" on everyone.


I feel like Mikoto's been in camp for too long. Mostly because he's only supposed to be a Princess for a year in canon, and he's been in camp for well over 18 months now, and he still has to do it. It just feels wrong to me (not half as wrong as he thinks it is though :D). But I love him, and I love his canonmates and I love having him. He's become more backburnery lately because I have to kind of pick his threads and posts so it doesn't feel like I'm having the same "oh you're a guy?" conversation over and over again, but I do enjoy playing him when I have good threads.

Plans: Finish translating puripuri+ so people can app Kiriya and Tomoe, because that'd really inject life back into him.

Dropping? Not unless Megumi and Kouno are going too.


There was a time when Kousaka was my primary, but I've somehow lost confidence with him since then. I need to throw him out more to get it back, because I love love love playing him. I've just been feeling a bit shaky with his voice, since I know my image of how inside his head works has changed and crystalised as I've played him, and I wonder if that comes out in my playing of him.

Plans: Get out more, bug the 00 and Macross F casts since I've actually seen those and can properly fanboy them now.

Dropping: Not a chance right now, he's my baby. And Saki-chan would lynch me.


Isabella is an odd one for me. It was only through a series of circumstances that I ended up apping her at all, although I don't regret it in the least. I feel like I'm not doing her justice, not just because I don't know about fashion (since that's relatively easy to fake), but because she's not forming relationships enough. She's a social creature, although she does often hang around in the background in the manga. I feel bad that she doesn't have the same advice-giving role as she does in the manga because she's just not close enough to many people for them to talk to her about their problems. But I think I have her voice and her personality down okay, so the answer is really just to get her out more. Which is the answer with pretty much all of my characters.

Plans: Jump people who she would/does get along with more! Get her some decent friends. Whore for canonmates.

Dropping: If I had to cut down on characters she'd be one of the first to go, but I don't actually want to drop her.


As I said in the poll about primaries, I originally intended to drop Sui at the end of summer. She's from a tiny canon, and I feel bad about not being able to fight properly with her, and she doesn't have people dependent on her like every single one of my other characters. And I thought she was kinda one dimensional and a one-joke character and if I played her enough I'd burn out on that. But I wasn't counting on just how much I LOVE playing her. I don't care if she's got less depth than a couple of my others, she's amazing and I adore everything about her and never don't want to play her. She's the only character of mine who I find it easy to make relationships with because she's just so pushy about it, and I just love her a lot.

Plans: More fighting stuff! Find more sparring partners! Get a couple more boyfriends but try and tone down on that a little bit.

Dropping: Yeah I. No. Not for a good long while.


SHIZURU IS HARD. I apped her knowing she was going to be a backburner because that's what she does! She sits in the background sipping tea while everyone else does all the work. The problem in camp is that she's not established as an authority figure. She doesn't have her minions, but even if she did I wouldn't want to only thread with them. So I've been trying to find a place for her in camp's system, but it's slow going since it's always much more tempting to get someone else out. And I feel bad when I drop threads with her after a short while because she's not really into long conversations unless your name is Natsuki or you've really, really caught her interest or have something important and serious to discuss. I think.

Plans: Throw her at more people until someone sticks! Stop stressing about her being a backburner because I always knew she was going to be a backburner when I apped her.

Dropping: No, but if I absolutely had to choose one she'd probaby be the first to go right now. But I'm not actually going to do that. Not unless Natsuki dropped anyway.


I really, really need to just SUCK IT UP AND PLAY HIM. I know this. I do feel a little better that other people haven't properly introed their counselors yet either, and I am still working on that thread with Deb slowly but surely. Basically the plan is to say that he's been off being a hobo and really, really lying low while he learns to deal with the whole camp thing for the last week or two that he's technically been in camp but hasn't actually been threading. I'm planning on throwing up an IC monologue post in his journal about that, since he doesn't... actually internal monologue thaaaat much when he's talking to people, although he does, yes. And he's not Dexter without his big internal speeches when he's alone. But basically I'm still having OH FUCK I'M PLAYING DEXTER jitters and I'm only making it worse by taking my time, and the only thing that's going to make them go away is to play him, I just. Need to actually do it.

Plans: Like I said, write an internal monologue post for his journal to explain what's been going on in his head for the last little bit, and then actually get him out around camp. I kind of wonder if putting him in a CFUW game would help with forcing me to get him out a lot and write his voice, while not quite having the same pressure as CFUD to get his voice absolutely perfect, but that's a moot point unless someone's running one, and I should have the self-discipline to get him out a lot anyway.

Dropping: Not happening unless I actually try threading with him and fail which I'm not doing I'm just being incredibly slow.

And now, the comment count that makes you all feel better about your own comment counts!

Yutaka Mikoto (plzdontdome): 4,812 comments (36.22%), played since 2007-02-27 (657 days at 7 comments/day)
Kei (sucks_tobeme): 2,540 comments (19.12%), played from 2007-04-24 to 2008-10-29 (555 days at 5 comments/day)
Kousaka Makoto (anddoubleclick): 3,710 comments (27.92%), played since 2007-06-10 (554 days at 7 comments/day)
Minagi Mikoto (canhasasword): 222 comments (1.67%), played from 2008-01-08 to 2008-02-28 (52 days at 4 comments/day)
Isabella (becomestherose): 1,039 comments (7.82%), played since 2008-03-28 (262 days at 4 comments/day)
Sui (schadenfighter): 656 comments (4.94%), played since 2008-08-24 (113 days at 6 comments/day)
Fujino Shizuru (never_giveyouup): 259 comments (1.95%), played since 2008-10-12 (64 days at 4 comments/day)
Dexter Morgan (wrapartist): 48 comments (0.36%), played since 2008-11-22 (23 days at 2 comments/day)

Total comment count: 13,286 since 2007-02-27 (657 days at 20 comments/day)

Mikoto and Kousaka having more comments per day than Sui is residual from when I only had three characters so they were getting out more XD my monthly comment counts since I got Sui have been pretty hilariously unbalanced compared what I'm used to.
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