Over the weekend I read Oscar Wilde. Both "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "The Ballad of Reading Gaol" also a bunch of Wordsworth and Tennyson. Gosh those two were amazing poets. And Oscar Wilde is funny although he seems a bit full of himself in his plays sometimes
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Woohoo! I am finished moving footnotes in Jesus the Christ! Now on to all the million little details! My goal is to have it ready for Post-Processing Verification when I go home on the 10th. That gives me two weeks
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Ayy, whaddaday! Last night around midnightish I picked up a computer from one of my hometeachee's to return it to BYU computer rental for her. Earlier in the day I had I chance to help her back up all her stuff to take with her. Sometimes I feel like hometeaching is one of the only things that validates my general worthlessness
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I finished reading "A Time To Kill" last night. Not Grisham's best. I haven't studied nearly enough for my Spanish test today, ah well. I won't do badly, just probably not well
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Related to talking about the South. Until you've spent an evening chasing fireflies, you haven't lived. (Yeah I know they exist a few places outside the South, but not like they do in it)