just pretend that last entry doesn't exist

Apr 05, 2011 00:27

DAAAAAAAMN. my friends page is filled to the brim now

so anyways two things

computer spying meme;

- comment with a request to see absolutely anything on my computer. my desktop, my documents, my bookmarks, my inbox, secret stash of pornography, latest works in progress... whatever you're curious about.

- I will respond with a screenshot.

I'm still trying to delete every single e-mail I got from April Fool's (which were like 300+ lmao) and I admit it makes me just so happy that at the end I was able to friend almost everybody ♥♥

I ship Capstalia/main comm and fanbase/japanbase

don't know what I'm talking about?


so i know what yer thinking

why not capstalia/fanbase?


I want some heterosexual up in here. Plus I cannot seem 'em as anything more than friends. Admit you act all gay with yer own bff and people think they're your boyfriend/girlfriend too. So ya

now guys, I KNOW capstalia and main comm are supposed to be related.
well, take it like other fangirls ship USUK.
don't care.

but now let me fangirlgush about why I ship them so.

so fanbase/japanbase is purty simple

one, it's not hard to see fanbase admired japanbase a lot. She draw really good and has a good singing voice and she can be totally series yet at the same time more perverted and crazy than capstalia and that's saying something and after a while it's obvious he developed feelings for her. From my own view of fanbase, the people that surround him daily are history and fujoshi

and capstalia dropping by everyone now and again (he's like those friends who come over and raid your fridge and act like your house is theirs)
and those times when he secretly (but not really since everybody knows) goes over to visit kink

to get some service
and in case the italics didn't work he basically goes to have hot dirty sex until they break the bed. damn hormones of a million fangirls make fanbase do this

so yeah. this is fanbase's life for me. He can't really see japanbase that often. and when he does see her her immediately starts to blush and tries to come off as cool-looking but just manages to both entertain and freak out japanbase

also, sometimes he's so distracted by the pretty that his minds actually forgets japanese and then it all goes downhill from there. Japan is just amused because fanbase has once again forgotten she know ENGRISH and fanbase has sunk down enough to actually start using google translator to try to understand her.

But no matter how sweet the relationship may seem at first, japanbase is actually a huge fucking tsundere and poor fanbase is trying his best really, but he's so used to the others loving him instantly that japanbase being in her tsuntsun mode just sends him for one heck of a ride.

also because

/ships forever

also capstalia helps them even if he doesn't notice it. Fujoshi sips them but she ships everyone and main comm doesn't get it.as long as it's behind and lj cute and it's member-locked it's ok. you know how japanbase gets

and fanbase's dream is to be able to hug japanbase without:

A)anyone interrupting we're looking at you, capstalia and main comm

B)japanbase going tsun therefore PUNCHES WILL BE THROWN

C)japanbase being japanese and not wanting for people to touch her

D)the hug being for comfort only (you know what I mean)

and now capstalia/main comm

which frankly it needs more fabulous 'cuz that's how everything with capstalia goes

fuck yeah sparkles

so this one is summarized pretty quickly.

capstalia just has a huge fucking crush on main comm. don't ask why, he doesn't know either

but since capstalia is...


he goes at it the same way little kids do.
which is bothering her so he'll be noticed




main comm really does like capstalia. just not in a romantic way. she's just made to follow the RURRRUS pff ok sorry I had to and being well behaved. she's very very conservative, even is she is a fangirl, and she doesn't really like spam

and capstalia is........well, a capslock community.

of course, there are rare but beautiful times when capstalia cools down and main comm is in a good mood, and both can get together actually pretty damn well.
but everytime capstalia tries to show affection to main comm, like hugging or holding her hand or actually doing something somewhat romantic for her, she just thinks this is capstalia being his usual loving self.

the only person who know about capstalia's crush is fanbase. he tries to help sometimes, but it's impossible to fully figure out main comm. plus when capstalia pisses off fanbase like when he was about to confess to japanbase and capstalia crashed in he obviously will not help him in trying to woo main comm

capstalia is well aware that main comm has zero romantic feeling for him at the moment, but he'll just try and try again while having one-night stands with kink because he's patient for love but he's not a saint

so in general


I hope the cuts work or else your friends page will be raped

shipping yey, holycrapihavealotoftags, sparkles~, i write too much, friends are love, capstalia, meme

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