
Nov 22, 2020 18:06

B L O O D   O F   T H E   N I G H T
Gargoyle’s history is a mess of time, facts and fantasy. True fact, keeping a proper timeline of all the events on the show, comics, as well as facts the creator talked about during the conventions held, is difficult but not impossible. However, Demona is that one character that has the longest and the most difficult to gather background because she lived through 1000 years, accompanying the world history and development since the times of the Vikings in Scotland to 1994; to make it even more complicated, surreal characters as Merlin and King Arthur, as well as Avalon, also do exist and are also related to her in many ways. There are many places to find a proper timeline to better understand the show, including the fantasy timeline, however I will simply leave a link for curiosity’s sake and nothing else, because not everything is related to Demona.

All information I have here was gathered from the show, comics, interviews and facts that the creator spoke of. Nothing is headcanon. Due to difficulty to follow Demona’s history without having seen and read the comic books, I will try my best to make it like a guide, so it’s easy for all to understand.
I’d also like to remind you that historical names (Princes, Kings, Queens) aren’t made up; they did exist. I will give little to no explanation of them because of that.
FINALLY, I did say there is a lot of time jumping during the show, but I wish to remind you that no matter what, past cannot be changed. It means all the time jumping that happened was supposed to happen from the beginning, so there are no parallel times and universes as consequence to that.

The three races
Gargoyles was the first race created and descend from other gargate species (class of animals best known for the process of stone sleep. The only two species still in existence are gargoyles and gargoyle beasts . They were the first race to appear on earth and they have a strong link to it, possibly due to their great age, and which strongly affects their stone sleep and strict breeding cycles.

By the dawn of recorded human history, gargoyles had spread throughout the planet, and clans could be found all over the world. This period of prosperity came to an end, however, when humans learned how to work metal, particularly with the dawn of the Iron Age. Humans had long feared gargoyles, believing them to be demonic monsters because of their frightening appearance and nocturnal nature, but had up until now been no threat to them; at night, the gargoyles were too formidable to be safely challenged, being much stronger than humans and able to glide, and during the day, the crude and primitive weapons of the Stone Age were no danger to a gargoyle in their stone-like sleep. But when humans armed themselves with iron weapons, they could come upon gargoyles in their sleep and shatter them. Many clans were destroyed this way, and the ones left were forced to retreat far from human society, into the wilderness where it was safe.

But not all humans treated gargoyles this way. Some humans realized that the gargoyles, because of their fighting skills, made excellent allies in defending their homes from rival human bands. These humans sought out gargoyle clans and obtained permission from them to build fortified homes for themselves atop the cliffs where gargoyles kept their rookeries. By day, the humans in such a fortress would watch over the gargoyles in their sleep, and protect them from harm, while at night, the gargoyles would protect the humans' home from attackers. And for a while, this strategy worked.

But it did not last long. As time wore on, the humans who had initially formed these alliances came to fear their gargoyle protectors, considering them unnatural creatures and savage beasts. Tensions grew between the two races, and usually, they ended with the humans turning on their former protectors and destroying them. At last, humans came to abandon these alliances altogether (for the most part), and the surviving gargoyles fled into the wilds to hide.

Beyond this general course of gargoyle history, a few specific events stand out. The earliest recorded event in gargoyle history took place during the reign of Caesar Augustus (27 B.C. - A.D. 14), the first Emperor of Rome. By Augustus's day, there were few gargoyles living in the lands taken up by the Roman Empire, largely because there was so little wilderness left in it for them to hide in, but occasionally, gargoyles were brought before the Emperor.

At that time, gargoyles' garments did not turn to stone with them in the daytime, and so when a gargoyle awakened from stone sleep at sunset, his or her garments would be torn asunder by the process, rendering him or her naked. Augustus, a man with strong "family values" and very desirous of restoring high standards of morality to Rome, was displeased by this, and had one of his advisers, a powerful wizard, cast a "spell of humility" over the entire gargoyle race, causing their clothes to turn to stone with them henceforth.

At about this time, the legendary Irish hero Cu Chullain was accompanied on many of his adventures, including his defeat of the Banshee, by a gargoyle beast which came to be known as the "Hound of Ulster" (although later on, the name came to be applied to Cu Chullain himself and the gargoyle beast came to be forgotten). About five hundred years later, King Arthur Pendragon of Britain also made the acquaintance of gargoyles, although the medieval romancers who wrote about him and his knights likewise ignored their part in the history of Camelot. Few humans were as willing to accept gargoyles as these two legendary heroes had been.

And so, by the dawn of the High Middle Ages in the 11th century, gargoyles had become so rare that humans believed them to be extinct (and few mourned that). Indeed, in Europe the 11th century saw the end of one of the last alliances between humans and gargoyles, that formed between King Macbeth of Scotland (1040-1057) and Demona, which ended in 1057 when Demona betrayed Macbeth to the forces of Malcolm Canmore, bringing about the destruction of Demona's Clan as well as Macbeth's downfall. The Age of Gargoyles was at an end.

In spite of this, humans vaguely remembered that gargoyles were protectors, and although it did nothing to change their opinions about living gargoyles, they still placed gargoyle-like sculptures atop their castles and cathedrals, believing that they would protect these places from demons and evil spirits. So some measure of the true legacy of gargoyles remained.

In 1996, humanity as a whole suddenly became aware of the existence of living gargoyles once again when Goliath and the Manhattan Clan were revealed to the public in New York City by the Hunters, and most of them were terrified. Most of the human citizens of New York called out for the gargoyles to be destroyed or captured and locked away, and some of them even joined an organization of gargoyle-hunters called Quarrymen.

Humans are what we all know. Silly monkeys walking around Earth. They were the second race created.

Third Race appeared when Avalon was raised, which is their home and only Magic creatures could live there at first. They are also known as "Oberon's Children", the Third Race (by the gargoyles), the Fair Folk (by the Scots), the Sidhe (by the Irish), and the Dark Elves (by the Vikings). They are the origin of many of humanity's legends about faeries, elves, and other otherworldly beings, including even some of the gods of mythology.

Avalon was ruled over first by Queen Mab. During Mab’s reign, many of the Third Race mated with mortals, producing the Olympians (the Greek and Roman gods).
Oberon, Mab’s son, one day decided his mother was pretty much born crazy and it was his turn to reign, so he killed her. He married Titania (who Mab used to hate, but she died, so who cares?) and lived happily.

Unfortunately he owed Merlin (who is actually Oberon’s son with some random mortal) a favour, so when the mage came to him asking to allow the wounded King Arthur to rest on his island, he had to accept, as long Arthur was put into an enchanted sleep.

In 995, Oberon, angered at his Children's scorn and contempt for mortals, and particularly that displayed by Titania (his wife), banished the entire Third Race from Avalon for a thousand years, leaving the Weird Sisters (three twin sorceresses) behind to bar the entrance on a floating barge nearby.

Dim Mists of Time
While referred to during canon, these events have no proper year seeing they happened during pre-history. Along with the dinosaurs, a sentient race of Earthlings existed called the Lost Race; they developed into the Three races, originating Gargoyles first, followed by humans and finally Oberon’s Children (once called Mab’s Children). Although they eventually became extinct, they were still around when Oberon's Children first evolved, as they were aware of their existence, and in the world many artefacts and relics can be found from their civilization such as ancient ruins like “Megalith Dance” .

Before 994
938. March. Goliath and Demona (who at the time didn’t have a name) hatched at Wyvern Hill, part of a Scottish Gargoyle clan ruled by the gargoyle Hudson , called Wyvern Clan.

971. Prince Malcolm was introduced to Hudson and the Wyvern Clan by Robbie , the Captain of the Guard and future protector of the Gargoyles. With the clan's help, Kenneth II overthrew King Culen (King of Scotland from 966 to 971) and became King of Scotland himself. Prince Malcolm (Kenneth’s brother) begun building Castle Wyvern at the time, where the gargoyles would live. The Archmage also came to live at Wyvern for the first time, and within five years entered Malcolm's service and took Demona on as his apprentice.

By 971, she and Goliath were already in love with each other - at the time she was called “Angel of the Night” or simply “Angel” by Goliath, having no other name but that - and at the time she had already shown strong interest in magic.
After meeting the Archmage, five years later, she entered his service as his apprentice, in which role she served largely as a servant and errand-runner. He also taught her to read and write, and she in turn taught Goliath. The Archmage treated her harshly, dominating her by his threats, and she obeyed his commands out of fear and probably respect.

November 1st 975. however, something happened in the future.
Using the Phoenix Gate (a magical talisman that allows whoever uses it to travel through time and space), Goliath, Demona, David Xanatos , Petros Xanatos and Fox come back in time from the year 1995. 1995-Demona is actually pretty much the evil bitch, so she used the Gate to meet the young 975-Demona, who at the time had been instructed by the Archmage to steal Phoenix Gate from Princess Elena (Prince Malcom’s future wife and mother of Princess Katharine).

1995-Demona showed 975-Demona the future in 994, when all of her clan had been slaughtered by the humans; she immediately urged her to use the Gate and destroy all humans, but the younger Demona was quite shocked at the coldness and hatred her future self had, and refusesd to do what she said. Goliath from the future fought future!Demona and after defeating her, he told the young female gargoyle that whatever she saw was just a future and she should not fear it as long she kept the path of righteousness and love.

Now with the Future!self gone, Demona forgot about trying to learn with the Archmage as well as his demands for the Phoenix Gate (she told him she lost the talisman and he casted her away) and ran to meet her Goliath, breaking the Phoenix gate in two and giving him half of it at the wedding of Malcolm and Elena.

However, as Demona grew older and became one of the greatest warriors of the Clan, protecting the humans of the Castle, she started to be troubled over the vision of the future she saw and became angrier by the humans' treatment of her and her kind.

984. By this time, her former teacher - the Archmage - tried to take over Wyvern but was defeated and sent to exile. In a last attempt to kill Prince Malcolm, the Archmage shot him with a poisonous dart which only a spell from the Grimorum Arcanorum could cure.

Hudson was entrusted to bring back the book from the Archmage and he decided to take Goliath, by this point the Clan's second-in-command, and Demona with him. Together they tracked the Archmage to a cave and were able to retrieve the book - after they threw the mage off a cliff (he was actually rescued by his future self using the Phoenix gate, but the Gargoyles didn’t know this) - and return it to Castle Wyvern, saving Prince Malcolm's life.

Demona expressed many misgivings over Hudson's advancing age and ability to lead, and it was this and Hudson's own feelings on the matter that convinced Hudson to step down and allow Goliath to lead.

In truth, Demona wanted this for Goliath, and herself very much and Goliath, so in love with her, soon made her his second-in-command. One member of the clan, Demona's rookery sister Hyppolyta, disagreed with this turn of the events and felt Goliath was not the best choice for leader causing the two often argue about this.

987., Demona and Goliath conceived a child and the next year Demona laid the egg in the rookery of the clan (in March), along with the eggs of other female gargoyles.

At some point between now and 994, Prince Malcolm died and Princess Katharine succeeded him to the rule of Castle Wyvern. Because of her disdain for the gargoyles, possibly because the Castle could no longer support so many gargoyles, Wyvern Clan split in half. This half will be important later on for Demona.
They took no eggs with them, and many of the branches that this new Clan formed were destroyed by Constantine (son of King Culen) in 997, as he tried to rid Scotland off the Gargoyles.

994 was the climax of it all. During this time, Scottland was constantly being attacked by Vikings and Castle Wyvern was one of those castles that gave aid and support to victims from the Viking attacks. It was the time when Demona had finally had enough of Princess Katharine’s and her human subject’s ingratitude towards the Gargoyle clan.
The Viking captain attacking was Hakon, who have been constantly driven away by the Wyvern Clan of gargoyles. Proud, Robbie - the Captain of the Guard - invited Goliath and Demona to the celebratory feast, however the Princess was displeased, demoting the captain and asking Magus (her mage) to prepare a spell to deal with the gargoyle clan, should they get out of hand.

Seeing that Goliath was going to continue to tolerate human prejudice, Demona and the Captain found an excuse to temporarily lure the gargoyles away - by inciting Goliath to run after the Vikings - , so that the castle could be sacked and the humans taken away by Hakon, leaving Castle Wyvern to the gargoyles once more.

But Goliath, unwilling to leave the castle undefended, only took Hudson with him during the night of September 30th, for both Demona and Robbie’s panic. The Captain, desperate to have the plan succeed, decided to have Hakon attack during the daytime instead. While Demona was alarmed, knowing that in the daytime, the clan would be trapped in its stone sleep and defenceless, she trusted Robbie’s words when he reassured her nothing would happen to the Gargoyles. She dared not warn the rest of the gargoyles, however, she fled alone to hide upon the beach.

(small note, the Trio ( Brooklyn , Broadway and Lexington ) and Bronx met Tom (young, at the time), resulting in a minor altercation with his mother Mary and the refugees. So, to keep the peace, Goliath sent Bronx and the Trio down to the Rookery. Demona made one more attempt to change Goliath's mind, but in vain).

On October 1st, morning, Hakon attacked. The archers' sabotaged bows were useless, and the Captain opened the main gate, allowing the Vikings to enter Castle Wyvern, which is sacked. The humans, including Katharine, the Magus, Mary and Tom were led away bound and Hakon then set about to destroy the gargoyles while the Captain was "unable" to stop him (more like, he didn’t want to risk his life to save them).
When the sun goes down again, Demona awakened to discover that the Wyvern Clan had been massacred. Horrified and grief-stricken, she hid herself when Goliath returned to the castle, too afraid to face him.

Meantime Goliath and Hudson - after returning and seeing their clan slaughtered - met the Trio and Bronx, who were in the Rookery. The survivors headed for the Viking camp to take their revenge, but when Hakon and Robbie heard the gargoyles approaching, they took Katharine as a hostage. The Magus mistakenly assumed that the Princess was dead and so, blaming the gargoyles, he casted a spell on all but Goliath putting them to sleep "until the castle rises above the clouds."

Meanwhile, Goliath confronted the Captain and Hakon atop a cliff. He rescued the Princess, and the two villains fell to their deaths. But when Goliath discovered that the rest of his clan has been turned to stone, he asked the Princess to watch over the eggs in the Rookery and Magus to cast his spell one more time. Goliath is turned to stone with the others and placed atop Castle Wyvern.

By the time Demona re-emerged from hiding (she came up with the excuse she had gone after her lover and Hudson, but not in time), Goliath and the other survivors had already been put to sleep (seemingly forever) by Magus.
Looking up at her mate's petrified form, Demona cried out "What have I - what have they done to you?". In that moment, her mood changed from grief to anger and hatred, blaming the humans for all that happened.

Below, she saw Princess Katharine, the Magus, Mary and Tom (whom Katherine named “Guardian of the eggs”) loading the rookery eggs on the cart and driving away with them, but made no effort to go after them. Instead, she kissed the stone Goliath one last time, and glided away. The eggs were taken eggs to King Kenneth II castle, where Princess Katherine would live for a while.

Coming to a nearby farm, Demona searched the barn for food and at the time, the Farmer’s young son, Gillecomgain , was nearby and came to investigate. Still angry and hating, Demona slashed him across his face, marking the boy forever - however, this was proven to be a mistake. Gillecomgain vowed revenge upon Demona and her race, and grew up to become the first Hunter , an enemy both to Demona and to all gargoyles.

The year next, 995., was the year that Oberon banished his Children from Avalon. That year, Constantine (son of King Culen, who was killed by King Kenneth and took Scotland in 971) murdered Kenneth and usurped the throne as Constantine III. During this time, Princess Katahrine, Magus, Mary and Tom were in the castle with the gargoyle eggs and the new King, using the threat that he’d destroy the eggs, was going to force Katharine to marry him. Which didn’t fit well for his current lover, Finella.
So the group and Finella made a plan and flee towards Avalon, where Magus fought the Weird Sisters so they’d give them passage in order to reach the island (turning them into owls) - this is important, believe me. It doesn’t relate to Demona now, but it will later on.
Unfortunately for Magus, he could not that the Grimorum with him to Avalon, so Finella and Mary agreed to take the book ad keep it safe from Constantine, returning to Scotland, while Magus, Princess Katharine and Tom went to live on Avalon to raise the eggs.

Remember when I told you that the Archmage was saved by his future self in 984? Well, now the two Archmages come to rescue the Weird Sisters from their owl-state, and form an alliance. Although they didn’t do anything at the time, simply agreeing they’d meet later again in 1020.

Either way, when Constantine noticed his future wife, Katharine, gone exactly the day before their wedding - as well as her friends and the eggs - he was so furious that initiates a plan to destroy all gargoyles in Scotland (his father's defeat due to an alliance with the Wyvern Clan in 971 played a part in this decision). To his aid came Gillecomgain, the hunter.
The war in Scotland broke again; Kenneth’s son, Maol Chalvim II, with his and his dead father’s army, along with Findlaech (Gillecomgain’s uncle) and Kenneth III (Maol’s cousin), fought against Constantine for years.

Meantime Demona continued to wander about Scotland, attacking any human who got in her way and stealing food to survive. By 997. she had formed a pretty big clan with the gargoyles that once left Wyvern Clan (around 987). It was a rather ragtag one, which turned to banditry to survive. Learning from the lessons of the past, she arranged for the clan to be divided into small groups and each group would sleep in different places, so if one "cell" was discovered and destroyed, the rest would live on.

However, again, something happened in the future. Using the Phoenix gate, Brooklyn arrived in Constantine, Gillecomgain and his mage Brother Valmont. He managed to escape, and aid Mary and Finella who were trying to keep the Grimorum Arcanorum safe.
It was shortly after his arrival that Demona found the entire Sruighlea Cell of Demona's clan had been massacred by King Constantine and Gillecomgain. As she tried to find the culprits in order to take revenge for her dead brothers and sisters, she also found a wanted poster of Mary and Finella, discovering they possessed the Grimorum.

Before she could do much more, Brooklyn met Demona (Brooklyn is from the future. He has a name, but pretended he didn’t and explained to the female gargoyle that he was in the rookery, and that’s why he survived. Demona, who STILL didn’t have a name at the time, gave the male gargoyle the excuse that she was in the forest when the attack to the Wyvern castle happened, 994).
Brooklyn approached her on Mary, Finella and Kenneth III’s behalf asking for help against Constantine. Seeing an opportunity to seize the Grimorum and to destroy once and for all the current King of Scotland who has been destroying all the gargoyles, Demona agreed (although she planned to destroy both armies and use the Grimorum to bring Scotland to its knees).

So with this alliance, war approached. Before the Battle of Rathveramoen, Constantine III shaved his head and, inspired by Gillecomgain's scars, he covered his head in black war paint and painted three scars across his face, and eyes on the back of his head, a look that would later inspire the Hunters.

It was during this battle that Constantine lost and was slain, but not before warning Kenneth III of Maol Chalvim's own ambitions to become king - which happened 8 years later in 1005

During the battle, Demona seized the Grimorum, but when a large Phoenix appeared to take Brooklyn (Phoenix Gate’s doing, yes), he offered to hold the book for her while she reached for her half of the Phoenix Gate, letting her believe she needed it to control the Phoenix. Brooklyn left with the book, Finella and Mary, leaving Demona to be pissed at the world once more.

As the years passed, the grown-up Gillecomgain, as the Hunter, had become one of Demona's worst enemies, and a danger to all the surviving gargoyles left in Scotland as well.
Also, Maol Chalvim fathered three daughters, and two of these daughters were the mothers of Macbeth (who is also son of Findlaech, who helped Kenneth III and Maol Chalvim to defeat Constantine III during 997) and Duncan , by which they both had claims to the Scottish throne.

1020. The Archmage (the two Archmages, actually), meet the Weird Sisters and assign them the task of watching over Demona and Macbeth.
It was during this time that Duncan started to feel threatened by Macbeth’s existence and his connection to the crown. To prevent this, he employed Gillecomgain - the hunter (who had a mask, covering his face, so no one knew whom he was) - to assassinate Findlaech (so he wouldn’t try to make his son King), and bestowed upon him the title Findlaech once had - dispossessing Macbeth of any titles (who, without his father's patronage, no longer seemed a threat to him).

Persuaded by these three mages, Demona decides to attack Gillecomgain at Findlaech’s castle. During the battle, she ended up saving Macbeth’s life, although having to allow the Hunter to escape in order to so do. But Findlaech did die.

1032, twelve years later, Duncan was still haunted by the idea that Macbeth could become King, threatening his and his son’s claim to the throne (Duncan’s son is Canmore . So, he ordered Gillecomgain to assassinate Macbeth as well. When Gillecomgain refused, Duncan told Macbeth that Gillecomgain was Findlaech's murderer, which motivated Macbeth to move against Gillecomgain at once (it helped also that Gillecomgain had taken to wife Macbeth's long-time love, Gruoch, against her will).

The Weird Sisters moved again; they arranged for Demona and Macbeth to fight together against Gillecomgain. This time, she slew the Hunter, and Macbeth saved her life, for which she grudgingly thanked him, hoping that their dealings were now at an end. But they were not.

After Gillecomgain’s death, Macbeth became High Steward of Moray and married Gruoch. He also became father to Gruoch's son Luach, although it remains uncertain as to whether Luach's biological father was Gillecomgain or Macbeth.

But Duncan became more threatened, especially because the Weird Sisters were also by his side to feed his paranoia. So, in 1040 he decided to destroy Macbeth once and for all, fearing that Demona and her clan would aid Macbeth against him (like they once did to kill Gillecomgain); so, he attempted to destroy them as the Hunter.

This backfired, however, for it helped force Macbeth and Demona into an alliance against Duncan as the common foe. All the same, Demona did not quite trust Macbeth, until the Weird Sisters appeared and made Demona this offer: if she would agree to the alliance with Macbeth, they would rejuvenate her. Demona, (by now the gargoyle equivalent of 52 and prematurely aged by her strenuous living), agreed to this, and so did Macbeth because he wanted to save his family against Duncan, and the Sisters caused her and Macbeth to switch ages (making Macbeth 52 and Demona the gargoyle equivalent of 35, the age that Macbeth was then).

In so doing, they also made them both unaging and immortal, only able to die if one slew the other, although they did not mention this at the time. OH THE FUN.

In August 14th., with help from Demona, Macbeth defeated Duncan's forces at the Battle of Bothgoanan. Duncan was killed and his son Canmore was banished to England. Canmore will become the new Hunter.
In September 29th., Macbeth was made King of Scotland. He swear on the Stone of Destiny, to protect Scotland and serve her people and publicly rewarded Demona and her gargoyles, welcoming them as his allies into his home and castle. Demona became his primary advisor. He also named her after his coronation: Demona, because she fought like a demon. She actually liked the name, and smiled at her ally as thanks. Macbeth’s son, Luach showed great loyalty to the gargoyle clan at all the times.

And for the next seventeen years, Demona could know peace and safety at last; she loved living with her new Human friends, and she seemed to absolutely adore Macbeth. Other gargoyles came to know about this new golden age between humans and gargoyles and flocked under her leadership and her clan grew in size. This peaceful and happy respite came to a tragic end in 1057, when a grown-up Canmore invaded Scotland with the help of the English, seeking to regain his father's throne and achieve his revenge.

Demona and her clan valiantly fought against the English invaders, but in a private council, Macbeth was urged to cast off his alliance with the gargoyles, since (so they thought) the English were only invading Scotland because of their hatred for their kind and would go home if Macbeth abandoned Demona's clan.

Unfortunately, Macbeth did not immediately reject this advice, wishing to show his son Luach that "a wise king considers all his options, and then decides", even if Luach kept his position on not betraying the gargoyles that have helped them so much. Equally unfortunately, was that Demona was secretly eavesdropping on this conversation.
Convinced that Macbeth would indeed betray her and her clan to the English, she decided to betray them first, and so abandoned Castle on the eve of the final battle to join Canmore. Deprived of the gargoyles' aid, Macbeth was defeated by Canmore.

When Macbeth and Gruoch escaped the castle, Canmore and Demona both confronted them; while Macbeth angrily berated Demona for betraying him, Canmore stabbed him in the back. Both Macbeth and Demona were temporarily slain due to their link (while they cannot die, they can feel each other’s pain), and Gruoch, Luach, and the court all believed Macbeth to be genuinely dead. Luach was declared the new King of Scotland, and he left to continue the war against Canmore, leaving Gruoch alone with her husband.

The Weird Sisters awakened Macbeth and Demona, and told them the terms of their link to each other, revealing that they were now immortal unless and until one slew the other. Macbeth wished to continue the fight against Canmore, but Gruoch persuaded him that his return from the dead would appear to verify Canmore's accusations that Macbeth was involved in sorcery, and urged him to leave Scotland, for Luach's sake. Macbeth sadly parted from her, never to meet her again, and began the life of a lonely wanderer.

Meantime, Demona found something she didn’t plan. Canmore had her clan destroyed as well, also betraying her. Demona was alone once again, the last gargoyle alive in Scotland (or so she thought), and eventually she fled for other parts of the world, hating the humans who again hurt her and her kind.

This period is much calmer for Demona. She roamed the world, pursuing death to all humans, escaping Macbeth (who first hunted her to seek revenge and later simply to end his long life) and by a new line of Hunters descended from Canmore, and mostly surviving. With the time, she grew much bitterer towards humans and came up with a perfect little plan that would take 500 years to accomplish. For it, she stole the Medici Tablet in Florence in the year 1495, upon which was engraved the Fulfillment Spell (its function is to grant the wish of whoever casts it, although within certain limits.)

Fun facts: Macbeth met William Shakespeare, and read the play Macbeth. Macbeth himself, who was a good friend of Shakespeare's, was amused rather than offended by it. Demona has also seen it and felt that it represented poetic justice.

Anyway, by 1910 Demona slay Jackson Canmore (a hunter, that descended from King Canmore, yes) in battle. His twin sister, Fiona, took up the Hunt.

In 1920, Demona journeyed to Paris to locate the Praying Gargoyle (a magical artefact created by the people of Atlantis as a gift to the gargoyle race. It has many uses, but all are geared towards "protecting the protectors" in some fashion, and it’s a combination of an Atlantean Crystal, gargoyle stone skin and powerful magic by the Atlanteans) and used it to animate every gargoyle statue in Paris for the express purpose of murdering every human in the city.

She was foiled by Fiona Canmore and Team Atlantis (you know Disney’s series, Atlantis: The Lost Empire? Yeah, that Team Atlantis), and at the end, her life was saved by Joshua Sweet (part of Team Atlantis). Though the Praying Gargoyle was destroyed during her defeat, she was able to retrieve the Atlantean crystal inside it and moved it to holy ground where in sixty years it would regenerate.

What Demona did during World War II has yet to be revealed, but the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki probably put a scare into her, according to the creator.
In 1980, she returned to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and regained possession of the Atlantean crystal that was now again the Praying Gargoyle and on the way, she killed the Hunter Charles Canmore - who left behind three children Jason , Robyn and Jon Canmore , that would now hunt Demona too.

1994 onward
Between 1980 and 1994, Demona met David Xanatos, thanks to some manoeuvring behind the scenes by Brooklyn, Finella, and Mary (who were time travelling from 997), with Owen/Puck (same person. Puck is one of Oberon’s Children and a trickster and you might have heard of them from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream) handling the actual introductions, and the two of them formed an alliance for the purpose of reviving Goliath and his clan from their stone sleep, each for personal reasons.

After Xanatos moved Castle Wyvern - October 4th - to the top of the Eyrie Building (his headquarters), thus breaking the Magus' spell, Demona revealed herself to the awakened clan, pretending that she had been under the Magus' spell as well. She helped dupe Goliath into making the raid on Cyberbiotics (Xanatos’ rival company) to steal a disk with data, but in the course of it, revealed to him the full depths of her bitterness, destroying a lot of things in order to kill as many humans as possible.

Meantime, Xanatos used the data on the disks to activate his Steel Clan Robots, which he and Demona immediately set against the gargoyles. The attempt is ultimately futile; the robots were destroyed. However, Demona, got the drop on Goliath and asked him to join her. When a horrified Goliath refused to join her in her crusade against humanity, she tried to kill him (after she revealed her name and her complicity with Castle Wyvern's Captain of the Guard, Robbie), but Elisa Maza saved Goliath's life, in the process making an enemy of Demona.

After, Demona disappeared (supposedly she is dead), and David was arrested for 6 months.
On November 11th, after Lexington built a motorcycle, Brooklyn took it for a ride, but he was attacked by humans. Demona came to his aid and convinced him that humans were a danger to the clan - probably she reached him when she realized who he was. He agreed to help her make Goliath see the truth through magic, by handing her the Grimorum Arcanorum (that Xanatos also had) but her plans didn’t come to a good end, after Brooklyn realized his mistake and took back the book and the spell from Demona (although she managed to escape with few pages of the book).

Meantime, Xanatos' jail sentence was officially recorded and it became clear to Elisa that he will only have to serve half of his sentence, after time off for good behaviour. Elisa found then a good home for the gargoyles in the Clock Tower above her police station.

1995, January 3rd. Macbeth attacked the gargoyles at the Eyrie Building, capturing Lexington, Brooklyn and Bronx, and in the battle Macbeth revealed that his true target is Demona.
On 20th January, Demona attempted to poison Elisa Maza (but it didn’t work) in order to lure Goliath to his doom. Knowing it was a trap, Goliath and Hudson take the bait in the hope they can reason with Demona. Demona shot Goliath, and Hudson struggled to keep him alive and protect him from Demona until sunrise; after they woke up the next night, Goliath was healed and Demona was forced to flee.

On February 3rd., David Xanatos and Demona revivified Coldstone from pieces of Othelo, Desdemona and Iago, three gargoyles that used to be part of the Wyvern Clan before the 994 massacre, to destroy Goliath’s Clan. Of course it didn’t work and Coldstone sacrificed himself to save Goliath winding up dormant at the bottom of the river.

By September 27th, Demona stole Titania’s mirror, summoning Puck. She wanted to use him to get rid of all Humans, however, he just played around with her and in the end she didn’t accomplish nothing… except that Puck gave Demona a present for being so amusing: he gave her the ability to turn Human during the day.

On November 6th David Xanatos and Fox marry and invite Demona and Goliath. Of course this turned to be a huge battle as usual, but Demona tricked Goliath into giving her his half of the Phoenix Gate. She then used it to travel back in time to the year 975, bringing Goliath, David, Fox and Petros Xanatos along. After fulfilling their role on the stream of time, they return to Manhattan.

Demona’s next appearance would be on November 12th., when she approached David Xanatos with a plan about gaining immortality, by stealing one minute of life from everyone who watched their hijacked television broadcast. But actually, the spell was a curse over the humans in New York, causing them to turn to stone during the night so that she could smash them at her leisure. This curse was foiled, not only by an alliance between Goliath and Xanatos (thus ending her alliance with him), but also the unexpected intervention of Macbeth, and then the Weird Sisters.

It’s important to mention that FROM THIS POINT, Demona and Macbeth have no recollection of what will happen. So, because while this happens with Demona, she cannot remember a thing of what the hell happened, I’m skipping ahead pretty fast.

The Sisters took Demona and Macbeth away with them, and used them to first steal the Grimorum Arcanorum, Eye of Odin (literally Odin’s eye transformed into a talisman that increases the power of whoever uses it), and Phoenix Gate from the clock tower (where Goliath and his clan live), and next to attack the Avalon Clan.

Remember the eggs that Princess Katharine, Tom and Magus were protecting and moved to Avalon in 995? They still existed because the time passes really slowly compared to the Human realm, so by now the eggs were adult Gargoyles, and this included Demona’s egg, Angela.

The three talismans (the book, the eye and the gate) were given to the "younger" of the two Archmages, and he was transformed into a double of his future self and became super-powerful; while the “younger” Archmage went back in time to redo everything all over again from 984, the “older” stood in Avalon to get rid of the gargoyles. With the help of the Weird Sister, they tried to kill the Avalon clan; the sisters just wanted to get rid of the humans and gargoyles from Oberon’s land before he returned, and the Archmage just wanted to live in Avalon for it’s the kingdom of magic and power.

Goliath, Bronx and Elisa would eventually end up in Avalon by December 28th after meeting Tom, who had been coming to Human realm every 100 years to find Goliath and ask for help from them to defeat the Archmage. Which happen. Obviously. Sure they had to wake up King Arthur Pendragon, who was asleep in Avalon thanks to Oberon’s spell, but they managed to win.

After the defeat of the Archmage's forces, the Sisters lifted their hold over Demona and Macbeth, and caused them to forget everything that they had undergone while the Sisters had enchanted them, after which the Avalon Clan sent them away into the outside world.

Avalon returned the two to Paris by January 1st, and wakening first, Demona saw Macbeth unconscious and fled. Minutes later, a confused Macbeth regained consciousness. Realizing where he was, he retreated to his Chateau on Paris' famous Left Bank. (Neither retained any memories of events that have taken place between November 12th, 1995 and January 1st, 1996).

The next day, Demona met Thailog (a clone of Goliath created for David Xanatos by Anton Sevarius - a brilliant geneticist), and she immediately fell in love with him (not only he was pretty much like Goliath, he shared her hatred for humans - so she thought).

The two gargoyles used their combined wealth to set up Nightstone Unlimited, a corporation founded by combining their accumulated wealth and using their "human aliases" of Dominique Destine and Alexander Thailog, that focused strongly on genetic research.
The two also plotted to add to their fortune by Demona marrying Macbeth in her human form as Dominique Destine (she presented herself as a good Catholic French girl), then afterward locking him up, faking his death, and inheriting his wealth as his "widow".

Thailog's real plan, however, was to trick the two into killing each other so that he could obtain all their money for himself. Fortunately, by January 21st, Goliath, Elisa, Angela, and Bronx also ended up on Paris while they tried to return from Avalon back to Manhattan, and they were able to foil Thailog's scheme and save Demona and Macbeth's lives. It was on that occasion that Demona first saw her daughter Angela (having no memory of their encounter on Avalon), but not recognizing her.

Both Thailog and Demona (who didn’t hear about Thailog’s plan because she was busy trying to kill Macbeth), escaped and on May 7th. Demona and Thailog return to Manhattan and hire Dr. Sevarius and who also revealed that the female gargoyle that Demona saw in Paris is the biological child of her and Goliath.

Although they were working together, Demona decided to start Sevarius on a little side project of her own, relating to the plan she has been constructing for 500 years now.
By July 12th Demona created a little plan to recruit her daughter Angela as well as set up a fresh clan for herself, by letting herself be captured by the gargoyles. Using micro robot mosquitoes that would sting each of the Wyvern gargoyles, she managed to give Sevarius genetic material of all of them so he could clone them. Later, on October 12th, Thailog came to save Demona from her prison.

The Clone clan , Demona and Thailog attacked the night after and captured the Wyvern clan, however at Angela’s refusal to join her mother, Thailog tried to kill her. Discovering that she had come to care about her daughter, Demona turned against Thailog freeing the Gargoyles and telling Goliath to "save our daughter!". That’s also when Thailog introduced another clone, Delilah, created from a combination of Demona and Elisa's DNA, saying he no longer needed Demona. Of course this angered the female gargoyle and fought Thailog, however they seem to perish during a fire (we all know Demona didn’t die because only Macbeth can kill her).

Not long after, October 24th, Demona is seen stealing D/I-7, an industrial-strength detergent developed by Xanatos Enterprises. Best part of this was that Goliath’s clan was currently too busy dealing with Hunters, children of the Hunter Charles Canmore that Demona killed, Jason , Robyn and Jon Canmore .

Actually, Demona was still working at Nightstone Unlimited to complete the scheme that the Medici Tablet and Praying Gargoyle had begun. By employing Sevarius, she could start the Operation Clean Slate.
Sevarius created the CV-1000 Carrier Virus, a genetically engineered virus that was nothing more than a mean of carrying an antigen or pathogen, capable of spreading through air, water, and mammalian vectors; if released, it could cover the entire planet quickly.

Demona in her "Dominique Destine" persona claimed that its purpose was to be bonded with antigens to create a cure as contagious as any disease, which her secretary, Robyn Correy (Robyn Canmore alternate persona) believed at first. But actually, Demona’s real purpose for it was as a means of destroying humanity, by magically bonding it with the D/I-7 Detergent, creating a plague powerful enough to destroy the entire human race.

The plan is simple: she first obtained the Medici Tablet in Florence in 1495, and then the Praying Gargoyle in Paris in 1980. Then she employed Sevarius to develop the CV-1000 Carrier Virus, and stole a canister of D/I-7 detergent from Xanatos Enterprises. She took all of these to Saint Damien's Cathedral on the night of the Hunter's Moon (full moon when it falls in October, a requirement for the Fulfillment spell to work) in 26th October 1996, where she used the Fulfillment Spell engraved on the Medici Tablet to magically combine the CV-1000 Carrier Virus with the D/I-7 detergent to produce a powerful plague that would wipe out all humanity if released. She would activate the Praying Gargoyle to keep her own race safe from the effects of the plague, and then release the virus.

This would all be really awesome if the Hunters weren’t hunting Goliath, if Goliath didn’t realize Demona was planning something and if Robyn hadn’t realize who Dominique was. So they all joined forces against her.
Goliath faced Demona and destroyed the Praying Gargoyle, forcing Demona to abandon her plan; she managed to escape and returned to Saint Damien's Cathedral on Halloween nightto retrieve the Atlantee crystal from the shattered remains of the Praying Gargoyle. Also, due to pranoia that Robyn might have told the authorities about “Dominique”, Demona has yet to return to Nightstone Unlimited, but she still sees the advantages of it.

After failing to destroy humanity on the night of the Hunter's Moon, Demona resurfaced and allied herself with a man known as the Assassin. She hired him to kill Goliath as part of a plan to convince Angela that Demona has reformed; on he way Goliath would die, she'd take the clan for herself and would try to show them how humans really are. However, the Assassin, who was working with the Quarrymen, ruined the deception, and Angela once again felt betrayed, something for which Demona felt true remorse.

From this point, she disappeared.
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