I'm not really sure how interesting this is going to be so you can skip down and read my usual incoherant rant if you so desire.
- Drove up to the lake
- said our hellos
- ate lots of food
- slept
- Chelsea came
- I got sick like woah, stupid peroid
- Got drugged up
- Went kneeboarding
- went to the parlour and ate a huge banana split with extra whipped cream
- hit on the waiter as a joke "whipped cream makes everything better...dontcha think? ::insert sexy smile here::)
- laughed at myself
- Shot off fireworks and ate s'mores
- tried to talk to emilie but failed, which was annoying because i was really depressed, stupid family.
- tried to talk to he who fiddles but couldnt make myself do it
- slept
- got up
- ate
- kneeboarded some more
- went tubing
- ate some more
- was dissapointed in people
- met a guy named bob, who was very nice
- left the cottage
- came home
- slept
ok i am tired and hungry, maybe you all will get some entertainment later...chris we need to talk about things im really upset about that. rawr. fidler works too much. i lost my bowtie. i am going to enjoy life pretty soon. danny might come here for a couple of weeks !!!!!! I LOVE DANNY