Uberhood: Tricou + Neengia

Nov 25, 2010 01:14

That's right, this post is about the Tricous and Rainelle Neengia! I'm sure someone figured out that I was resurrecting them. The mailbox was to make Bella Goth know everyone, then I cheated and added the bone phone to have her bring them all back! I'm not very cheaty when I play, but I had to add them to neighborhood, so here they are!

And Happy Thanksgiving to whoever celebrates! :)

Oh, and also I installed Kitchen and Bath Stuff!!! YAY! And Celebration Stuff is on its way! Thanks mommy! :D

The Tricou Family + Rainelle Neengia: I've played the Tricou's once before, but I think it was just one or two Sim days, so this is my first real attempt playing them. It's also my first time ever getting Rainelle back. I really like her! I randomized their gender preferences just like everyone else. Nylissit has no interest in reconciling with Keirnan, first of all because she hates him for probably cheating with Rainelle, and second she's gay, so I just used the Sim Blender to make them not married anymore.

Rainelle Neengia

Jennicor Tricou

Jon Smith Tricou

Fricorith Tricou

Gvaudoin Tricou

Nylissit Tricou

Jennail Tricou

Kiernan Tricou

Kvornan Tricou

The whole family talks about death quite often, but I guess that's to expected since they were all recently deceased.

Jennail and Kvornan quickly rekindled their romance.

Then it was time for a triple date to get them some aspiration points. Yes, Kiernan is on a date with Rainelle. They were already in love, and Nylissit is not into him, so it makes sense.

After their first day of school, Jon and Jennicor taught the teens how to do homework, then Fricorith hung out with himself for awhile...

Meanwhile, Gvaudoin was attempting to make friends with Buck Grunt. :-/

Apparently rough housing your guests is a good way to make friends, because they did indeed become friends after that.

Rainelle chit-chatting with Bella...probably thanking her for undeading them all.

Then I sent the whole family Downtown to try and meet some new people.

Just no....

Gvaudoin was the DJ for the evening. :)

Keirnan met Stella Roth. I think they could have made a good couple if they had more than one bolt.

Fricorith met Hal Capp, whom he introduced to his cousin. She and Hal have two bolts. :)

No one else interesting showed up, so I sent them home where Fricorith confirmed my suspicion that the Uberhood is flammable.

Jon didn't even care that the fire was going on despite it happening in the same room. Oh, and that's the worst fireman ever. He did absolutely nothing. Fricorith actually put it out, and the fireman just left.

While the fire was raging, Mortimer called to ask Jennail on an outing. She brought along Rainelle and Nylissit, and Mortimer brought the Tinkers...

Good for you, Wanda!

He also brought along Bella, who has two bolts with Nylissit. :)

What?! Just nooo! Put her down!

Then while I was watching Mortimer and Wanda, this happens! They made me "aawww"!!! I was hoping Nylissit would meet Natasha Una, but Bella works too. :D

Back at home...invisiPOP!!!

And maternity PJs! Yes the father is Keirnan.

Two bolts with Miranda also, too bad she's leaving for college.

Interesting family dinner...

Double rings around an invisible Saturn!

Adorable bongo face!

Actual double ringed Saturn-belly!


Her panel was full of Bella wants and fears. It was quite sweet.

I'm glad Morti doesn't mind his wife being in the arms of another woman, right next to him.

This household was actually driving me nuts. I don't like establishing families. I prefer when they already have some skills and jobs and maybe a few relationships in place, but with none of that I struggle a bit. Things started getting easier once they all started getting jobs and such.

Then it was baby time!

A girl! Thanks to the unusual baby name list for naming her Cassarissa. :)

I want them together! They have two bolts, hopefully it sticks when they're adults!

Then a few hours later, Jypsie was born! Notice Kiernan not noticing...

That looks dangerous. By the way, they're living in Veronaville if you couldn't tell by some of the house features. I don't plan on leaving them there, I just kind of dumped them into a big house for the time being. I'm going to split them up in the next round, and probably plop them back in Pleasantview since that's the least populated neighborhood.

Birthday time for Cassarissa! I actually like that name.

Cute but kind of bland, but still cute.

Now I shall leave you with Jon and Jennail's almost in sync skiling!

Next time, ROUND 2! We're heading back to Belladonna Cove! :D


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