Hello again! It's time for another installment of my Uberhood! The
family tree has been updated to what has happened so far, and I've gotten all of the pictures SimPE would give me. We're almost done with Round 2!!! *excitement*
The Curious-Kat Family: Last season, Tara and Lazlo found each other and became Mr. and Mrs. Curious. They had a son named Mathias, and Lalzo had his alien daughter, Zaniah.
Mickey seriously spent most of this season trying to destroy the house.
PT drops by all the time, since he and Tara are BFFs. She always rolls wants for him too...more than she does for Lazlo...
He also supervises Tara when she handles his niece-in-law. Is that even a real relation? Well if it isn't, it is now.
It's Mickey! The sheets got glitched, but I thought it was cute. :)
Anyway, it's time to see who Zaniah looks like!
So far she's a little green Lazlo, but with her pollinators nose, maybe.
Tara is a fan of telling dirty jokes, but this is her reaction when she's told one.
The happy couple studying. They were both teachers at this point, which was funny. Lazlo's working in Science, but he was a Science teacher. Tara is a High School teacher.
Mickey does not look happy.
Mathias is a day younger than his half-sister, but now it's time to see how Tara and Lazlo's genes mix!
Super cute! I kind of want them to have another...damn one pregnancy per couple rule...
Faline looks like she can't decide if she likes this or not.
Crystal stalked Lazlo a lot during this round. They still had crushes at this point.
Lazlo wanted to throw a party, so I figured a family gathering was in order.
I had no idea that Sims would cheer on the cat while it's boxing the bird!!! Nashira was really into it.
Johnny being a great cousin. :)
My game was acting crazy at this point and not letting me greet strays. The family NEEDS that cat! Its name is Galaxy!!!
Crystal finally called when Lalzo was actually home.
They became best friends and lost their crush hearts! Yay!
Then Zaniah grew up again! I can see more of her pollinator now.
I threw her a birthday party, and it ended up being a disaster. I have no clue why, since everyone was getting along.
Those two snuck off to WooHoo, but Mickey was peacefully asleep...
So Lazlo literally kicked him out.
It was finally time for Lazlo to get a garden. His OTH is nature, and so is Mathias', so he'll be be able to help out.
Mathais! The lighting in the house is intense, I'll have to fix that next time if I remember.
Everyone's favorite elementary school friend, Christian Gere! He got along great with Zaniah, but not well at all with Mathias, oh well.
The Burb-Kim Family: Last season, Jennifer and Robert discovered their 3boltness, and divorced their spouses and moved in together! Scandal!
First things first, Lucy forgot to bring her womrat with her, so Jennifer wrapped him in a box with no holes and give it to Lucy.
Hm...that's not awkward at all...
Lucy staring down her not-quite-step-father.
Jen got a make-over and a baby bump!
You all probably don't remember, but Jennifer is also in love with Jason Larson, so I thought it was funny that Dina was strolling by.
Jennifer and Justin seem happy to be getting to know each other.
Nothing much was happening, so birth! I predicted that this child would have black hair and brown eyes...
It's a girl! With black hair and brown eyes! Her name is Jewel.
After 130982308 tries, I finally got Jennifer to greet Kim! Kim Kim! I had to!
Cool Shades, hypnotizing pets since 2006.
After reading
In Fair Veronaville, I'm finding Albany's stare quite disturbing...
It was time for the not-quite-step-siblings to get to know each other too.
There was lots of financial consulting going on in the house.
Then it was time for Jewel to become a toddler!
She's not as plain as I thought she was going to be, so I'm happy. :)
The Broke-Burb Family: Last season, Brandi had the baby, Luis. She also fell in love with, got knocked up by, and married John Burb. In that order.
I just think pregnant Sims befriending each other is adorable. I don't know why. :)
I wasn't expecting Rainelle to reject all of Kiernan's advances when she got engaged to Johnny, but she does. They're not in love anymore.
THREE bolts! But Daisy is happily married to a 3bolter already, so nothing shall be happening with these two...for now.
Beau played with Nibbles more than Lucy did!
2am and time for the newest Burb babies to make an appearance. Yes, babies. She was pregnant with twins, so I chose for her to have them instead of randomizing.
BLONDE!!!! That's Janiya. :D
Love it! That's Arion Cordial if you do not recall, which I don't expect you to, but aaww!!!
Luis grew up! He absolutely refused to smile.
Brandi rolled the want to get a job, so why not. She has a ton of cooking points, so she grabbed a position in Culinary. This family definitely needs the money. You may have noticed that they have no lights.
Don't let the number of cakes deceive you; this is a triple birthday!
First up is Beau!
Jacqueline, who to me, looks like a brown eyed Brandi. *yawn*
Janiya...who might look like a blonde Brandi, but I think she has fuller cheeks.
Another want of Brandi's: party.
I think they're trying to tell me something. :D
Sally and Beau actually have negative chemistry, but she does like blondes who can cook. He prefers redheads who can spawn plantbabies, but he was heartfarting over Nina Caliente all night.
Jacqueline doesn't understand personal space yet...
Ooh, Beau has two bolts with Tara! Too bad I want her with Benedick Monty, who she also has two bolts with, and they'll be at college together next round. Keep searching Beau!