With the exception of a few errand runs, I've basically been holed up with Mac the last day and a half watching Dexter in my bed and eating peanut butter bagels. I truly love being a hermit sometimes.
festivities? you better tell me what's goin on, crackhead. ugh im so pissed my camera. deleted those awesome pictures. especially the one of jon boushell and his mighty backpackbackpack.
OHMYGAWD. i love dexter. because of jon, haha. I'm halfway through season2. when season 3 starts lets have dexter nights like those losers have 24 nights, haha. oi. and next time you go to zeeba im going tooooo with boushy cause I havent seen his mug in 4evaaaa. haha. =)
OMG DUDE I KNOW. I tried not to get sucked in but one of my patients was watching it like a week ago and I got hooked. I ended up watching both seasons in the span of 2 days! We srsly need to have Dexter nights, because 24 is not my thing.
Unfortunately I think that's it. Unless someone else was taking pictures? I started to take them and then Phoebe was taking some so I stopped, but apparently hers were accidentally deleted :(
bbygrl, please keep all of your [picture] entries private. kthxxx. i know you probably think it makes no difference, but you know how people are when they lurk.
Comments 14
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It was pretty nice, & turned out to be pretty darn cheap!
especially the one of jon boushell and his mighty backpackbackpack.
eeps! DC wednesday<3
We even had a group one & we NEVER have group ones!
I'll let you know girl. Oh and Amaka gets out at 11:30
on Wednesday so as of now she said she can go. YAY.
so i'm not nekked and i need to buy film for the real cam!
i love dexter.
because of jon, haha.
I'm halfway through season2.
when season 3 starts lets have dexter nights like those losers have 24 nights, haha.
oi. and next time you go to zeeba im going tooooo
with boushy cause I havent seen his mug in 4evaaaa. haha.
my patients was watching it like a week ago and I got hooked.
I ended up watching both seasons in the span of 2 days! We srsly
need to have Dexter nights, because 24 is not my thing.
You better be there next time lady!
p.s-yourfacerulestoo :]
but i would love to join these dexter nights!
i was thinking about you when i typed that too
because you're one of the people i know forsure that does that.
but i love you!!!
and if dexter nights happen you're totally so in.
Unless someone else was taking pictures?
I started to take them and then Phoebe
was taking some so I stopped, but apparently
hers were accidentally deleted :(
i know you probably think it makes no difference, but you know how
people are when they lurk.
Thus, that is what we call a compromise.
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