1. put windows media player or similar Thing on random
2. for the first 20 songs that play, type a lyric from them
3. have people comment and guess what songs they are.
4. strike out the ones people've gotten correct.
X 1. she's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends
X 2. just stuck, hollow and alone, and the fault is my own, the fault is my own
X 3. she smokes a pack a day, wait that's me, but anyway
X 4. one of those mormons, you know?
X 5. that unspoken feeling of knowing that right now is all that matters
X 6. I look back on where I'm from; look at the woman I've become, and the strangest things seem suddenly routine
X 7. I heard your voice through a photograph
X 8. hello teacher, tell me what's my lesson, look right through me, look right through me
9. she can make you feel high, full of the single greatest commodity known to man
10. been cast aside, stood up for ridicule, but I'm still here; I feel the same
X 11. pretty soon they'll come to get me
X 12. somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasies
X 13. baby, don't you sign that paper tonight, she said, but I can't work in fast food all my life
X 14. by now you should have somehow realized what you've got to do
15. doce de la noche en la havana, cuba
X 16. I miss the person that you were, but I don't miss you
17. guitar!
X 18. party hard! party hard!
X 19. there comes a time when each of us will enter a sleep from which we will never wake
X 20. this is about as social as I get now
A lot of those songs are really, really old... it was all I could do just to listen to some of them. And then others... well, I just wished I could post the whole damn song. Go figure.