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Comments 13

lostch8rofdream February 25 2005, 02:42:14 UTC
3. Train: Meet Virginia
5. Atarus: In this diary
7. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Otherside
20. Dashboard Confessional: Saints and Sailors(? not sure about the actual title, but yea...)

hmm good taste.. <3 Train (If you guys don't ahve school tommorow is saturday show canceled?)


pochtalyon February 25 2005, 03:37:55 UTC
yep on all accounts


sahm February 25 2005, 03:06:11 UTC
1. Eagles: Hotel California
4. CellBlock Tango (from chicago)
8. Mad World (either Donnie Darko or the original)
11. Matchbox 20- unwell
19. lullaby- assemblage 23


pochtalyon February 25 2005, 03:38:10 UTC


erraticflirty1 February 25 2005, 03:10:52 UTC
2. linkin park, somewhere i belong
4. chicago, cell block tango
8. gary joules, mad world (<3)
ive heard 10 before but cant place it... = /
11. matchbox twenty- unwell

i approve. definitely :)
and im googlesearching 16, cause while ive never heard it, i like what you posted from it.


erraticflirty1 February 25 2005, 03:11:40 UTC
buhh sahm beat me! must have posted as i was working on it :(


birchswinger3 February 25 2005, 03:11:56 UTC
gee, madsie! beyond the already-guessed ones, i'm stumped :D


ahwonderland February 25 2005, 03:18:39 UTC
#13 Sell Out, by Reel Big Fish


pochtalyon February 25 2005, 03:38:36 UTC
nice! i wasn't sure who'd get that one


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