So last fall, for a government project, Maddie and I worked the local polls on Election Day. It was fun, we contributed to the community, etc. Afterwards, we had to write a paper about the experience.
My paper, of course, was boring and serious, and talked about 'democracy in action' and other similar sentiments--the kind of patriotic, liberal crap that I tend to think about. Maddie's paper was different. It was entertaining. Because, of course, she talked about The Fireman.
Flashback to about 9am on Election Day. A strange smell is wafting through the polls--like a broken gas line, or something. People are kind of looking around nervously. The Lady In Charge of the precincts (505 and 529, I think) calls in the fire department to check the situation out.
Whoop-de-do, big deal. Yes, big deal--because included in the ranks of all the regular firemen was The Fireman. He was, well, gorgeous. I didn't want to admit it, but Maddie admitted it for the both of us. So very pretty...
Anyway, back to the papers. To review, mine was serious, and Maddie's included The Fireman. On the day we finally got our papers back, I scanned through mine to see Mr. Zack's comments. There was an underline here, an exclamation point there--and then, at the very bottom of the paper, in huge block letters, was the scrawled message:
And that, my friends, is why I loved government.