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Mar 24, 2007 02:06

Video clips for songs i find to always be a huge letdown. While i don't always think a video is required for a song (i mean, the song can just exist as it is without visual interpretation), sometimes an excellent video to a song just makes the whole package complete. Anyway, most of the time, for all the thought and effort that goes into creating music, all the creators of the video can at best the footage manage of the band performing the same song you're hearing from different angles with CRAZY EFFECTS, or perhaps walking down a street miming the words (intermixed with the former) etc (the exception in this case is At The Drive-In, who are entertaining enough to watch when merely perform a song). Occasionally, though, there are video that are just fantastic. Radiohead's Just, Devo's Beautiful World, Muse's Muscle Museum (in all it's angsty glory) and of cource, Limp Bizkit's Break Stuff, are all pretty decent video clips. I always tend to forget my absolute favourites though. So i don't do drugs at all (apart from, *wink-wink-nudge-nudge-dad-joke* PARACETAMOL!), i don't think they're cool, i don't think people who talk endlessly about them are cool, and i have never even heard of half of those mentioned in this clip, etc, but nontheless, i think this is great video.
So I present, Soulwax, with E-Talking. It's been around for a while so you may have seen it before.

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