I'm very sad to see Lost go, and at the same time I'm very happy to have it end. I thought last night's finale was
disappointing and at the same time very satisfying. there were a lot of things I loved about it, and there were some big glaring unsatisfying holes that pissed me off. I loved the Island stuff - the loophole, the death of Locke, Kate and Jack on the cliff. I didn't expect to like it, but I was very satisfied by the clip show in the alt-verse of everyone flashing to their Island connections. Some of the questions that remain unresolved are ultimately answerable in a multi-verse universe. I'm OK with that and it matches the Dark Tower understanding of multi-verse which is I think what they were going with. But I needed an answer to the no children born on the Island thing, to why and whether Aaron was Special, to what was up with Walt, to why Jack's own son wasn't part of his salvation.