You took the words right out of my mouth

Jan 17, 2006 16:44

I've had Meatloaf stuck in my head for two days now. It hasn't gotten any easier to digest.

I'm almost all packed-or at least that's what i tell my parents. I've got a lot of shit to sort through if i don't want to bring as much stuff up this time as i did in the beginning of the year. It's going to be fucking awesome to finally be back at the ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

102021 January 24 2006, 02:03:39 UTC
Where are you? =\\\\\\\\\


pocketedflask January 25 2006, 16:57:36 UTC
I've been so busy at school, it's insane. I miss you though. Are you still coming in Feb?


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