Before You Bury Yourself Alive

Dec 16, 2005 14:40

I have an entire month off with not one fucking burden. Excluding people ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

xseizexthexdayx December 16 2005, 20:23:24 UTC
aw, it's okay. there's always another time and after joe comes home for good (he's been up in ny working and will be here for good on wednesday) i can get a job because i'll have him to drive me. therefore, i will be saving money up for plane tickets. =P


oblivionset December 16 2005, 20:39:56 UTC
cool, we'll hang out
but i have a question.
was i not awsome enough to be put on your list?!


pocketedflask December 16 2005, 22:06:31 UTC
Well i knew i'd probably see you as soon as you came home so PSH you get a real life shout out. That makes no sense, obviously, but i love you anyway.


oblivionset December 16 2005, 22:55:28 UTC
yea, well my love for you is more XTREEM.
i'm talking skydiving with no parachute XTREEM
mountain dew.


mrs_roboto_____ December 17 2005, 00:08:35 UTC
we better be hanging out loser.


pocketedflask December 17 2005, 02:01:29 UTC
HEY i'm home for a month. Why don't you call me? Or gimmie your number (i got a new phone-same number) and we can party hearty.


mrs_roboto_____ December 17 2005, 03:55:11 UTC
same numberrr 8358616.
&we need to hang out &&&catch up!


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