I JUST watched Hey!Say!JUMP's performance of HeyHeyHey!
Of Arigatou~ Sekai no Doko ni Itemo (Thank You ~ Wherever in the world you are)
Rather slow, right?
I know.
But lately, there's really not much motivation for me to watch JUMP.
(Waiting for YamadaPHASE to be over
and for InooKeiRimoto to get some freaking screen time whilst performing with the
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Comments 18
But lately, there's really not much motivation for me to watch JUMP-----> Yeah.Me too.I still love Inoo, but my love for JUMP is decrease.I'm not interested to read or watch something not related to Inoo.It's so frustrating that Johnny ignore Inoo, keito and Ryu. Inoo and Keito are my fav.
But I won't stop from loving Inoo because he needs more love and more fans and maybe Johnny will open his eyes later.
Chinen said terima kasih???Really??Oh Chi, I'm getting like you.
BTW, are you Malay?
MAn, you ought to watch it soon.
No, not really. Nothing special.
But it feels like yamadaPHASE is slightly decreasing.
Like there screen time is now SLIGHTLY more equal
between yabu, takaki, daiki, hikaru, chinen, nakajima and yamada.
But hey, Inoo, Keito and Morimoto STILL doesn't get any, neh!
YES, YES! Chinen said Terima Kasih! And rather cute too~!!
I think he's now my favourite 7 member...
He's charm is definitely growing on me, that's for sure.
And yes, I'm malay! Hahahahah!
(This feels like a rather long comment~!)
I start to like Chinen because of Inoochi.Now I have another reason to like him.
Same le kite.I'm Malay too.Before this I thought you are chinese.Lol.Don't know why i have that thought.Maybe because you are Singaporean and most of Singaporean are Chinese.Oh narrow minded.Forgive me for that.
Hey, please write Inoobu's fic.I like your story.
I've always liked chinen.
I'm just liking him MORE now!
Maybe cos the amount of attention he gets is just right for me to WANT to watch him without getting sick of him...
Then again, his personality is cute too...
I think i have something for cynical guys. Hmm...
(Looks at Nino and Chinen!! x_x)
Hahahahaha, yes, yes. Singaporean = Chinese is a common stereotype. No hard feelings. o(^.^)o
Fanfic... hmm...
When IS my next holiday?!
yeah~ really frustrated and depressed =__=
I don't understand why these 3 boys didn't get the solo line.
I mean, 10 boys in one group isn't a problem.
the producer should manage the solo line for each of them.
it's ridiculous that they're 10 members in a group, but some of them got the solo line while the other 3 didn't.
no solo line = no attention in performance and pv too.
oh! sorry for bursting out in your entry :P
--> What's even MORE ridiculous is that it's THE SAME PEOPLE that's getting the solo lines!! I mean, come on! They have like what, SIX singles altogether already! Shouldn't that mean AT LEAST ONE solo line somewhere for each member...?!?!
And yes, I'm STILL SUPPORTING HSJ because I WANT to see Inoo, Keito and Morimoto getting some screen time SOON!
i think johny should have given more time to Inoo, Keito and Ryuutaro (nut this is heer, let's talk about Inoo our biased)
not mentioning jump...even in BEST, when those 4 had the solo line, inoo would only along with one of them..
don't you think so?
if his voice had a trouble, then just let him find his chance and improve gradually! DX
i think ueda or kamenashi voice long long time ago is not as good as recently, it becoz they had chance to perform, to improve! /kicks J*san
yay~! high five for terimakasih XDD
P.S: long time no see you. in case if you still remember me XD
And yes, yes.
But i'm not complaining as much about BEST's performance because hey, at least we get a solo shot of his face for an appropriate number of times.
But I like his voice. It's cute. So I DO WANT a solo line (or more but let's not push it yet) for Inoo!
And I think he's dance is getting better. It feels like he's putting in more effort now! o(^.^)o
high fives back!
Would've prefer Inoo, but i'll settle for my fav 7 member to say it. YAY!
hahaa.. yeah BEST is better coz we still could spot him, our Inoo-sama.
when it comes to JUMP, then it will be a SOLO performance of Yama with the rest as the shadows like you said =_=
not meaning to be harsh to Yama coz he didn't want it after all *blame that old Johnny* but yeah, i think sometimes he just need to "rest" and give some space to the "shadow" to show up.
yep yep, Inoochan improved in dancing and I LOVE him MORE!!! >/////<
hahah, we hoped the same thing XD
btw my fav 7 is Yuto..LOL
Honestly, I can't really decide much between yuto and chinen so BOTH are my fav 7 member. Ii? hahahaha!
Oh, and I just watched arigatou performance on YYJumping by BEST and...
it's again very frustrating!!
Sure, Inoo has solo shots but...
how is it that they can give solo lines to Yamada, Chinen and Yuto during a performance with 10 people but they STILL CANNOT give Inoo solo lines when it's ONLY FIVE PEOPLE!!
Shodows need some light too!! <-- umm -.-" warui.
and yes, we're not attacking yama-chan. I don't hate that guy. I used to like him in fact. Just not as much right now. He was the bait, now I feel nothing. And that's sad!
Johnny-san should have give more his attention to Inoo, keito and Ryutaro.
No matter what they're still JUMP member right?? why are they being treadted like a stepchild in JUMP.
And you're Malaysian???
I don't know that, i think you're Chinese... O.o
I'm Malay but I'm not Malaysian.
I'm Singaporean but I'm not Chinese.
And yes, Johnny should give AT LEAST EQUAL if not more attention to the trio. It's about time already!
I'm Malay but I'm not Malaysian.I'm Singaporean but I'm not Chinese. <-- ????? Clearer please.
Which means, I'm a Singaporean Malay.
Being Malay does not equal to being Malaysian.
Malay = race, Malaysian = Nationality.
And being Singaporean does not equal to being Chinese.
Singapore is a multi-racial country.
Is that better?
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