Title: Limitless Eternities
Info: Keito/Takaki (with several mentions of Kenichi and one of Chinen.)
1175w; PG-13ish - Written for
1sentence's Gamma challenge. Bits of AU sprinkled in with normatives. COMPLETE. (I had such fun writing it, even if it's like... harro tharr, punctuation abuse/complete FAIL. ;; ♥) ... And yes, I know, some of these make no sense at all.
#01 - Ring
“You know,” Takaki said as he frowned in puzzlement at Keito, “I don’t think I really believe in forever.”
#02 - Hero
Something cold bumped against Keito’s forehead and he found Takaki standing there, coupled with his favorite soda.
#03 - Memory
“You used to be tiny,” Takaki wailed in dismay, much to Keito’s amusement.
#04 - Box
Keito didn’t know how long they’d been trapped; he just knew Takaki had stopped shaking, tears finally drying.
#05 - Run
“I understand why you never came back,” Keito said finally, turning his back on Takaki, guilt hanging in the air between them.
#06 - Hurricane
Takaki’s hair was falling into his eyes and Keito wanted nothing more than to push it away, curl his fingers in it, and yank a little harder.
#07 - Wings
“I…wasn’t ready,” Keito said weakly, fear filling him as the Shinigami stepped closer.
#08 - Cold
Takaki turns to the stranger, waving at the bartender for more drinks - ‘Scotch on the rocks for the two of us’ - smiling in curiosity.
#09 - Red
Takaki picked miserably at the silk thread wrapped around his ankle, knowing exactly where it would lead him.
#10 - Drink
“You, my friend,” Keito says dryly, hauling Takaki to his feet, “are never going clubbing with me again.”
#11 - Midnight
“The shadows are coming,” Takaki whispered, half hysterical as he clung to Keito.
#12 - Temptation
“That was not fair at all,” Keito said after a moment of silence, smirking crookedly and tossing Takaki onto the bed.
#13 - View
“... How would I know?” was Keito’s ever so innocent - unconvincing - reply to Hikaru’s inquiry of as to whether Takaki still slept naked or not.
#14 - Music
Keito curled shyly over his guitar, unused to people watching him anymore, but Takaki could see the soft smile playing on his lips.
#15 - Silk
Takaki’s back hit the cool sheets and he forgot to worry about the fact that they were having sex on Keito’s father’s bed.
#16 - Cover
Takaki draped an arm over Keito’s shoulder, ruffling his hair in camaraderie.
#17 - Promise
“You can have drums and a guitar, easy,” Keito murmured as he traced the skyline, “but you need a vocalist too.”
#18 - Dream
It felt like Takaki was flying as he laughed and danced on the wind, clutching to Keito’s hand.
#19 - Candle
Keito cupped the light between his fingers, praying that Takaki would follow his guidance eventually.
#20 - Talent
It didn’t matter that they were perfect, really, all that mattered was the way their eyes sparkled while Takaki sang and Keito accompanied him.
#21 - Silence
The darkness wrapped warm around them and Takaki wordlessly - blindly - scrabbled for Keito’s hand.
#22 - Journey
“It’s a faraway place… I remember it from my dreams,” Takaki said, frowning as he tried to remember.
#23 - Fire
Takaki had promised to teach Keito all he knew and teach he did, burning one science facility after another, vicious glee in his eyes.
#24 - Strength
Keito laughed as Takaki spidered his fingers over his arms and down his stomach.
#25 - Mask
Keito gripped Takaki by the shoulders, forcing him to meet his eyes, “This isn’t like you, Yuya.”
#26 - Ice
There was blood everywhere and Keito felt ice cold as Takaki’s ragged breathing began to fade away.
#27 - Fall
“Just remember,” Keito repeated for the nth time, “I’ll be there to catch you.”
#28 - Forgotten
Shrugging, Keito grabbed Takaki’s hand and pulling him out the window as he whispered: “They won’t notice I’m gone anyways.”
#29 - Dance
It should have been more awkward than this, Takaki being all elbows and left feet - laughing all the while in good sport - as Keito tried to teach him how to waltz.
#30 - Body
Takaki followed after Keito, wishing he could be real all over again as he floated through the walls.
#31 - Sacred
“Don’t touch him,” Takaki snarled, hands gripping the hilt of his sword as he stood guard over Keito’s cursed body.
#32 - Farewells
The last kisses were always the most bittersweet, Takaki inevitably discovered, feeling despondent as he realized he might not get another one.
#33 - World
“It’s nice… being able to talk to you while you’re in England,” Takaki confessed as Keito laughed over Skype.
#34 - Formal
“Okamoto-san,” Takaki said, nodding his head at Keito, the grimace on the other’s face plain for all to see.
#35 - Fever
It was hard to concentrate with Takaki kissing him like this, as if he were trying to drink him in, half desperate and feverish.
#36 - Laugh
Nobody noticed the inside jokes, the small quirks and quips and quibbles, leaving them in constant confusion as Takaki burst out laughing and Keito quickly turned away.
#37 - Lies
“He’s my brother,” Takaki insisted, pulling Keito behind him, knowing nobody would believe him once they got a look at Keito’s face.
#38 - Forever
Keito could only smile as Takaki leaned against him, snapping a picture, knowing that Takaki was going to insist that he just wanted one to immortalize the moment.
#39 - Overwhelmed
Ten was too many people when almost nobody would talk to you and Keito nearly cried the first time Takaki asked him how he was doing.
#40 - Whisper
The stories were told by late night, accented by flashlights, bed sheets, and a smooth voice spinning the most amazing tales Keito had ever heard.
#41 - Wait
Takaki’s pained smile sent an arrow through Keito’s heart and the words came out before he could stop them - “Even if he didn’t wait for you, I did.”
#42 - Talk
Sometimes Takaki liked to talk about nothing at all, just rambling away about his new favorite sneakers and the flavor of ice cream he’d just tried, always appreciating the fact that the words were rather useless but Keito always remembered what he’d said.
#43 - Search
Takaki was breathless and laughing as he asked Keito the question, curling his fingers around the others, “Let’s go find something new.”
#44 - Hope
Keito laced his fingers with Takaki’s, feeling the other’s head rest on his shoulder, smiling as he realized Takaki would probably still be there in the morning.
#45 - Eclipse
Keito crossed his arms, giving Takaki a flat look as he realized the other knew exactly who Keito’s father was.
#46 - Gravity
Takaki let out a half hysterical, choked laugh as Keito gripped his shoulders, “Sorry… I didn’t… didn’t think I’d lose it like that.”
#47 - Highway
“You’re a safer driver than I thought you’d be,” Keito admitted as his eyes fell closed, Takaki laughing as he changed radio stations.
#48 - Unknown
The present sitting under the tree had no note or card, nothing to ascribe it to being Keito’s, and it took him months to figure out who had given him a new guitar.
#49 - Lock
Keito shook his head, watching as nurses checked Takaki over, feeling frustrated as he explained it to Chinen: “The blocks in his mind… I can’t get past them.”
#50 - Breathe
“It’s not so scary, right?” Takaki asked softly, smiling and not realizing that he’d just stolen Keito’s breath, his heart, and his very first kiss.