Title: Hey, Mister DJ
crazy_otaku911Pairing: None; Takaki-centered.
Rating: G
Summary: Hey, Mister DJ, put a record on.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: None.
A/N: ... I just like the idea. Inspired by
this (at
It’s something Takaki takes pride in, being able to control the emotions of everyone else in the club. He’s at the turntables, fingers at work and headphones in hand. If it had been more soothing, he would have called it magic. As it is, there was just something about it that he loves.
Maybe it was the way the bass pumps through his blood, syncing his heart up to the now-playing, the lyrics in his skull, rather than in the air around him. Like being intoxicated, only he was drinking up bridges and melodies, drumbeats and heartbeats.
He likes thinking he’s amazing at what he does. (Never mind he’s the type that can be replaced with ease. He hasn’t been. Yet.) Takaki likes watching the crowd as he works, picking out a someone or two and playing songs just for them, even if he doesn’t say so. The songs never mean anything, sometimes they mean even less.
But sometimes he gets that kid in the back, the one that looks all lonely and lost, to smile and have another drink.