Title: Birds have small brains (Fly away with me)
crazy_otaku911Groups/Pairings: U-kiss - Eli/Kevin
Rating: R
Summary: It's a bird-brained obsession, but Kevin wants it that way and Eli doesn't fight it.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Slight language, sexy times
A/N: Inspired by... well, Eli and Kevin tweeting. For
tottchupi. NOT what I'm supposed to be writing. What is Kpop doing in my comm again? Ah, it's been ages.
"Okay, so... If you had to describe the two of us as birds, what would you pick," Xander reads off one of Kevin's hand-made cue-cards, but he says it in his MC voice, as if Pops-in-Seoul is still happening with the three of them. It's how Kevin wants it.
Eli rolls his eyes, giving Kevin a Look. "Really? Birds?"
Unfazed, Kevin laughs, waving around his phone, angry-bird phone charm dangling from it. "Come on, it's special!"
And in the end, Eli can't think of a reason to argue anymore. Mostly because that's how Kevin wants it. "Fine... Xander is a loon. And Kevin's a peacock."
"Because he's so pretty~!" Dongho chimes in. It should have just been the three of them, but Dongho had wanted to come along and Kevin hadn't minded. Xander had come to Japan to visit all of them after all, he reasoned.
"I am~," Kevin preens, exaggerated as he bats his eyelashes at Eli. Eli snorted and pretends to swoon, just as exaggerated. It was part of the game.
"Dongho's a parakeet," he adds, just to be annoying. Nobody seems to mind though, as Xander instantly jumps on how cute he thinks parakeets really are. Dongho seems to like it, judging by the way he's grinning. And Kevin just smiles over at him, smug as ever, eyes glinting with merriment and something darker that Eli doesn't really think about.
In truth though, Eli thinks as he sips his soda, Kevin's like a kestrel. Small, delicate, gorgeous, and likes to devour his prey live. Territorial too, but that's a minor point this far into things.
"Why the hell am I a pet pigeon again?" Eli asks, glancing down at where Kevin's leaning against him, phone in hand.
Kevin ignores him for a few minutes, snapping a few more pictures of them together before smiling. "Pigeons are cute!"
"When the hell did I become the cute one?!"
"Chill, chiiiill." Kevin laughs as he pokes Eli's cheek. "It's a joke. Just take is as fun."
It's later, when Kevin's fallen asleep on his arm, putting it to sleep in the process as well, that Eli thinks he knows why Kevin chose a pigeon. Because pigeons were prey.
And they always came back to home.
"Mr Angry Bird is hungry~!" Kevin announces, chucking their 'child' to bounce off Eli's head.
"Kevin," Eli says, pulling out his ear-buds. "It's a plush-toy. It can't eat."
Kevin was laughing, flopping over the armrest onto the couch next to him. "Eli, don't you know that bird-mamas feed their babies by processing the food first and then putting the slime in their mouths?"
To that, Eli claps his hands over his ears. "KEVIN! GROSS"
Kevin's smile is far too evil for how cute he is, but then he's leaning up to kiss Eli's cheeks. "Let me translate that for you. Take me out."
Eli is reluctant fishing for his wallet, but later on, when Kevin's pressing warm and snug against him, tasting like ice cream with his tongue down Eli's throat, Eli decides that it's not so bad.
"Eli..." Kevin whispers, and suddenly Eli's not sure how to breathe as Kevin slowly rocks down onto him. It's not supposed to be like this, but all he can do is sprawl out on the bed and let Kevin move.
He couldn't remember it being possible to move like that, and then Kevin's arching his back and Eli can't really care anymore.
It's one of those moments when everything’s is too tight, too heated, but Eli's also completely held captive to how gorgeous Kevin is, hovering over him, eyes filled with something warm and dark, and it makes him shudder.
He reaches up, tracing fingertips over Kevin's cheekbones. Kevin's smiling, nosing into his touch. It's like he's about to take flight, to send them both soaring.
But just to make sure, when it's Eli's turn, he has his hands curled tight around Kevin's hips, holding him in place as they move, watching Kevin arch beneath him.
He doesn't want Kevin going anywhere he can't follow.