Title: Rain and Roses (You are Mine)
Groups/Pairings: Juniors - Yara/Yamamoto
Rating: PG-13
Summary: AU - Yamamoto was fading.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Character death.
A/N: What happens when
yararanger emails me things like 'sth I just learned, apparently the last sense to fade right before you die is the sense of smell' - I really should stop writing things that aren't Nano (or Trick or Drabble or Hols or X____X)
Yamamoto was fading. No matter how hard, how desperately he clung to the feeling of life, a dark, bleak nothing was soon all he had left. "Y-yara...?"
Yara held him close, so close, but Yamamoto couldn't feel him anymore. It was all dark, it was all empty, Yara's voice was like a far-off call, a soft whisper. "Ryouta... come on, Ryouta, hold it together, help is coming."
Numb lips fought and failed to form a smile. More than living, he wanted to tell Yara it was okay, that he forgave him, that there was nothing to forgive. "S-sorry, Tomo. I guess we won't... we won't get to go see the stars after all."
He couldn't hear anymore. Couldn't hear the sob Yara choked back, or even the rush of blood in his own ears.
It smelled of roses and rain and of Yara. His Yara.
And then it smelled of nothing.
And he was gone.