Preventing Mistakes
Kisumai/Other - Fujigaya/Kyomoto Masaki, Fujigaya/Kyomoto Taiga, Kitayama/Fujigaya, cameo of Senga, mention of Yokoo and Yasui(/Taiga)
873 words, PG-13, Firefly!AU
I'm not sure what brought this on, but I've been wanting to write this Firefly!AU for ages and this scene came to me yesterday, so I jotted it down. It's only based off the general premise, not too precisely, though obviously Kitayama is filling the role of Mal and Fujigaya is Inara. 8D/
About Companions.
Fujigaya first laid eyes on Kyomoto Taiga and knew this was not going to be as smooth as anyone hoped.
He had heard plenty about Taiga over the past two years from his father, Kyomoto Masaki, but had never met him for various reasons - Masaki’s reasons for needing Fujigaya’s companionship were personal.
Taiga was much like Fujigaya expected on the surface. Confident, charming, with that unintentional arrogance that often came with wealth and influence. He had lots of friends and he was well liked, but he drew his boundaries where he wanted them and there were consequences for them being breached without permission. Right now he was staring at Fujigaya as if he were the only other person in the room.
That was hardly of interest to Fujigaya. If he was simply to take things as they seemed, he would not have bothered with his training to be a Companion. However, the more he saw of Taiga, the more he was convinced they would not be a good fit.
“My son, Taiga,” Masaki said, gesturing Taiga forward. “I’m glad you two have finally been able to meet.”
Taiga didn’t say anything, just continued to watch Fujigaya, but that suited Fujigaya because it gave him more time to fully understand Taiga. His eyes were an open book.
There was the desire, naked and bubbling beneath the surface. But it was more than just desire for Fujigaya, it was desire for more. For affection and passion and approval and submission, from his father, from his friends, from Fujigaya.
Fujigaya gave Taiga a gentle smile, greeting the young man formally, in his own native tongue. Masaki had his arm around Fujigaya’s shoulders, but he was obviously eager for a verdict, fingers tracing along Fujigaya’s shoulder, out of Taiga’s sight.
In this moment, Fujigaya is glad he hadn’t given Masaki an immediate yes. This meeting was unorthodox as it was, but Kyomoto Masaki was one of Fujigaya’s favorite clients, so he had given it a try, for his sake. This wasn’t going to work, though.
Normally clients would have to go through a thorough screening before being presented to Companions to make their selection, finding the best fits, the perfect fit, because not every Companion was going to work for every client. There was a certain sincerity and intimacy that needed to come naturally, for a Companion to their job properly.
Masaki had been one of those perfect fits for Fujigaya, but that didn’t mean Taiga was a good fit as well. In fact, Fujigaya could only see how attempting this arrangement would create discord and disturbance within the family - it was one reason Masaki’s wife had requested the services of a different Companion, though she and Fujigaya got along wonderfully.
“Please excuse us,” Fujigaya said to Taiga, gracefully rising to his feet and leaving to the gardens with Masaki, his dusky robes brushing gently against the ground. Taiga smiled faintly, nodding as they left him on the patio.
“What do you think, Taisuke?” Masaki asked, once they were out of earshot.
“I think this would be a very large conflict of interest,” Fujigaya replied honestly, slipping his arm through Masaki as they walked through exotic sunset flowers. “I’m afraid we would be an incredibly bad match, though I’m flattered you trust me with your son.”
“I trust you with everything,” Masaki said, just as open and sincere, pressing a kiss to Fujigaya’s temple. “But what do I do now? He needs guidance in ways neither I nor my wife can provide.”
“He should go through a formal screening,” Fujigaya said, smiling. “But I think I know someone who would be just what Taiga needs, so you can request him specifically and see if they work.”
“His name is Kentaro. We trained together and he travels frequently. I’ll mention it to him, if you want to get Taiga started on the screening.”
Masaki laughed, drawing Fujigaya in. “That sounds perfect. In the meantime… shall we retire inside?”
Flashing him a sly grin, Fujigaya ghosted his lips over Masaki’s. “Lead on, Masaki-sama.”
“And the Ambassador has arrived,” Kitayama announced as Fujigaya stepped onto the ship from where his shuttle had docked. “You finished whoring around sooner than expected.”
He’s needling, not even trying to be subtle about it, but Fujigaya feels frustrated rather than flustered. It wasn’t as if such phrases were unusual from the captain of the ship - Kitayama had made it clear what he thought of Companions when he’d first leased the shuttle to Fujigaya - but Fujigaya had actually come back feeling rather peaceful.
Now he just felt like rearranging Kitayama’s face with his fist.
“Some of us are actually punctual with our business,” he said instead. “It makes things go smoother.”
“What, did he finish too fast?” Kitayama sniped at him. "Because that's just sad."
“Hey, Captain,” Senga yelled as he walked entered from the civilian quarters. He paled, immediately sensing that he’d walked into a mine-field and quickly retreating. “Yokoo says he’s ready to take off.. since Gaya’s here and all.”
Relieved at the diversion, Fujigaya turned heel, pleased when the sleeve of his robe flipped up into Kitayama’s face in the process. “I should go talk to him, since I’m done whoring about. Shouldn’t I, Kitayama?”