Not My Fandom Fest!

Oct 14, 2010 18:33

Welcome to the first ever Not My Fandom Fest! The fest will be running from tonight, Thursday, October 14 through the weekend until sometime on Monday, October 18! Pimp to your friends! Feel free to use the banner! Tell everyone you know! We're going to have fun, guys!

We all joke about "fannish osmosis," and this comment ficathon is going to put that to the test. The object is to write a ficlet for a fandom you're not a part of based solely on what you've learned from your friends list and fandom at large. Silly, serious, the tone and approach are up to you. The only rule is that you can't write for a fandom that you have actually seen the source material for. (So, if, for example, you've seen all of Criminal Minds but just haven't participated in the fandom, that doesn't count.)

Confused? Intrigued? Both? Read on for the details and the rules.

This fest is going to run in a fashion similar to a kink meme. In the comments of this post, you'll find "header comments" with the names of fandoms and their Better Than It Sounds summaries. In order to submit a ficlet for that fandom, reply to that header comment with your fic. Make sure you change the subject of the comment to the title of your fic. If your ficlet is too large to fit in one comment, feel free to use more than one or link to excerpt, but makes sure it's clear that multiple comments are connected.

As of posting this, the fandoms are in alphabetical order, but as people suggest additions, more will be added to the end :)

If this sounds confusing, just scroll down. The first comment will serve as an example.

Feel free to write as many ficlets as you want for as many fandoms as you want, keeping in mind that you should only be writing for fandoms you do not watch/read/listen to. There's no real way to police this, but where's the fun in writing for something you know? This is about fannish assumptions, not "getting it right."

If you have any other comments/questions/whatever, PLEASE LEAVE THEM HERE AND NOT ON THIS POST. We're trying to keep this JUST for ficlets. Any comments you leave here will probably be deleted unless they are fic.

If you're looking for a particular fandom, they're listed alphabetically here. If you don't see the fandom you're looking for, just ask for it on this post and I will add it for you!

1. The point is to write for a fandom you don't know. So please, keep that in mind.

2. No fandom/character/ship bashing! Is it okay to poke fun at ships/characters/fandoms that you think are ridiculous? Yes. That's kind of the point. Is it okay to trash them left and right? No. Just because it's not your ship/fandom/character/kink doesn't mean it's not someone else's. Irony is okay. Joking is okay. Plain mean-heartedness will be deleted. (And yes, we can tell the difference. We have a lot of experience being dicks.)

3. Please warn for noncon, dubcon, character death, and graphic violence.

4. Ficlets of all ratings are allowed, but please warn if your ficlet is NSFW.

5. Don't be a jerk. (Unless you're us.)

6. Mods reserve the right to make new rules if people are being jerks. (But you'll all be good, right?)


Does my fic have to be ridiculous?
No! You can write something silly based on fannish tropes you're aware of, or you can make a legitimate attempt to write for a fandom without knowing the source material. Or you can do both!

How many fics can I write?
As many as you want! The fest is going on all weekend and will probably end sometime on Monday.

Can I post anonymously?
Feel free! Anon commenting is on and I think IP-logging is off, but I'm not sure. I'll check later. I'm lazy.

I want to write for a fandom you haven't listed! What do I do?
Comment here and alert the mod. She'll probably throw it right up because she has no life and spends all day in front of her computer.

I've seen a couple episodes of [show], but I'm not in the fandom and I never pursued it further. Can I still write for [show]?
Sure! I mean, we all channel surf or watch a pilot to try a new show on for size before abandoning it. If you tried three episodes of BSG but never went any further and you want to write for BSG, then go for it.

I'm familiar with one "era" of a large fandom (ie: Doctor Who, Star Trek), but not the whole canon. Can I write for the parts I'm unfamiliar with?
Sure! If you're only into New!Who but want to write about the 4th Doctor, I won't stop you.

Someone is being mean to me! What do I do?
Tell the mods, you little tattletale. We'll smack them down for you.

I have a question you haven't answered!
Ask it here and I will answer it for you, like a pro. Or something. What am I even talking about any more?


With all that being said, let's start the damn fest! Have fun!


ETA: 12:50AM EST - I'm going to bed for the night, guys. If you want to add a new fandom or have a question or complaint or whatev, leave a note on this entry and I will fix it in about eight hours, give or take.

12:33PM: I'm going to be in transit for ~4 hours. I'll probably pop in from time to time (when I inevitably stop for coffee and restrooms and use the free wifi), but please be patient while I play catch-up :)

7:10PM: Okay, that took much longer than it should have. SORRY, GUYS. I'm back now and all new fandoms have been added.

11:10AM Saturday: Good morning, internet! I'm back and all new fandoms have been added!

3:40PM Saturday: Going to a wedding! Be back later!

11:45PM Saturday: I have returned! Big thanks to cold_feets for doing modly stuff while I was out. Thank you for not burning the fest down in my absence! All new fandoms have been added.

11:15AM Friday: There is now an alphabetical list of fandoms! Thanks, cold_feets!

11:00PM: THE FIRST EVER "NOT MY FANDOM FEST" IS NOW OFFICIALLY CLOSED! I hope you guys had as much fun as I did! Feel free to continue to link to this post to have people comment on your ficlets, if you so choose :)

Fest wrap-up/Fest friending meme located here! Please drop by! And thanks so much for all your enthusiasm!

not my fandom fest

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