Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)p_zeitgeistOctober 16 2010, 02:12:53 UTC
"Are we almost there yet?" Schuldig asked.
"No," Crawford told him. If you ask me again I'll probably have to kill you, he added. But not out loud, because if he said it out loud the others would hear him, and it would be embarrassing when he didn't do it.
No you won't. He could hear Schuldig's nasty snicker even without hearing his voice
( ... )
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)p_zeitgeistOctober 16 2010, 05:12:44 UTC
Wait, you're telling me they didn't?
Semi-seriously, everything I know about WK I've gotten from reading fic. And based on that, I really believed that at least at some point in one of the show's incarnations they did just stick Schwartz in some sort of vehicle or vehicles and had them snark at each other. I should have known better, though, now that I stop and think about it. As you say, that would have been watchable, and people would have recced the relevant episodes instead of warning me against trying to watch any of it.
It's a brilliant fandom, though. The world, it is a strange and wonderful place.
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)reiza_gwOctober 16 2010, 07:54:14 UTC
In retrospect, I think that a couple of them may have been in a car at one point? Memory's a bit fuzzy though; it's been a few years since I watched. It really is a lovely fandom, and it does a great job of filling in all of the details and characters that the series barely touched.
And thanks for writing this! It was a really fun read and you were spot on with the character interactions. Especially Farfarello, who makes about that much sense in the actual series.
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)lady_ganeshOctober 16 2010, 22:28:31 UTC
The one thing about WK you could never tell from canon is just how little Schwarz actually shows up. I'm not sure they are actually ever in a car together....
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)quilloriOctober 16 2010, 04:47:52 UTC
You remember when I said just because I listed WK as interest I didn't mean I thought it was good, and that there was no reason for you to watch it? Further proof you don't need to watch it is that you're already note perfect on all the important bits. Also, perhaps you could be given some sort of award for the best Farfarello ever to be done in 6 sentences. I read this during a coffee break, intending to return subsequently to my previous task of being frustrated and irritated with the world in general, and specifically with the stupidity of sales assistants who insist something patently the wrong size is in fact the right size: instead I'm smiling helplessly and quite prepared to accept that a world that randomly provides such snippets can't be all bad. (Which is a little unfair of me: it's you that provided the snippet, not the world in general, so I'm not sure why it gets the credit. Nonetheless, I seem to be back in sympathy with my fellow man. The coffee probably helped too.)
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)p_zeitgeistOctober 16 2010, 05:25:53 UTC
Delighted as I always am to hear such lovely and flattering things, I have to say that in this instance you are quite right to attribute whatever may be good here to the world as a whole. Or at least, to WK fandom as a whole, since this is a distillation of what I've picked up from reading around in a fandom that attracts an astonishing array of really splendid writers.
(None of whom appear to be the least bit interested in the nominal protagonists. I couldn't have done any comment!fic at all if I'd had to write about the heroes; I have nothing to steal from.)
But who or whatever the credit properly should go to, I'm glad that there was something pleasant to distract you from the sales assistants who seem to think that if only they insist strongly enough that reality is other than what it palpably is, you will cease to notice the way the material universe remains stubbornly inconsistent with their preferred views. I know those sales assistants, and I have, I fear, no kind feelings toward them.
Re: You needn't watch any morep_zeitgeistOctober 17 2010, 14:56:13 UTC
Thanks! I'm particularly glad it passes muster with you, since I think I stole most of it from you and from daegaer.
I'm not sure about that fic battle, though. I mean, can a mere shadow reasonably battle the real and solid thing it is cast from? Not that I wouldn't be willing to try, but I fear that the likelihood of a huge mismatch is very, very high.
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)p_zeitgeistOctober 17 2010, 15:00:29 UTC
It is hard to infer from fics! I was just mentioning elsewhere that I have no sense of the actual heroes of the series at all, because no one seems to write them.
Or possibly because of the source material itself. I did once try to watch some of it, and I gave up after about six episodes with no more idea of what the hell was going on or who these people were than I'd had before I started. Perhaps less, in fact, which is kind of remarkable when I think about it.
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)p_zeitgeistOctober 17 2010, 15:06:23 UTC
Thank you! As I just told bladderwrack, I think I stole most of this from the two of you (and what I didn't steal from you I stole from lady_ganesh), on the ancient and honorable principle of Always Steal From The Best. Which makes me particularly grateful to know that you don't hate it.
Re: Weiss Kreuz (everything I know about WK)daegaerOctober 17 2010, 15:50:01 UTC
Hee! *is flattered*
Sooner or later, everyone puts Schwarz in a car. (In the anime, most of them were in a car in one episode, two of them in a car in another. And yes, they snarked at each other both times. It took the CD dramas to put them all in a car together, with Nagi at the wheel. Because what you need in a fraught getaway is an exciteable fifteen year old telekinetic driving. Ah, WK).
"No," Crawford told him. If you ask me again I'll probably have to kill you, he added. But not out loud, because if he said it out loud the others would hear him, and it would be embarrassing when he didn't do it.
No you won't. He could hear Schuldig's nasty snicker even without hearing his voice ( ... )
Semi-seriously, everything I know about WK I've gotten from reading fic. And based on that, I really believed that at least at some point in one of the show's incarnations they did just stick Schwartz in some sort of vehicle or vehicles and had them snark at each other. I should have known better, though, now that I stop and think about it. As you say, that would have been watchable, and people would have recced the relevant episodes instead of warning me against trying to watch any of it.
It's a brilliant fandom, though. The world, it is a strange and wonderful place.
And thanks for writing this! It was a really fun read and you were spot on with the character interactions. Especially Farfarello, who makes about that much sense in the actual series.
(None of whom appear to be the least bit interested in the nominal protagonists. I couldn't have done any comment!fic at all if I'd had to write about the heroes; I have nothing to steal from.)
But who or whatever the credit properly should go to, I'm glad that there was something pleasant to distract you from the sales assistants who seem to think that if only they insist strongly enough that reality is other than what it palpably is, you will cease to notice the way the material universe remains stubbornly inconsistent with their preferred views. I know those sales assistants, and I have, I fear, no kind feelings toward them.
I'm not sure about that fic battle, though. I mean, can a mere shadow reasonably battle the real and solid thing it is cast from? Not that I wouldn't be willing to try, but I fear that the likelihood of a huge mismatch is very, very high.
(Of course, Schwarz only get about 2 lines per capita in canon, but that's hard to infer from fics)
Or possibly because of the source material itself. I did once try to watch some of it, and I gave up after about six episodes with no more idea of what the hell was going on or who these people were than I'd had before I started. Perhaps less, in fact, which is kind of remarkable when I think about it.
Sooner or later, everyone puts Schwarz in a car. (In the anime, most of them were in a car in one episode, two of them in a car in another. And yes, they snarked at each other both times. It took the CD dramas to put them all in a car together, with Nagi at the wheel. Because what you need in a fraught getaway is an exciteable fifteen year old telekinetic driving. Ah, WK).
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