Title: Love (Ryutaro)
Author: Ritsu (
Pairing: Tiny bit of Chinen X Ryutaro. Oh, and Sanazawa and Hirosuke managed to ninja their way in. Sort of.
Rating: G
Summary: Chinen shows Ryutaro what love is. What is love? Ba
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Fluff!
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki <3
This is the second one-shot (short one shot? I dunno...) in a self proclaimed challenge (which is to write a fic for each member. Using words off my desktop wallpaper, which is a pretty heart made out of words. 8D) Next up is Yamada~ ♥
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Honestly, what did Ryutaro know about love? Love was yucky, like girls...okay, so girls weren't yucky and he did actually crush on some, but he was too sensible and mature to say that those little feelings were 'love'. Just because he thought a girl's smile was cute was hardly a reason to say he loved her. Maybe like, but definitely not love.
“You're so serious about this.” Chinen rolled his eyes, laughing as Ryu relayed this latest thought to him. Shoving Yuto away for a moment, Chinen grinned. “Now isn't the time to dissect love! Now is the time to have fun and talk to cute girls~”
“Chii--” But Chinen was already grabbing his hand.
“You take love too seriously, Ryu-chan.” Chinen laughed and dragged him upright. “Don't you remember? 'It takes no time to fall in love~ But it takes you years to know what love is'?”
Ryu was reluctant to follow, but there was usually no getting out of what Chinen wanted without a huge fuss. So he just let the boy tug him around, keeping up because he didn't want his shoes scuffed. “No, I don't remember.” He answered with a sigh.
“Oh...Well, it's a song Hikaru randomly spouts out.” Chinen went on, not missing a beat. “You can fall in love...you just won't understand it all until later!” The small boy paused, grinning at Ryu with obvious cheer. “I'm going to show you what love is!”
They wandered around for a few minutes before Chinen stopped, putting a finger to his lips, pointing silently at an unfolding scene. Obedient, Ryu went silent as well, watching.
It was Kis-My-Ft2, all flopped out on various couches while they took a break, chatting and laughing, looking pretty normal. Ryu frowned, wondering why he was looking at this at all when Chinen nudged him again, nodding towards a specific couch. It was Kitayama and Fujigaya, all sprawled out and tangled on each other, which wasn't unusual, because they were always like that. But Chinen continued to watch them and so Ryu continued as well.
It took him another two seconds before he noticed little things. Kitayama had his left hand hooked with Fujigaya's right, his free hand swirling through that famous fringe. They both had this small little smile, their eyes filled with what Ryu could only describe as tenderness.
Chinen was again tugging him away though, Ryu following quickly after him. “Saw that? That's love.” Before Ryu could open his mouth to say 'That was obvious', Chinen had maneuvered him to a new spot, pointing again. “That's love too!”
Ryu had no idea what he was looking at except Sanada and Nozawa sitting in a corner, hunched over a DS, Nozawa trying to backseat play while Sanada frowned in concentration. Ryu actually smiled at the sight until he noticed that they were playing on his DS. How did they even get that!? He was going to kill Shintaro!
As if knowing exactly what he was thinking, Chinen was tugging him away. Well, he was very transparent when it came to his younger brother.
...Speak of the devil, look who they ran into in the next hallway?
“Nii-chan!” Shintaro's face was all bright and happy but Ryu just wanted to growl at him. Why did Mis Snow Man have his DS? Chinen was leaning, whispering into his ear. “This is love too.”
Ryu paused and Shintaro jumped on him, giving him a huge, excited hug. “Nii-chan~” Shintaro began to babble on for a mile a minute, the words coming out so quickly they rushed over and past Ryu's ears without a glance backwards. His younger brother was just so happy and excited and adorable, Ryu couldn't help but smile before shooing him away, forgetting about the DS, just thinking that they might want to stop by somewhere to get some extra gum.
“See?” Chinen was smiling at him and Ryu just smiled back. “Love shouldn't be defined. Love should be felt. Worry about what kind of love it is later. Fall in love now!”
Ryu thought about it, wondering if Chinen was right, if love wasn't really something purely romantic or if it was just...love. A strange feeling that could be fleeting or everlasting, completely unpredictable but something everyone seemed to want.
“Oh...and this is love too.” Chinen's smile seem to grow a fraction as he leaned over to lightly place a kiss on Ryu's cheek.
...Maybe this was love.
A/N: There you go. Fluff. Chiitaro fluff. Why did I write this? I blame Koukou. Aka