Title: 20 Fortune Cookies
Author: Ritsu (
Pairing: Secret! Yabu X Someone
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Yabu turns 20 and someone is leaving him a ton of fortune cookies with special messages.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: CHEESE!
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki <3
Short one-shot, long drabble. IDK, CHEESY LOVE! Cheesy love for the first 20 year old in JUMP. ;D HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YABU~
Since Yabu was the first to arrive, he was the first to see the small package. Frowning, he noticed that it had his name on it, written in bright red marker. Flopping on the couch, knowing he'd be alone for at least the next ten minutes, he opened the box. Inside was a folded piece of paper and a homemade fortune cookie.
Intrigued, he opened the piece of paper, glancing at the typed letter. He smiled, realizing that someone had sneak in a birthday present without him noticing.
Dear Yabu Kouta,
Happiest Birthday wishes to you!
You're turning 20, an age where you can do a lot of things, including drinking. But that's beside the point, really.
You are now an adult and you're the first of us. That must be scary, so I made you a special gift for your birthday.
See that fortune cookie? - Yabu did actually pause to glance at it - Go ahead and open it. This is 1 of 20 fortune cookies, because you're 20 now. Inside is just something I thought you should know and I hope you have fun finding all the cookies today!
Someone you know.
Yabu read the letter twice again before looking at the large cookie again. Setting the letter down, he picked it up, breaking it in half. A paper fluttered into his lap and he picked it up, taking a bite out of the snack as he read the paper, the message was again typed.
Dear Birthday Boy,
You are so strong. I hope you know that. You're so determined and powerful and I really look up to you. You will always be my role model.
Flushing slightly, a pleased smile grew on Yabu's lips as he read it over and over again. Who was this? He finished the cookie right as Inoo, Ryutarou, and Daiki trooped in, tucking the paper safely in his pocket before greeting them.
The birthday gift was on his mind as they all showed up. Hikaru showing up with Yuto in tow. Takaki and Chinen barely beating Yamada through the door, Keito managing to show up without Yabu noticing. Which one had delivered this? Who would do something like this?
What if they weren't the ones? He had caring senpai and friends among the juniors. Someone else could have done it...He didn't know. If the messages had been written, he would have known, but apparently his mystery person was smarter then that. So who was it?
The next few showed up here and there, completely unexpected, but in such a way that only Yabu would find them. They had more messages, things like 'There is nothing more soothing then your voice' and 'You're such a great songwriter' and 'Your smile is dazzling and I love making it appear!'.
It was silly, but Yabu was starting to really love whoever this was. The cookies alone were great, but the messages were heartwarming. Someone was really paying attention to him. He wanted to know so badly who they were. He hadn't a clue! The messages were sweet but open enough to not leave any traces behind.
'You are someone I admire so, so much~'
It was the end of the day, he had dozens and dozens of birthday wishes, gifts, snacks, etc. He had 19 cookies. 19 messages. Where was the last one?
Sighing, he took a shower, wondering where the last cookie would appear and if he'd ever find out who it was. It weighed on his mind, driving him insane. Who was this mystery person?
By the time he got out of the shower, he knew the dressing room would be empty. They were meeting up later but everyone had already been heading out by the time he'd headed to the showers, so he hadn't expected to find someone still in there.
The other person obviously hadn't expected him either. Yabu had just walked in to find someone squealing in surprise and diving behind the couch. There was a thud, followed by an 'Ow....' and Yabu hurried over in concern.
“Are you o--” The question died in Yabu's throat as he peeked over the couch to find Takaki Yuya sprawled on the ground.
He had a fortune cookie cradled in his hands.
“Ah! K-kou...wh-what a surprise, I didn't...d-didn't...”
Yabu stared at the younger boy, blushing and stammering, obviously embarrassed. “...It was you?” He said finally. “You made all of these?” He pulled out the pocket full of notes.
Takaki shut up and nodded, his eyes avoiding Yabu's.
Yabu let it sink in for a few more moments and then bit his lip, holding out his hand. Takaki looked at it for a moment and then handed the cookie over.
What a silly dork.
“Give me your hand, silly~” He snagged the other's hand and pulled him up, getting so they could both sit on the couch. Takaki hugged his knees, still blushing and not looking at Yabu. Yabu decided to take a look at the cookie before trying to get him to talk. Carefully he cracked it open, choosing to eat the cookie before looking down at the paper.
'Yabu Kouta, I love you.'
Yabu's heart stopped beating for what felt like an eternity and he looked from the paper to Takaki, mouth agape. Takaki couldn't see though, because he had his face hidden in his lap.
“Hey...” Yabu reached over, prying Takaki out of his protective shell. “Hey...You really mean this, don't you...?”
Takaki let Yabu pull him across the couch, still scarlet faced.
“Well, Yuuyan~” Yabu finally smiled, affectionately brushing his fingers through Takaki's hair. “I think I want to say Thank You...” Chuckling, he slide a finger under the other's chin, making him look up so their eyes could meet. He leaned in close, his smile warm. “Thank you...” He closed the gap to gently kiss Takaki, giving the only thanks he thought was fitting for the best birthday present ever.
A/N: Short but sweet and you should have seen this pairing coming. XD