Title: Fascinate (Inoo's)
Author: Ritsu (
Pairing: Inoo Kei X Takaki Yuya
Rating: G
Summary: Set during Hitomi No Screen's filming. How does Inoo manage to stay so alive with everything he has to do? Takaki watches him for a few moments.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Fluff. :D
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki <3
This is the ninth one-shot in a self proclaimed challenge (which is to write a fic for each member. Using words off my desktop wallpaper, which is a pretty heart made out of words. 8D) Next up is Yuto~ ♥
Takaki practically fell over onto the couch, groaning in pain. It felt like his muscles were crumbling and he wanted to just pass out. Exhaustion washed over him, his eyes nearly closed until a shuffle of papers had them opening again in tired curiosity.
Inoo was at a nearby table, bent over what was probably a text book. Takaki stared at him for a few moments, too surprised to say anything.
Inoo was studying?
Never mind that they'd just gone through the countdown and weren't quite done with filming Hitomi no Screen. Takaki was dead tired and he knew he wasn't the only one. Keito, Yamada, and Yuto were in a pile in a different room, out like a light.
Takaki knew that even the makeup wasn't hiding the bags under his eyes and his cheerfulness was depleted. Yet here Inoo was, studying, humming to himself, and looking serene and well rested.
Takaki wasn't sure what to think about this all.
He'd always, always admired Inoo for things like this. He didn't look it, didn't act like it...but Inoo was probably the strongest of all of them. The calmest as well. He went through things and came out completely unruffled. A big difference when compared to Takaki who often ended up in tears, screaming, or breaking something...
Even now, Inoo was clean and neat, not a hair out of place, not a blotch on his skin. Takaki knew his make up was smeared and his hair was probably standing on end by now...and that just made things unfair, but he had to remember, it was Inoo he was looking at. Inoo was as close to perfection as a young man could get.
Takaki watched him in sleep fascination, calmed by the normalcy of the scene. Inoo could have been just an ordinary student, but that just showed you how book covers just didn't tell a good story. You had to wait and read and then you'd see all that was Inoo Kei.
He felt like he could watch the other for hours, just doing what he was doing right then. That was special enough, being able to see Inoo smile to himself as he figured something out or laugh when he saw something funny. The way his eyebrows quirked when he concentrated.
It was amazing to see all those little moments.
They fascinated him.
Takaki couldn't remember his eyes closing, but his next cognizant moment was that of warm comfort. A blanket was being draped over him and soft lips brushed his cheek. He didn't even have to open his eyes to know who it was.
On top of everything else, Inoo still managed to take care of him.
He truly was fascinating...
A/N: WHOOT! I actually wrote an Inoo fic. I swear, he's the hardest for me to write. >> I don't know why. D: But one more and I've written all ten one shots. YAY :D