Title: 未来の向こうへ (Mirai no Mukou e)
Author: (
Pairing: Ki/F
Rating: G
Summary: JE Avatar!verse. Deep within the forests of Pandora there is a clan that lives wrapped up in mystery. The sky people are allowed to live among them for a short while. (Set several years after the movie)
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki ♥
Avatar is a interesting universe to try and explore~ ^^ This is a sneak peek/prologue to an upcoming fic...well, I hope it's upcoming. >>;; We'll see.
He knew they were coming. They all knew, which was the only reason these strange creatures were able to find them. His clan was like that, more secretive than the forest they lived in. Secluded from even their brothers and sisters of the other clans. They were a whisper in the wind. A myth. A smoky shadow to be chased and never caught.
But they had heard of these rumored strangers from the stars. The sky people. Their ancestors told them.
He'd expected their leader to brush it off as insignificant matter, but he did the opposite. They would be welcoming several of these sky men into their clan. It would be, his leader explained, beneficial for both parties. They would be able to study and learn new things from these creatures and these sky men would be able to glimpse into the deep well of secrets that was their clan.
He was uneasy at first, unsure of how to handle such change. But soon he found the very thought, the idea of it all to be completely thrilling. He was young, he adapted and soon found himself anticipating the day when they arrived.
He could smell them before he saw them, feel their clumsy trek through the forest before they came into view. A sudden rush of...what? Fear? He'd never experienced anything quite like it.
He slipped away home to find everyone crowded together, waiting, because they knew of their arrival just as he had.
Crouching, he curled around his leader's feet, peeking out as they came into the clearing.
The meeting wasn't anything as spectacular as he'd imagined in his head, but after he'd brushed off the disappointment, he began to examine each and every one of them
The one who was doing most of the talking, he picked to be the leader, snickering softly as he heard him bumbling over their tongue. Of course...they knew how to speak this sky tongue, they just chose not to.
But then his eyes traveled over the small band and he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from one near the back, the one who was leaning against a tree, lazily eying them all, looking like he was about to just curl up and nap. He was amused for a moment. This one was so short.
But then he noticed other things. The way the other's dusky blue glimmered in the evening. The way his eyes noticed everything. He was so enthralled, he didn't even notice that those eyes had settled on him.
Flushing, he shrank back, slipping away from the gathering. His heart was suddenly pounding, his mind all a buzz. He felt....strange. But he couldn't word the emotion. It troubled him, as did this stranger who looked at him as if he could see into his soul.
A/N: Prologue, sneak peek, something...xD However, Hirosuke is not actually the main pairing...Nor is any Kisumai members. I wonder if I'll get this finished. EDIT a year and a half later: lmao, this fic is never happening.