Title: Trapped
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Ki/F
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Fujigaya can't breathe when he's with Kitayama. But he can't leave him either.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Angst, implied abuse.
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki ♥
That's how Taisuke felt. Trapped.
Hugging a pillow to his chest, he glanced over at the body sprawled on the bed next to him. Hiromitsu was fast asleep. Of course he was. Taisuke gave a small shudder and inched off the bed, wincing as bruised muscles and sore body parts protested every little move. Taisuke brushed his neck, feeling the heated, abused skin on the outside, his own pained breathing on the inside.
He shuffled his way over to the window, slowly opening it. It was the dark of the night and Taisuke's mind automatically tuned out the sounds of life that continued on, even when the sun was sleeping. Instead, he concentrated upwards, gazing above rooftops.
A star glowed in the horizon and Taisuke stared at it. He struggled to think if he'd ever really seen it before. Maybe he had...It was beautiful.
Then again, he hadn't been looking at the stars lately. His eyes were usually glued to his shoes.
He bit his lip, feeling tears fill his eyes and trail down his cheeks, still clutching the pillow to his chest. “Please....Please, please, please.” He didn't even know what he was asking for. But he needed something, desperately. Something needed to change before he shattered so completely that no one would be able to put his mind, his heart, his body back together.
“Please...” He buried his face in the pillow, his tears soaking it instead of leaving glistening tracks of pain down his face.
Arms wrapped around him from behind and he nearly screamed, his heart jumping in to his throat. A warm body pressed against his back, a chin tucking on to his shoulder. “Hey.” Taisuke had been so occupied, he hadn't even heard him get up. “You okay~?”
Taisuke didn't pull his face away from the pillow until he was relatively sure all signs of tears were erased, or at least enough to not be seen in the dark. “It's nothing...” He lied. He always lied these days, there was never any point in telling the truth. “I just couldn't sleep.”
Hiromitsu turned him around, his hands surprisingly gentle, though Taisuke's body still flared up when he brushed over a particularly touchy spot. Those dark eyes met his in the near dark and Hiromitsu frowned. “You wanna talk about it, Taisuke?”
Taisuke nearly let the words slip out. How he hated this. Hated Hiromitsu. Hated what they were. Hated himself.
But those eyes stopped him. They were warm, inviting, and so real they took Taisuke's breath away.
He hated that too.
But he supposed that was why they were still here. Still the way they were. He couldn't walk away because he always came crawling back. Leaving, somehow, in some twisted way, was worse then staying.
“It's nothing,” he mumbled, managing a half smile, wishing Hiromitsu's eyes, the way he looked at him now, that it was always like that.
But it was nothing.
He was nothing.
A/N: I'm telling you.
misosiru gives the most emo prompts ever. u_u I just fail at emo.