Title: In Our Own Silence
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Takaki Yuya X Kiriyama Akito X Nakama Junta (Friendship)
Rating: G
Summary: Akito and Junta have to deal with a whole different side of Takaki. They don't really mind though, he's their special friend.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Cheese?
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki ♥
Written over at the
Johnnys Jr Fic Meme a while back.
Akito shifted slightly, pulling Takaki closer to him. Junta was on the other side of Takaki, trying his best to sooth him, fingers gently stroking his hair. What had been near hysterics an hour earlier had softened into an exhausted silence.
“Feeling better?” It was Junta who broke the silence, pushing Takaki's bangs away from his eyes, looking at the JUMP boy with concern.
Takaki sniffled, wiping his eyes before nodding. “Yeah...” He croaked, settling back against Akito. “I..th-thanks...”
Laughing softly, Akito squeezed his arms around him. “Heh! It's what we do, stupid.” The reply was quiet but still as cheerful as ever and Junta was relieved to see Takaki smiling again.
“Not stupid...” Takaki tone was nearly protesting except that he was snuggling back against Akito, like a puppy cuddling against their favorite person.
“No, not stupid.” Junta shot his bandmate a look over Takaki's head, one that Akito merely rolled his eyes at. “So we're okay~?”
Takaki smiled, nodding, even though his eyes were closing. “Yeah...It's okay..”
This news had Junta sighing in relief. An hour and a half of a screaming, violent Takaki Yuya was like trying to deal with an angry hamster while being trapped in a crate that was studded with spikes. Somehow they managed to get through it unscathed every time and Junta was nearly positive that Akito seemed to enjoy it too.
“Now.” Smiling gently, Junta spoke up again. “You just need to stop listening about what they about you.” He stroked Takaki's cheek. “Okay? They're just bitter because you shine so much.”
“Sap.” Akito held Takaki like a teddy bear. “It sounds like you're saying the reason they don't like him is because he's...a girl.”
“That is not what I meant.” There was an eyeroll and a snort. “Stop arguing with me.”
“It's fun though!” Akito and Takaki chorused at once, both wearing the same dorky grin.
“Huuuush!” Junta flapped a hand at them, though he couldn't help but smile.
Takaki reached out, tugging Junta so he could be sandwiched between the two of them. “You two are the best~” He whispered before letting out a huge yawn.
“Looks like baby Yuuyan needs a naaap~” Akito cooed, which earned him a swift whack to the head (Junta) and a jab to his ribs (Takaki). “Hey, this abuse!”
Takaki rolled his eyes, settling down between the two of them. “I'm tired...”
Junta chuckled. “You think you're the only one?” A nap was sounding better and better.
Takaki gave them both a warm smile before closing his eyes, falling asleep in what felt like five minutes. It would have been impressive, except Akito had already beaten him to sleep. Junta wanted to know how Takaki could sleep so easily with the BAD boy snoring right in his ear.
Smiling, Junta brushed a hand through Takaki's hair. Takaki was high strung and difficult at times, struggling to adjust to any big changes, and extremely self conscious...but he was also the sweetest boy that Junta had ever met. If helping him along and keeping him happy meant wrestling with him and dealing with his outbursts...it was worth it. It was more then worth it to Junta and judging from the way Akito was hugging Takaki, he knew he felt the same.
A/N: 8D I really like this OT3.