Title: Kisses of a special sort
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Nakajima Yuto X Yamada Ryousuke
Rating: G
Summary: Set way back during Yamada's birthday, Yuto's just trying to make it a little more special.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Cheesecheesecheese
A/N: Beta'd by
shimizumiki ♥
Drabble written for
springdrop ♥
There was something so clichéd about midnight kisses that one couldn't help but love them anyway. Birthday kisses were also something that were oh-so-overdone, but they still managed to be special. Putting them together promised cavity inducing fluff.
All the same, Yamada wasn't exactly sure what to think when he woke up with soft lips against his. Instinct kicked in quickly though and whoever it was ended up curled on the floor, groaning in pain.
“Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?” Yamada demanded, peering over the bed as he groped around for some sort of weapon. The first thing his hand encountered was his hairbrush and he snatched it up, waiting to see if he needed to defend himself.
There didn't seem to be much need though. The figure was still curled up on the floor, muttering. “Yama-chan's stronger then he looks...He kicks really well...”
“Yuto?” Yamada hissed in surprise.
“Who else?” Yuto sounded so plaintive as he gingerly sat up. “I really hope you weren't expecting anyone else to kiss you on your birthday...”
“Aish, you startled me!” Yamada stuck his hand out and helped the other back onto the bed. “What're you doing here again?”
It was too dark, but Yamada could practically feel Yuto blush.
“Well....it's your birthday now....Midnight, yanno?” Yuto mumbled, embarrassed. “I wanted to be the first thing you woke up to...”
Yamada felt a slow, smug smile spread over his face as he snuggled onto the other's lap. “You're so sweet, Yuto...” He kissed the boy on the cheek and added. “However, I'd rather wake up to you in.....well, daylight.”
A/N: The amount of cheese I can write in a drabble sort of amazes me. >> I dunno what I think about it. But they're so cute. )8 It was hard to resist.