Title: Always there for you.
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Miura Haruma X Sato Takeru X Takaki Yuya
Rating: PG
Summary: ...God, it's a drabble, wtf do I even put here? D8? "Takaki is needy and Takeru is under the impression he actually has a say in their relationship." ← So says
hikarinonijiDisclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: None.
A/N: Beta'd by
hotfruits ♥
The bloody OT3 resurfaces. 8)!
Huffing, Yuya flopped over on top of Takeru, smiling without his usual cheer. The other man grunted, though Takaki weighed near nothing, to be honest. "Elbow," Haruma mumbled at Takeru's side and Yuya shifted, snuggling his head down on Takeru's chest.
"So needy." Takeru smiled softly, petting Yuya's soft locks, his other arm propped under his head. "What's up, Yuu?"
Takaki pouted, moving to drop a quick kiss on both of their cheeks. "We'll be touring soon... well, not soon. But soon enough," He mumbled, hiding his face in Takeru's shirt.
Haruma laughed, moving to drape an arm over them both. "And?"
"I won't... get to see you two." Yuya's voice was muffled but Takeru couldn't help but inwardly go 'awww' at how mournful he sounded.
Haruma actually did go 'awww' aloud, scooting even closer, covering Yuya's hair with kisses. "Silly. We'll still be here for you."
"Yeah~" Takeru murmured, moving so Yuya would raise his head. "Always."
Yuya beamed at both of them, his pout vanishing. "Promise?"
"Promise," Haruma confirmed. "Who knows, maybe we can webcam."
"I'm keeping my clothes on." Takeru thought it best to throw that out now rather then later. Both his boyfriends gave him a look that said 'that's what YOU think!'.
A/N: So I found this in my drafts folder... Totally do not remember ever writing it. At first I thought it was
hotfruits but she says it is mine so apparently it is. Oops?