Title: Heartbeats and teartracks
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Nakajima Yuto X Yamada Ryousuke / Okamoto Keito X Yamada Ryousuke
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yamada's fallen in love with his boyfriend's best friend. In the end, everyone gets hurt.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: Horridly dramatic angst, implied suicide attempt.
A/N: Beta'd by
hotfruits ♥
Inspired by
this from the JUMP anon
ficmeme. Nonlinear timeline.
Ryousuke collapsed on the cold hospital floor, tears slipping helplessly down his face. “No... Y-yuto, you wouldn't have. You couldn't have.”
He couldn't breathe. Inhale, exhale, sharp, painful, and somehow it still felt like he wasn't getting oxygen.
Activity swirled around him and he could feel Keito's hands on his arm, trying to pull him up, maybe whispering that things were going to be okay.
“No!” Ryousuke screamed, jerking away, scrambling to his feet, eyes wild, tears making glistening tracks down his cheeks. He screamed again, lashing out at Keito, at anything, just trying to get away from the feelings, the guilt. “It wasn't.. It wasn't supposed to be like this!!!”
Orderlies converged on him as he began to sob inconsolably, sound-tracked by the beeping of machinery around Yuto's bed.
Yuto tucked a lock of hair away from Ryousuke's eyes, smiling down at him. “You're beautiful, you know?”
Laughing, his eyes crinkling as he fought a blush, Ryousuke nodded. “So you tell me~.”
Strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. “I say it because I mean it... and I love you.” Yuto leaned down, dropping a kiss on Ryousuke's nose.
Ryousuke's eyes softened. “I love you too.”
As Yuto nuzzled into his hair, he murmured. “I want to spend a lifetime with you.”
It brought another laugh from Ryousuke. “Sure, why not?” He replied cheekily. “I've put up with you for the past three years... What's another century to that?”
It was the first time Yuto saw them kiss and it felt as if someone had kneed him in the gut.
Unseen, he stared as Keito's arms loosely wrapped around Ryousuke's waist. Watched as Ryousuke curled his finger's into Keito's hair. And felt his heart shatter as he looked at his boyfriend and best friend share a second kiss.
But... Ryousuke, I love you.
“Ryo-chan!” Yuto waved excitedly. “This is Keito! We used to be best friends as kids, but they were living in England for a while and now he and his dad have moved back and we're going to form a band one day and--”
“Yuto, you've told me a million times already!” Ryousuke laughed as he gave Yuto a quick hug before turning to Keito. “I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you.”
Keito's smile was gentle and charming. “I could say the same of you.”
Shaking his head gently, Keito slowly pushed Ryousuke away. “We can't...”
Ryousuke flushed, staring down at his feet. “But...”
“I love you,” Keito said finally, cupping his cheeks, caressing them gently. “But we can't do this. Not with Yuto, you know that.”
“I know,” Ryousuke scuffed his feet on the floor. “I... I don't know how to tell him, Keito. He still means a lot.” he mumbled at the floor.
He was afraid, afraid of telling Yuto to let go and afraid of letting go himself. Even if he knew Keito would be there, waiting for him.
“Isn't he awesome?” Yuto sighed happily, watching as Yamada ran back out onto the soccer field.
“You're such a lovesick puppy,” Keito laughed, elbowing him lightly.
Chuckling, Yuto shifted away, eyes still trained on Ryousuke. “I suppose that's true... but really, how could you not love him?”
Keito just shook his head, turning back to the practice, gazing out over the field, watching Ryousuke too. “Whatever you say, Yuto.”
“I'm sorry.”
Yuto swallowed, trying to get Ryousuke to look at him again but the boy was stubbornly staring at his sneakers.
Somehow, by some miracle (more like a curse, wanting to break him open), he smiled. “As long as you're happy, Ryousuke...”
Ryousuke blushed as Keito helped him up off the floor, brushing him off from where he'd fallen. It was such a gentlemanly thing. “Thanks...”
Keito just gave him that shy, attractive smile. “I'm just glad you're okay.”
Ryousuke blushed a little deeper, nodding. “I... uh... do you want a drink?”
With a smile, Keito shook his head, letting go. Ryousuke bit his lip to stop the protest from bursting out. “Sorry, but Dad wants me home early.”
Watching him walk away, Ryousuke willed his heart to slow down to a normal rate.
“Keito, I don't think we should... be.”
Smiling sadly, Keito tried to touch Ryousuke's cheek, hand dropping down to his side when the boy flinched away. “Ryousuke.”
“No. No.” Ryousuke stepped away, shaking his head, tears coming to his eyes again. “I was stupid. Stupid and selfish and Yuto got hurt... and you did too. I'm sorry.” He was crying as he spoke. “I'm so sorry, Keito.”
“No.” Ryousuke turned away, trying to wipe the tears away. “God no, I can't do this, Keito...”
There was nothing to do but watch as Ryousuke slipped through his fingers, running away from them all.
Ryousuke collapsed on the cold hospital floor, tears slipping helplessly down his face. “No... Y-yuto, you wouldn't have. You couldn't have.”
He couldn't breathe. Inhale, exhale, sharp, painful, and somehow it still felt like he wasn't getting oxygen.
Activity swirled around him and he could feel Keito's hands on his arm, trying to pull him up, maybe whispering that things were going to be okay.
“No!” Ryousuke screamed, jerking away, scrambling to his feet, eyes wild, tears making glistening tracks down his cheeks. He screamed again, lashing out at Keito, at anything, just trying to get away from the feelings, the guilt. “It wasn't.. It wasn't supposed to be like this!!!”
Orderlies converged on him as he began to sob inconsolably, sound-tracked by the beeping of machinery around Yuto's bed.
A/N: ... Definitely more dramatic than I was expecting, but I suppose that's what you get for writing at midnight or something.