Title: Itty Bitty Moments
Info: Keito/Yasui
98w; G - Written randomly for
hikarinoniji at the
JE Wish Meme. Mostly just an excuse to write the two of them because apparently they've been friends for four years. No idea if they're really like this, though. 8D;;
Keito slung a friendly arm over Yasui's shoulder. "Nice to see you haven't forgotten me now that you have Yama-chan's number."
Yasui narrowed his eyes, a quick elbow to the other's stomach (without any real force though). "Stupid."
Laughing, Keito tugged Yasui along, grabbing the other's bag and sling it over his shoulder with his own. "How about dinner then? It's been a while."
"Are you paying?" Chuckling softly, Yasui rolled his eyes, tilting his head so he could eye Keito. "What're you doing here anyway?"
Keito just smiled, almost shyly, shrugging. "It really has been a while."