Title: Grown Up
crazy_otaku911Pairing: Nikaido/Yamamoto
Rating: G
Summary: Being old enough doesn't mean you have to be grown up.
Disclaimer: This work is purely fiction.
Warnings: ... Nikaido says the word 'ass' 8D
A/N: Inspired by the most recent Takichan with Nika, as well as the SC clip of YamaRyo and Nikaido playing kendama with Takki, Pi, and Jimmy when they were TINY.
Arms wrapped around him from behind and Nikaido felt a mischievous smile press into his shoulder. “Having fun?” he asked, grinning as he glanced back, spotting honey blond hair.
Yamamoto propped his chin up on Nikaido’s shoulder, chuckling. “Not as much as you seem to be having. Kid games are fun, ne? Though I remember you used to act more excited when you won.”
Nikaido laughed, tugging away so he could turn around and face the other, leaning against the wall. “I’ll leave the ridiculous victory dances to you.”
Flashing him a brighter smile, Yamamoto wagged his butt a little. “We could always have another face-off so I could beat you.”
“Playing kendama?” Nikaido scoffed. “Why ever? I’d rather try to pop balloons with our asses.”
Yamamoto threw his head back, his laughter warm and bubbly. “Why not, I’m up for it.”
Smiling wryly, Nikaido shook his head. “Maybe we should just stick to basketball.”
“We should?” Yamamoto cocked his head to the side, eyes sparkling. “We haven’t grown up that much, have we?”
There was a small pause and then Nikaido moved, picking up the small toy. “Think you can still beat me, huh?”
“Any day,” Yamamoto grinned, scampering after him. “Any day.”