I most definitely do care about you. I think it's really sad that people take time to think up these ways of being bastards to you, well not exactly think since if they were doing that in the first place, perhaps they wouldn't be making such asses out of themselves. They've no right to act like this. Friends-only might be the way to go if you do want to keep using the journal. I sort of think it might be good to give yourself an outlet, but away from the unfair scrutiny of stupid, mean people, whether it's a friends-only lj or a regular paper journal or whatever. But anyway, I do care about you and I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
i know i haven't commented much on this whole situation, but that doesn't mean i haven't been reading. i HAVE been reading...i've just been silent until now because i try not to get involved in "LJ drama" much these days (believe me, i've learned from past incidents), plus i didn't think it was my business to say anything about your situation or get involved. i just think it's horrible how some people can be so fucking rude, ignorant, & stupid...i mean, how the hell can someone call judgements on a situation they weren't even involved in & essentially know nothing about? it's depressing. don't these idiots have anything more constructive to do with their lives
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i wish i had money so i could fly over there and give you a hug :'( if i did i honestly would. and chill w/ you for a week. damn people. stab them. i care. i wish i could convey a bit more how i care. :'(
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& believe me, I care.
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