Title: A Well Respected Man (Chapter 1 - Unwind)
ar_poe Rating: PG
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Summary: Spoilers for 'The Big Game' and 'Revelations.' What happened during Dr. Reid's group therapy and throughout his recovery.
A/N: Alright, well, this is my first fic... Hope you enjoy, and review it afterward, but please, be gentle ;) I'm thinking that this may be just a short couple of chapters, but if I get enough positive feedback, perhaps I'll keep it going. :)
Oh, and, thanks to Hanna for being a beta reader!
Warning: Spoilers for 'The Big Game' and 'Revelations.'
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds, no matter how I scream and cry.
Chapter 1
“So, uhm.. Hi.. I'm Spencer...” Reid said as he gave an awkward wave and polite smile, his eyes shifting to every face in the room. Reid shifted his weight from one leg to the other and cleared his throat.
“What are ya addicted to?” A man called out from the crowd, putting Reid on the spot.
“Uh, I'm.. recovering from an addiction to Dilaudid...” Reid tried to sound polite and formal, but he was becoming increasingly nervous as he placed his hands on either side of the podium. At that time, Reid's phone started vibrating. He pulled it out nervously, silenced it, and slid it back into his pocket, giving an innocent smile to the crowd and mumbling something that sounded like, “sorry 'bout that.”
“Why don't you tell us how it all started, can you do that for us? Or would you rather wait?” The group sponsor spoke up from the back of the room, giving her encouraging smile. Reid nodded mindlessly for a brief moment, licking his lips, and keeping himself balanced on the podium. He wasn't sure he was ready for this, but he knew the sooner he completed his assigned therapy, the sooner he could get back to work.
“I uh,” Reid began and paused, trying to find the words in his brilliant mind, “the team and I, the Behavioral Analysis Unit, were down in Georgia for a case...” Reid began to explain as his attention focused itself elsewhere, to that secluded cabin in the middle of the woods, tied to his chair in front of a video camera.
“We were investigating a man who had committed a series of murders, and called himself Raphael when calling 911. We found a man named Tobias, who fit our profile, and my teammate JJ and I went to his home to talk to him. We heard something out back, so JJ and I split up. She took the side of the cabin, I went around back...” Reid's eyes glazed over as he looked at nothing in particular, his heartbeat quickening with every word.
“Tobias, well his father, he had multiple personalities, ended up knocking me out in the field and taking me hostage. When Tobias would visit, he'd give me doses of Dilaudid to help with the pain and torture his father and Raphael, his other personality, would put me through.” Reid began fidgeting with his hands, twisting them into various shapes.
“I didn't want it at first,” he began again, almost pleading, “but I got to where I wouldn't resist, I couldn't... And when my team found me, and after I shot him to survive, I took his remaining phials out of his pocket...”
The nodding of a few heads in the crowd in front of him caught his attention, and he relaxed a little bit, noticing the understanding and emotion in the sets of eyes before him. Maybe this won't be too bad, Reid though, everyone here is in the same type of work, they'll be understanding...
“Thank you, Spencer.” The sponsor said with her calming smile, her deep red lips curling up on the sides and melting whatever uneasiness was left in him. Reid nodded and made his off of the tiny platform and found his seat among the crowd. The man beside him, an older man with tired features and graying hair, held his hand out from his crossed arms. “I'm Jeremy, I work for the FBI as well.”
Reid nodded his head and took his hand. Yeah, this wouldn't be too bad.
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