Title: Home Furnishings (1/1)
ar_poePairing/Characters: Morgan/Reid
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Derek buys a new two-person recliner.
Warnings: Very slight slash, it's all fluff. Established Morgan/Reid relationship.
A/N: Another short little oneshot for Miss Hanna. Enjoy! :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.
Home Furnishings (1/1)
Spencer stood in the doorway of his and Derek's living room, arms crossed over his chest with an eyebrow raised, an incredulous look stamped across his features.
Derek was having just too much fun with this.
“Oh, come on, babe. This thing is amazing!” Derek whined, tossing himself into the large two-person recliner and throwing his arms and legs about to lounge over the entire chair. Derek grinned then and widened his eyes, trying his hand at... whatever it was that Spencer usually does with his gorgeous eyes, and outstretching his hands and wiggling his fingers, motioning for Spencer to come forth.
Spencer rolled his eyes at his lover's child-like mannerisms and finally sat down next to Derek in the huge recliner, examining its upholstery and hidden pockets. In a matter of second, Derek had shifted and reached an arm across Spencer to grab the wooden lever on the side, sending them shooting back and causing a panicked gasp from Spencer.
Spencer finally caught his breath and took in a gulp of air as Derek chuckled. “You're too easily amused.” Spencer said, grimacing underneath Derek as they laid completely vertical, images of the recliner toppling over under their weight flashing through his head.
“You love it.” Derek answer with a smirk and winked.
Spencer's lips pursed then into his innocent and breath taking smile, “I do.” He answered and planted a small kiss on Derek's lips, eyes widening to five times their normal size when the recliner uneasily tipped for just a second.
Derek's eyes glistened. “What are ya gonna do if this thing does tip, Spence, and you're pinned under me...?”
Spencer rolled his eyes and gave his own smirk. “Scream and cry.”