More on the log of funny things I experience with DL and Princess Pea. Again this for them, kind of like an online baby book. Since I am more likely to post things than dig out their actual books and log it on paper.
With that said here is what I have experienced in March with the kids.
While helping me with the laundry DL noticed I left something downstairs:
"Mommy! You need your boobies. You left your boobies. Put them upstairs, now downstairs!"
It seems I forgot my bra on the couch.
Recently DL received a tape measure. Since then he has been obsessed with counting numbers and measuring things. The other night while tucking him in he tells me:
"I love you 15 (inches) mommy."
"Oh that's a lot. How much do you love daddy?"
"hummm. 18."
"wow, more than mommy huh? And Princess Pea?"
"25! She's little and needs more."
Last month when Drama Llama was sick I had given him my big F-ing Pot (or BFP) to puke in, in case he couldn't get up and get to the bathroom in time.
Well this month my thought came true. I was making baked potato soup and DL looked up at the stove:
"No mommy! We can't eat that! It's in the puke pot! We get sick!"
We had a class assignment for DL's cousin Ellie of a 2D version of her we were supposed to take on a little trip and record her journey. One thing DL and I did with her was make her paper costumes so she could play dress up with DL. Sad part is when we had to mail her back to CN DL lost it:
crying "No mommy you can't send her back! Who will I play dress up with? She's my best friend"
Damn near made me cry
While trying to decided what we were having for dinner DL made this suggestion:
"Ice Cream"
"no. We need to eat more than just ice cream DL"
thinks for a min "Ok, fine a Kiwi. You say we need to eat green things. THEN ice cream"
I laughed at that one. "Ok. That will work"
thinks again "And two bagel dogs. Two bagel dogs, a kiwi and ice cream" in the "that's my final offer tone
smirking "fine honey if you insist."
Some how I think he lost that negotiation for just ice cream for dinner.
One of our favourite restaurants near us has a fountain out front and DL likes to make wishes and throw a penny in. The morning after dinner he wakes up grumpy and mopes downstairs:
"what's wrong honey?"
"I not a super hero"
"I threw a penny. I made a wish. I not a super hero MOMMY!" very upset
"ahhhh. well it might take a while"
perks up "how long? by lunch"
I had to smile, sadly I had no explanation for this one.
On an amusing note, CJL messed up one night and didn't pay attention when he got DL dressed for bed. He accidentally put DL in a pair of Princess Pea pants. Yeah that's what I said, her 12 month long pants where like shorts on him. I had to laugh at CJL and ask him what made him think they were DL's pants:
"well they weren't pink, they were red"
"honey, there's a ruffle on the butt!"
"so? besides, he likes them. It's too late to change him now"
If DL becomes a cross dresser I am reminding CJL of this moment. Not that I would complain mind you, I just find this whole thing funny as hell.
My son, is super proud! his accomplishment for the month:
"mommy, mommy come quick! LOOK! I pee like daddy!"
yep, standing up and he didn't even miss the toilet.
The measuring tape came back out to haunt us again. DL was measuring body parts: hands, feet, legs, arms, stomach and yes his penis. Can't wait to bring that one up later on in his life.
Love the fact that he can't quite say Despicable ME. It comes out sounding like Spankable me. Gets me to giggle every time.
The other morning I am playing on the floor with Princess when DL comes over and starts rolling around with us. Before I know it I am under attack. DL starts motor boating me and yells to Pea "GET MOMMY". So I am laughing hysterically on the floor while both my kids motor boat my chest. Needless to say I seriously needed a towel after that. It was like getting licked to death my a saint bernard.
Oh and were are fighting now. 3 1/2 year old bossing around an 8 month old and she isn't going to take it. In fact she is going to be defiant right to his face and then yell at him when he rats her out to me. One thing is for sure, that little girl ain't getting away with ANYTHING if her brother is around.