hourglass_days is looking for new players!!
here is our
Taken list:
abigaildaddiehortonandrew_donovanavabradybilliereedbradyboclassyejcolorfulchelsea divanicoledougieleclair dougwilliams eric_bradyy faithfulmia habrady hourglass_npc josh_kellyy lovelylillian lucas_horton maxvschad mimi_lockhart_xohaidan rachel_laheyrexbrady salemgang samanthabrady sarah_horton Players like Belle, Shawn, Kate, Austin, Carrie, Roman, Marlena, Steve, Kayla, Abe, Lexie, etc etc are needed! Please join!
We make our own storylines and do not follow those on the show. Feel free to take a look at the community!