My day started off very slowly. let's see, i woke up and called rhi to see if we still had plans to go to 3rd street. When that was cancelled, i was left with nothing to do but surf the internet and be alone in the house, which is definitely not what i had planned to do.
I had some reading to finish, but of course i didn't want to do's my 4 day weekend!(which is sadly coming to an end)
i eventually decided to get out of the house, after about 2 hours of doing absolutely nothing. After getting dressed and packing stuff(i.e. my cd player, book, and money) i ventured off to carlson park and settled at a green bench/table. From that time until about 30 minutes ago i sat in the park just reading and listening to music, which to tell you the truth was wonderful. I haven't been able to actually relax or read or do nothing like that in a long time.
Just sitting in the park for about 2 hours was definitely what i needed to clear my mind as well as get my reading assignment finished. It really changed my mood from what it was before (tired, lazy, and a bit dissapointed that i could not go to 3rd st.) to what it is now (cheerful, cold, and extremely happy) which is a good thing.
Let's just say i'm enjoying today, even if it is being spent by myself. Tonight is my parent's anniversary, and we'll be going down to the beach to take a nice long stroll and watch the sun go down. I love watching the sunset.
okay, i promise you i'm done raving about my lovely day. i hope yours(whoever you are) was as enjoyable as mine was/is.