Hey all, posting this here b/c my personal journal is f-locked.
So if it's not been completely obvious, RL is moving at the speed of sound lately, it feels like. Job-hunting is practically more exhausting than having a job, and after all that work I have a part-time job at Walmart. Whoopie. Here's the quick & dirty version of everything else:
I’m seriously looking at getting 2 part-time jobs within the next 2 weeks, because I can’t seem to get one full-time position. (Three jobs if you count dog-walking, because I do get paid for that.) I can only imagine what that will do to my RP schedule, on top of still living under my parents’ roof until January 2012. January is my deadline to move out, for many reasons - I roll off my parents' healthcare (upon age 26), the situation with my cats, plus this Grants for Grads thing. Being an adult-child under their roof has been getting more and more strenuous lately too.
Thus, I need to save up as much as humanly possible before then if I'm going to have any hope of moving out on that deadline. If that means getting 2 jobs, then so be it.
The longer versions can be found in
these couple of plurks. With that said, here are my staggered RP plans:
Edensphere: I don't know if I can make it the last 3 months in Edensphere, but I do know who I want to go last, and that's of course Smoke. Yet I can’t focus on him as is.
So, of the two girls right now, Rauxes has the best shot of at least having a meaningful death, by way of supporting another character’s endgame goals. What I mean is, I'd like to approach moderation & see if they can't provide a way for Rauxes to die, but in doing so give something to Tian's little rebellion. It's becoming way too apparent that my involvement with that plotline would be strained at best, and I'm done fretting about that issue. Void too will go before Smoke, and I'm seriously debating if I want to jumpstart her again, or just let her go now.
Maybe if I only have Smoke to think about from now until October, I'll actually participate in events, & read the f-list, & make RP-ing him fun again while he's still around. He has the most stock in the game at this point, and again I may not last until Endgame, but at least he'll be active while I still have the chance.
Amatomnes: I'm going to commit to making AC this month on my own merit. However, if I get that 2nd job, Abby is getting forest'ed at the start of the month to give me time to adapt. The game just moves way too fast for me to do otherwise.
If I last in Edensphere until their Endgame plots (September-October), I may very likely take a long hiatus to absorb that time-suck, but also to canon-update Abby like I've been planning to for awhile.
Once Edensphere ends, that will allow me to seriously re-evaluate my time allocation on RP. However, the second re-evaluation will come around the December-January timeframe, and not even due to the holidays. I'll either be getting more serious about house-hunting, or hopefully closing a deal and a loan.
If at any point I do decide to cut Abby loose, I would love to plot out a way for her to go out with a bang. She isn't the type who'd go quietly, and I've enjoyed my CR in the game far too much to let her just slip away in the night without a note or a chance to make an impact on the game.
Vatheon: This is mainly just a formal notice about my shift in hours that I'll be available; I know I've been trying to plot intensely with a lot of people lately, especially in the wee hours of the morning. As much as I hate it, my RP time will probably get relegated to mornings now. (How sad is it I'm thinking of this in Persona game terms?) And of course if I get a 2nd part-time job, then it might be in the middle of the day and very late at night before bed. Basically, I probably won't be on AIM very much anymore, but will continue to check my e-mail and PMs. Just blasting out a public comment on a plurk? Probably won't see that anymore, sorry. :(
With any luck, all of the above plans will mean my guys being more active, and absolutely no more new characters from me unless things take a miraculous turn around January or February. As above, I may end up with one or more characters on hiatus around October. However, after that, things open up as far as RP goes, and Vatheon will become my new home game.
For everyone: until I get all of this sorted out, all I can ask for is some patience and the occasional heads-up. If there's something you really, really want a character of mine to notice, please shoot me a PM on plurk or LJ, or an e-mail. I'll try to set up notifs for my most important CR (new posts in journals, maybe logs too), but a quick hello & link would be fabulous.