Words are Funny

Aug 14, 2010 23:29

For my Grandfather's first birthday dinner I made Chicken Marengo, a family favorite and Napolean's lucky battle meal. I used my Dad's recipe for drop noodles and when he came over he said "Why do you have a bowl of ice next the stove ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

theotherjay August 15 2010, 04:03:47 UTC
An iced-tea spoon is a specialized implement? You can't just use a regular tea spoon for iced tea?


poettrees August 15 2010, 04:06:36 UTC
They are the spoons with the really long handle, just so you know for future reference should you come across a recipe involving an iced teaspoon. ;)


kharissa August 19 2010, 00:42:27 UTC
really? I thought they were dessert spoons. I mean, i never had any good reason to think thats what they're called, except that they're usually the kind served in sundaes. heh :-)


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