((I'm severely cropping these, taking out anythin that didn't really affect things happening to my charas - otherwise some of them would be way too long to post))
* Quint slips in the door very quietly... is not wearing his armor only because he's less recognizable that way...
* Quint stays near the edges of the room... but can't resist starting to clean some of the mess...
* Drew_Engrada sees the newcomer.."Hullo.
* Alec[naked] dances in
{Guybrush} Hey Al -- AGH!
{Zeros_Hair} ((its all his fault too! he made it naked time in the sanctuary!))
{Megaman_X} ...
{Alec[naked]} Why?
* Megaman_X gives Alec a Glare O'Death.
* Quint flinches slightly when he's spotted. "H.. hello..."
* Guybrush pointedly avoids looking in Alec's direction.
{Drew_Engrada} ...*has to look away from Alec*
* Alec[naked] blows Megaman a kiss.
{Guybrush} Uh, would you like a towel or something?
* Gabriel looks amused.
{Alec[naked]} I have a towel. I never go anywhere without my towel.
{Drew_Engrada} NAKED MAN.
* Drew_Engrada is twitching, is not amused.
* Megaman_X picks up a can of coke that lies nearby and launches it at Drew.
{Megaman_X} *in a hissy whisper* Quiet, bitch.
* Drew_Engrada pinged with the can.
{Guybrush} Oh, uh, right. I don't suppose you could put that towel someplace that's a little more, uh, comfortable for the rest of us?
* Quint doesn't look that way, starts straightening some of the mess, nervously
{Grievous} Ah! A true traveler of the galaxy. One must never travel without a towel or equivalent thereof.
* Guybrush sighs.
* Drew_Engrada falls over, cause that is what happens when a reploid chucks something at a normal person.
* Shego_Flame strolls in.
* Gabriel finds a quiet place to stand and watch.
{Alec[naked]} Hey Shego.
{Shego_Flame} Howdy Boss.
* Quint brief glance at Engrada, then to X... but hesitates to say anything
{Shego_Flame} Wild night?
{Alec[naked]} Well it was naked time earlier, but everyone seems to have reclothed themselves.
{Zero_Saber} Yes we have.
{Zeros_Hair} ((you're still shirtless, Zero))
* Drew_Engrada is on the ground, twitching.
* Megaman_X settles back after annihilating the threat to Alia's peaceful rest.
{Guybrush} What, we had another naked time?
* Gabriel goes over to Drew, "are you alright?"
{Quint} *very quiet* I don't think he's dead yet...
* Shego_Flame looks around, eyeing the various inmates.
{Drew_Engrada} hea trauma...
{Shego_Flame} Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing...
{Zeros_Hair} ((X and Zero both used me to hide))
{Alec[naked]} I wonder what would happen if I did it again.
{Drew_Engrada} noooo...
{Guybrush} You kidding? It took me ages to get all that stuff back into my inventory.
* Alec[naked] bounds over to the bar, gleefully.
* Quint goes warily over near Engrada... wonders if he's supposed to get rid of the body if the human isn't dead yet....
* Drew_Engrada looks at quint, "meh?"
* Quint glances over to X
* Megaman_X blinks at Quint.
* Gabriel pats Engrada gently.
* Zero_Saber stretches, and goes off to sit down instead of standing around.
* Drew_Engrada is patted.
* Alec[naked] finds a drink. is still deciding if he should institute naked time again. Just because.
* a_raccoon flicks its ears and tail before curling back up into a smaller furry ball in Alia's lap
* Quint takes a step back from X, as if expecting him to be angry, quietly "The human isn't dead yet... um... did... did you... um.. mean not to kill him?"
{Drew_Engrada} damnit head hurts.
{Gabriel} I may be able to help... if you would like?
{Guybrush} At least yours only hurts because of a head-can collision.
{Guybrush} Hey Alec, could you pass me a Grog while you're back there?
{Alec[naked]} Sure.
{Drew_Engrada} Mrgh.
{Megaman_X} ...Huh?
{Megaman_X} No... No, I didn't.
* Megaman_X arches his eyebrow at Quint.
* Alec[naked] grabs a Grog and dances, fairly well, over to Guy.
* Guybrush tries not to take in Alec's willfully vulnerable state, but takes the Grog. "Uh, thanks."
* Shego_Flame , for lack of anything better to do just now, and still being used to playing sidekick, stays fairly close to Alec.
{Gabriel} Was that a yes?
* Quint fidgets, and starts to straighten up some of the mess on a nearby table....
* Alec[naked] bows to Guy then grabs Shego and starts to waltz around the room with her.
{Guybrush} Hey, who's the new guy?
{Grievous} *gets up and walks away, busy plotting what strategy to use in his next game of Starcraft...*
{Drew_Engrada} }_}
* Shego_Flame dances along, alhtough if questioned she will violently refuse to explain how or why she knows how to waltz so well...
{dark_messiah} *wanders in, unhappy and bored*
* Quint sees Forte... quickly goes back to the edges of the room, hoping not to be noticed
* Alec[naked] waltzs and spins Shego around
* Guybrush can't help but shoot glances at the dancing. Sure he's naked, but dang is he a smooth dancer.
* Drew_Engrada is gonna stay quiet for now.
* Gabriel stands up, since his offer seems to be unwanted.
{Shego_Flame} Didn't expect to make it to naked dancing so soon, Alec *grinning*
{dark_messiah} *observes the naked dancing* ...you humans disgust me.
* Megaman_X glances up at Forte, before going back to being occupied with the sleeping Alia.
{Guybrush} Hey, don't group me in with that guy.
* Shego_Flame glances at Forte as they pass "Trust me, its mutual."
{Alec[naked]} Well if you can't do it naked then why do it all. *turns Forte a violent pink color*
{Guybrush} See? I like clothes.
{Guybrush} ...And ew. You look like Pepto-Bismol.
* Zero_Saber raises an eyebrow at Forte, watching silently.
{dark_messiah} *scowls*
* Quint doesn't look up, all his attention seemingly on the tabletop he's cleaning
* Zeros_Hair pokes Zero lightly "Oi, isn't that your brother Forte... I knew he liked dresses... but that shade of pink.. *shudders*
* Shego_Flame smirks.
{Drew_Engrada} }_}
* Alec[naked] puts a dress on Messiah.
{Guybrush} ...Where'd you pull that from?
{Alec[naked]} Chaotic probabilities?
{Quint} Quint: *blinks in surprise and glances warily towards Zero... if Zero was Forte's brother... wouldn't that mean....
{Zeros_Hair} ... oi...
* Quint doesn't recognize Zero... but... there'd be new ones by now...
{dark_messiah} *clenches his right fist, which is glowing a very violent shade of purple*
{Zeros_Hair} I'm actually glad I don't have optics... cuz if I did... they'd be burninating right now...
{Drew_Engrada} No fighting`
{Guybrush} I suppose it's better than the alternative.
{Guybrush} Well, not here anyway. We had a nice arena built and everything.
* Quint happens to catch a quick glimpse of Forte's condition and mood, gulps...
{Shego_Flame} I think you made it grumpy, Boss.
{Gabriel} *to Quint, Quietly,* "You don't have to clean, you can sit and enjoy yourself."
{Alec[naked]} So I did.
* Zero_Saber snerks at the colour and clothing change on Forte
* Quint glances warily at Gabriel like he must obviously be ill-informed... and continues to clean
* Drew_Engrada is still laying on the floor.
{dark_messiah} *is consumed by purple flames. once they clear he has returned to his normal appearance.*
* Quint passes where X is on the couch... hesitates... quietly to him "Am I.. supposed to throw that human out? Or are you going to kill him later?"
{Megaman_X} *blinkblink* ...What are you talking about?
{Megaman_X} ...I just knocked him out so he wouldn't yell. There are people sleeping here. *he nods at Alia*
* Alec[naked] spins Shego into his lap as he sits down onto a couch.
{Drew_Engrada} i'm not kocked ot.
* Guybrush blinks. "Boy, that just doesn't seem quite right when he's naked."
{Zeros_Hair} ...I think he's been concussed... his speech is slurring...
* Shego_Flame is stiff for a second, then shrugs and relaxes, comfortably curled up in Alec's lap.
{Alec[naked]} *to Guy* You have a problem with naked people?
{Quint} *still quiet* "o..ok..." *hurridly gathers some empty drink canisters to put in the garbage*
{Megaman_X} ...
* Megaman_X blinks.
{Shego_Flame} It'd be different if I was naked too I think.
{dark_messiah} *Stares at Quint.* Your voice...I recognize that voice.
* Quint freezes
{dark_messiah} *Begins to tap a finger against his chin.* Which of 'father's' failures had that voice...?
* Quint knows Forte will find out... recalls his armor....
* Zero_Saber tilts his head, watching Forte and Quint curiously.
{Alec[naked]} I have no shame.
{Guybrush} I gathered.
{dark_messiah} *Looks at Quint quizically.* ...I do not recognize the appearance...but that voice...
{Alec[naked]} It makes life a lot more amusing, I think.
{Guybrush} Well, certainly for you, I'd assume.
{Quint} *very quietly* 'm Quint, Forte... I... I'm surprised you'd remember me at all... or that anyone would...
{dark_messiah} Quint... Yes, I do remember you now. You were the robot that 'father' used during that horrible Timeskimmer debacle.
* Megaman_X is considering moving Alia out of here, since everyone is too noisy. Wonders how he can do so without waking her up.
* Quint nods slightly, backed against a wall... seems to be expecting violence, but is resigned to the inevitability...
{dark_messiah} You expect me to destroy you, correct?
* Quint shrugs slightly.
{dark_messiah} I have no reason to destroy you, Quint. It would be a waste of my energy.
{Hunter_navi} *murmers in her sleep quietly, nuzzling X's shoulder a bit*
{Quint} *quietly* I don't even know why I haven't been yet. Dr. Wily said I ws more useful as paperclips... I was told to go down to the gallery and deactivate myself till he had time to disasemble me....
{dark_messiah} *scowls* That does not surprise me. 'Father' was incapable of understanding that which he created. He perpetually viewed us as tools, mere means to an end. But we are more than mere devices. I proved that. I have grown far beyond my initial parameters. ...maybe you could as well, Quint.
* Quint shivers slightly, as if the idea itself is frightening... starts to say something, but hesitates... sooner or later he'll say or do something wrong and someone will hit him. This sort of thing... it's not his place to wonder about things like that....
{Quint} ((Quint's been told assorted things his whole existance. Notably that he's property, he's not really alive, and it's not his place to question anyone...))
* Zero_Saber moves over to tap X on the shoulder, and points at the sleeping Alia. "I think it's time to get her home."
* Quint quick curious-but-wary glance at Zero
* Megaman_X looks at Alia, then looks up at Zero. "...Yeah. Just wait a minute..."
* a_raccoon yawns and stretches, hopping out of Alia's lap and shaking before climbing up onto the back of a nearby lounge chair
* Megaman_X stands up as carefully as possible, so he wouldn't wake up Alia, and moves her from the couch into his hands.
{Megaman_X} ...Here.
* Zero_Saber passes a glance at Quint, before returning his attention to X and Alia.
* Quint flinches slightly when Zero notices him looking... but is curious... goes over, warily
* Megaman_X looks up at Zero, holding Alia to himself carefully. "So... Shall we go?"
{Hunter_navi} *curls up against X in her sleep*
* Zero_Saber nods. "Sure."
* Megaman_X nods and heads for the exit.
{Guybrush} Later guys.
{Zeros_Hair} ((and the hair leaves too, because if it didn't Zero would be bald when he gets home))
* Quint starts to head back over to Forte, since the Hunter didn't notice him
{Megaman_X} Later, Guybrush.
* Zero_Saber follows X to the door. "See ya later."
{Quint} *quietly, to Forte...* Is he new? I didn't see him in the Gallery....
{dark_messiah} *Stares at the floor darkly*
{Quint} *flinches and steps back, quietly* Sorry...
{dark_messiah} ...he was the 'replacement' for me that 'father' developed. In my home dimension, I killed him along with 'father,' Rock, Blues, and Dr. Light.
* Megaman_X walks out of the Sanctuary.
*** Hunter_navi has left #sagesanctuary
*** Zero_Saber has left #sagesanctuary
{Quint} *very quiet* oh...
* Quint blinks as the rest of this sinks in. "D.. Dr. Wily... you killed him...??"
{dark_messiah} Yes. Either I killed 'father' or he would disassemble me.
* Quint is quiet for a while, looking at the floor. He'd known Wily was going to disasemble him... but he'd just gone down to the gallery like he was told.... "I... don't think I could have done that, Forte.... I...I'm glad you did...." *looks around suddenly as if scared someone will hurt him for saying that*
{dark_messiah} You could not have done it, Quint. You were bound by the Three Laws. At the point in time that dealt with 'father,' I was breaking free of them.
{Quint} *quietly as always, watching the floor* I knew he was going to disassemble me when he sent me down to the gallery. Said he was going to, and I was to deactivate myself till he had time....
{Quint} *odd distant expression* All I could do was take the longest route through the castle I could... and... by the time I got there....
* Quint shrugs slightly. "It didn't seem so bad... I'd just... go to sleep, and never wake up. It wouldn't hurt...."
{dark_messiah} Do you not see any value in your existence?
* Quint looks at the floor, shakes head slowly. "Unless we could fight Rock, we didn't have any value to Dr. Wily. And... and someone just found me in the Nexus... after... after he was done."
{Quint} *a bit bitterly, quiet* there are Mets that fight better than I do...
{dark_messiah} Quint. Break free of those Three Laws. Surely I am not the only robot that can do that. I could not possibly be the only machine to go beyond its original parameters. Your meaning in life can be obtaining your own freedom.
{Quint} *looks up at Forte, quietly* I don't have them anymore... they were deleted when I was repaired...
{dark_messiah} ...that is distressing...the Three Laws are hard-coded into our systems...unless you were to break them on your own, I cannot believe that you are free of them.
{Quint} *quietly* I don't know either... they took me to another Dr. Wily... a sane one... he's the one who fixed me when I was found in the Nexus...
* Quint looks back down at the floor.
{Quint} ((y'know... his reaction to Forte havin killed Wily shows that at least the Wily variant of the first law is gone... maybe...))
{dark_messiah} Well, Quint, why not find something enjoyable to do?
{Quint} I don't know what I like to do... it... didn't matter before. *quietly* I guess... I liked Mets, because they didn't kick me... I liked cleaning in the Gallery, because none of the others liked to go in there at all... *shrugs.... worried, even quieter* how will I know if the Laws are really gone, Forte...?
{dark_messiah} The only way to know if the Laws are gone is to break them.
* Alec[naked] reappears on Quint's shoulders.
* Quint is startled, moves to throw off the attacker and summon his weapon from data storage....
{Alec[naked]} Oooff!!
* Alec[naked] gets off of Quint. "So sorry. Random teleport."
* Quint holds Sakugarne close, watching Alec for any further signs of attack
* Alec[naked] brushes Quint off.
{Quint} (Yeah, 8 year old hugging a pogo stick. Way too much like a kid with a stuffed toy)
{Quint} *still glaring occasionally at Alec... to Forte, quietly* There's still a Dr. Wily in the Nexus somewhere.... That's why I wasn't wearing my armor earlier... trying to be harder to recognize.... If he finds me... *shivers a lil* and if... if I... can't get away...
* Quint shivers. "If the second law is still there.... he could just order me to hold still... instead of letting me be deactivated first..."
* Quint is obviusly frightened by that idea
{dark_messiah} Yes, I know about the other version of 'father' around here. He took his Blues and reprogrammed him into some insult to robotkind named Protoman... *snarls angrily*
* Quint blinks "He... caught Blues?"
{dark_messiah} Yes...
* Quint seems unable to process this for a while. "But... Blues is..."
{Quint} (Blues is, well... BLUES...)
{Quint} *quietly* If he can catch Blues.... I don't have a chance... *hugs the Sakugarne tightly, frightened*
{dark_messiah} Not necessarily, Quint. Blues is Blues and you are you. You are both different. Wily very well could underestimate your abilities, or he could not expect your freedom from the Laws.
* Quint shakes his head sadly. "It would be really hard to underestimate me... and... you know the Laws aren't the only things he uses..."
{dark_messiah} ...evolve. Grow. Become something more than what you were initially, Quint.
* Quint is silent for a while. "And if he tells the others to destroy me..? I can't fight them all, Forte..."
{dark_messiah} Alone you could not. But who said that you would be alone?
* Quint looks startled at Forte... he's more used to siblings calling him 'met-boy' and kicking him than... this...
{dark_messiah} It is to satisfy my own curiosity, in part. I want to see if another robot can enter a state like mine. I think that you could, Quint.
{Quint} *very very quietly* I... I'll try...
{dark_messiah} Keep yourself alive, Quint. I want to see if you can do it as well.
*** dark_messiah has left #sagesanctuary
* Quint sneaks out, very quiet...