Stirring the remains again. Seeing the embers still among the ashes. Each glowing particle holds concentrated power. It's a power over me, like little doors. I want to open them. And I'm tempted to blow on them and give them oxygen, feed them flamible things. But what is going to burst from the glow? A phoenix? Another raging fire? I can't predict
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Comments 2
The thing about fires though. If you conduct a "controlled burn" (a fire on your own terms,) you can have the fire burn off stuff that is likely to catch fire uncontrollably later. Also, forests need fires. It actually does help the reproduction of the trees. The pine cones open up and the seeds are then free to drop into the soil. Also, it clears the weaker plants away so that something much more sustainable may grow.
And really, that's what I feel I have personally done. After your wildfire is completely out, you may feel the need to conduct a controlled burn in order to try to prevent another wildfire. Not saying it's a 100% solution, but at least you can get rid of those things that are most flammable.
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