malecrit &
narcissam: What poets do you have on your shelves? For the purposes of this list, they should be there by your choice (as opposed to being texts for courses, etc) and be either the collected or selected works of one single poet (anthologies and collections do not count, nor do Selections from Works which include, but do not consist exclusively of,
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Severus’ mouth is full of blood the first time they kiss, and she can feel the cold steel slice on his tongue. Its sharpness wrenches the moment into immediacy; without it she would have felt like she was in a Muggle movie, somehow removed, perhaps thirty years ago with the click click click of the reel sounding to one side of the screen. Black-and-white. He holds her exactly eleven inches from his body, his fingers pressed lightly onto her shoulders like he’s propping her up. The only warmth in their kiss is the warmth of blood; his open mouth is not inviting but simply allowingThe smell of sleeping draught clings to her clothes even when she emerges into the sun from the brewery, blinking her eyes in its warm gold even as she turns up her face towards it. “Are you coming, Severus?” She asks, standing at the top of the steps, the light diffusing her silhouette, her voice, her being ( ... )
Very very nice.
Oh. And Captain Lucius? Absolutely priceless, Xan, darling! ;)
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